[10 Nov 2011|08:52pm] |

Franz Hals (1622)
 Thomas Gainsborough 1750
Balthus 1908-2001 |
[11 Mar 2011|09:02pm] |
Inspired by jovialtarantism While dogs traditionally represent fidelity in paintings, and are often seen in pictures of newly weds, the cat represents the wanton lover, and often features in cautionary pictures, tavern scenes and pictures of women of ill repute.

Balthus had a life long fascination with cats (and young girls hitting puberty!) He produced a self portrait as a cat, and it is thought that the cats which frequent his paintings are self portraits, perhaps his way of sneaking into these forbidden worlds.
Jan Van Eyck-1434-The Marriage of Arnolfini |
[10 Mar 2011|11:27pm] |
I absolutely LOVE this painting. When couples were married they often had a painting done as we the wedding photo. The symbolism in this picture is just awesome. For one thing, there is a huge debate over the possible pregnancy of the woman. It appears that she is actually holding her dress up to represent hopeful fertility. This theme continues into the fruit on the floor and the entire fact that this was painted in a bedroom. Although, there is some belief that the cherries outside the window represent love while the orange are purity and The Garden of Eden.
They are dressed in lavish clothing with red bedding and a dog to show their status and wealth. Even the way their are positioned is symbolic. She stands closer to the bed and deeper into the room showing her as caretaker of the house and representing her womanly role even more clearly. The green of her dress is hope and rebirth (think spring) while her head covering is white (purity) and the bed clothes are red (sex). Absolutely everything in this painting is there for a reason! Even There is a carved figure of Saint Margaret, patron saint of pregnancy and childbirth, as a finial on the bedpost,. Saint Margaret was invoked to assist women in labor and to cure infertility
Finally, please note that there is only one candle lit. This comes from an old Flemish wedding tradition to evoke the eye of God.
Other cool facts here: Notice the small mirror in the background? Van Eyck actually painted himself into the painting in that mirror as a reflection! Some think this is another sign of the eye of God. Also, directly over this is the artist's signature, in a gorgeously central spot yet almost camouflaged.
Finally, this was actually painted with tempera on wood!
Spiffy, huh?!
There is even more symbolism in this piece that I am not listing and that I do not fully understand so I greatly encourage you to keep reading about and other of Van Eyck's works! Every time I run across this painting I discover a whole new layer of meaning!
Degas-1879 |
[08 Mar 2011|01:43pm] |
Edgar Degas was a painter of horses and ballerinas. As he grew older his vision began to fade until he finally went blind. When this began, Degas swtiched mediums from paint to statue. This is the form of a 14 year old ballerina that Degas encountered at one of the dance studios where he'd go for inspirations. There are many many castings of this statue but the original is still wearing the clothing of that actual ballerina. Note how it is no flawlessly smooth but imagine closing your eyes and touching it. Many of Degas statue do not look perfect to the human eye but have that accurate feel.
Madonna With The Serpant-Caravaggio-1606 |
[07 Mar 2011|12:19pm] |

Note that the Christ child is not shown as an angelic beacon of light, but as a mischevious child and Madonna is not a glowing form, but a tired mother. Caravaggio tended to paint religious scenes in the must grounded and sometimes grungy way they could be portrayed. Let us also not forget the symbolism of snakes throughout various religious texts!
Adrian Ghenie |
[08 Aug 2010|10:48am] |
 “Pie Fight Study 2” 2008 by Adrian Ghenie
Henri Julien Félix Rousseau 1844-1910 |
[05 Jun 2010|07:32pm] |
Carnival Evening

French outsider artist, self taught painter and tax collector by profession. Widely ridiculed in his lifetime, although he claimed to have learnt entirely from nature, he actually worked largely from prints and taxidermies, as well as taking advice from major artists of the period.
[20 May 2010|07:09pm] |
[17 Apr 2010|02:06pm] |

Internal Landscape Colette Calascione Oil on Wood (2003) 19" x 30"
[10 Apr 2010|01:37pm] |

Spears of Men; Trumpets of Angels 2 Paul Myhill 48" x 60" Acrylic on stretched canvas - 2001
[26 Mar 2010|06:38am] |
 Dance of a Tulip Oil painting on canvas 30 x 36 inches By Barbara Kennedy
Beatriz Milhazes b.1960 |
[02 Mar 2010|01:34pm] |

Brazilian Artist. "These paintings are formed by the atmosphere of my city - by the natural light, the sea, and the carnival!"
Ash Wednesday |
[17 Feb 2010|10:58pm] |
Carl Spitzweg 1808-1885 German Romantic Painter
Jorge Pardo |
[19 Jan 2010|02:25pm] |

Jorge Pardo is a contemporary Cuban artist. His art treads the line between installation and interior design, often creating functional spaces for the public.
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