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Journal created:
on 28 January 2007 (#12148160)
on 8 March 2013
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated

this community is

For those who love everything art nouveau / art nouveau inspired. ♥

View the LJ tags used in LOVE ART NOUVEAU.

guidelines for posting

  • any art nouveau / art nouveau inspired images, for example:
    • illustrations by Aubrey Beardsley
    • drawings you made that were inspired by art nouveau
    • pretty photographs that remind you of art nouveau aesthetics
    • lj icons based on art nouveau images (but please don't flood the community with these)
    • anything elegant and pretty, really-- that's what art nouveau was about :)
  • please use lj-cut for large/multiple images (minimum of one image, maximum of three images above the cut)
  • if you didn't draw/paint/make it, credit the artist please
  • information about the image (artist, year created, anecedotal info, how you got into art nouveau, etc.) is appreciated
  • advertising art-nouveau-related stuff (websites, products, etc.) is okay, but redundant advertising and/or unrelated advertising are not

guidelines for conduct

  • swear words (don't be excessive) are permitted; rudeness is not
  • remember, this is a place for appreciating art-- not for flaming
  • most importantly: enjoy!

other art nouveau sites

P.S. I know I know it's MISSPELLED, the correct spelling is art NOUVEAU and not NOVEAU, but I was ignorant when I created this community. Oh well. :)


история, религия, праздники

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