Limerick Tag Added
Mar. 17th, 2021 | 07:02 am
posted by:
glennagirl in
When you post a limerick,
please use the new tag in addition to your name.

please use the new tag in addition to your name.

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Valentine Day Art Event in the MFU Gallery
Jan. 11th, 2014 | 04:43 pm
posted by:
glennagirl in
Originally posted by
glennagirl at Valentine Day Art Event in the MFU Gallery
Artist Trading Cards
The link above is to the official site of the Artist Trading Card movement. ATC's are a miniature work of art that is traded, not sold, among artists and collectors. I've done a few, and in spite of my sometimes status as an artist, one of my favorite methods is the cut and paste technique that allows me to use the images of some of my favorite people. You know, Beatles, Men from UNCLE, etc...
In honor of the coming Valentine season, and in conjunction with the MFU Gallery, I'd like to propose an open invitation to make your own Artist Trading Card that features your favorite MFU character(s), embedded for all to see and featured in the Gallery.
ATC is a specific size... 2 ½ X 3 ½ inch or 64 X 89 mm. You can use anything for a background, such as scrapbooking paper, magazine clippings or original art (crayons are fine, everything is fine). Layer on whatever makes you happy and finish with the image that makes your heart sing. Trading can be arranged by the participants at their pleasure.
I hope to see many creative sparks flying in response to this event. Let's face it, our fascination with Napoleon and Illya rests as much on their physical beauty as the altruistic bent they show us in the heroism of the job. Now's your chance to indulge a little.
I am showing a few of my own, just to get things started.
First I had an image that I wanted to use, so copied it into a size that would fit the ATC dimensions. Next, I needed a background. In this instance I used a canvas, applied some paint in a random manner and then made a copy of it as well. I positioned the illustration where it seemed best, used my trusty glue stick and then glued the finished piece onto a pre-cut form that is the correct size for an ATC. I used a metallic marker to outline the figure and the border of the ATC.
Easy. I used original artwork on this, but that's just one option. You can see from the next example that I freely use photographs as well.

On this one I printed the photo of the Beatles on a paper that is partially transluscent, allowing the background to bleed through their images.
The background for this is from an Indian print, the foreground is a photo of a \ pillar. It's just layering the elements until you have what you want.
And of course... Romantic, mysterious, elusive...
And there you go. We can discuss it further if you like, ask questions and share the process. We'll post these works of art on Valentine's Day in
mfu_gallery . A change of pace from storytelling with words, we'll do it with pictures.
The link above is to the official site of the Artist Trading Card movement. ATC's are a miniature work of art that is traded, not sold, among artists and collectors. I've done a few, and in spite of my sometimes status as an artist, one of my favorite methods is the cut and paste technique that allows me to use the images of some of my favorite people. You know, Beatles, Men from UNCLE, etc...
In honor of the coming Valentine season, and in conjunction with the MFU Gallery, I'd like to propose an open invitation to make your own Artist Trading Card that features your favorite MFU character(s), embedded for all to see and featured in the Gallery.
ATC is a specific size... 2 ½ X 3 ½ inch or 64 X 89 mm. You can use anything for a background, such as scrapbooking paper, magazine clippings or original art (crayons are fine, everything is fine). Layer on whatever makes you happy and finish with the image that makes your heart sing. Trading can be arranged by the participants at their pleasure.
I hope to see many creative sparks flying in response to this event. Let's face it, our fascination with Napoleon and Illya rests as much on their physical beauty as the altruistic bent they show us in the heroism of the job. Now's your chance to indulge a little.
I am showing a few of my own, just to get things started.
First I had an image that I wanted to use, so copied it into a size that would fit the ATC dimensions. Next, I needed a background. In this instance I used a canvas, applied some paint in a random manner and then made a copy of it as well. I positioned the illustration where it seemed best, used my trusty glue stick and then glued the finished piece onto a pre-cut form that is the correct size for an ATC. I used a metallic marker to outline the figure and the border of the ATC.
Easy. I used original artwork on this, but that's just one option. You can see from the next example that I freely use photographs as well.

And there you go. We can discuss it further if you like, ask questions and share the process. We'll post these works of art on Valentine's Day in

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NEW Here
Jan. 10th, 2013 | 05:00 am
posted by:
iamcare in
I have become soooo interested in ATC cards in the past week.. I have NO idea how to go about exchanging..Who to I send to ? What should I Start with..Is there a certain amount of cards you send..Do they HAVE to be in plastic sleeves (I am POOR)But can MAKE the envelopes..I would just like some help..That is what made me come here... It sounds like a lot of fun and I would like to really see where this can go.. Thank you for any help.. CARE
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December ACEO Challenge
Dec. 15th, 2012 | 01:09 pm
posted by:
purpleponyart in
Hi peeps, long time, no post. This is my first time entering the ACEO Challenge! Usually I always miss these deadlines, but I squeaked in with a wintry caribou. Voting ends December 17th; please check out all the lovely ACEOs and vote for your favourite!
The caribou is snipped from semi-gloss heavyweight paper and glued to a card that has been painted with watercolours and acrylic.
The caribou is snipped from semi-gloss heavyweight paper and glued to a card that has been painted with watercolours and acrylic.
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More use of photos for ATC
Jan. 19th, 2012 | 08:22 pm
posted by:
glennagirl in
This a combination of media components. Behind the photograph, an interesting shot done with a fisheye lens, I have used colored pencils to create the background, then added mulberry paper and frayed the edges to create motion that catches the action of John and George walking. It was an exercise in composition as well as color.

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I like to cut and paste
Jan. 11th, 2012 | 12:05 pm
posted by:
glennagirl in
I do like that aspect of ATC. Not only is original art an expression for me, but the ability to insert favorite people and subjects by cutting and pasting photos and mixing with backgrounds that may or may not be original artwork. It is the expansiveness of the genre that keeps me coming back.
The one pictured here is inspired by the cult favorite series Sapphire & Steel. It is another David McCallum vehicle, and one of the strangest shows ever, but much loved for that quirkiness. This image of the two characters, caught in a sensual pose that leads them... not where we'd like. It's all about suggestion with these two.
I call it A Degree of Separation

I call it A Degree of Separation
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(no subject)
Oct. 7th, 2011 | 08:18 am
posted by:
winjimir in
Charity Auction with 100% of the proceeds being donated to the Susuan G. Komen fund
"It's all about the attitude"
Click on pic for details,

"It's all about the attitude"
Click on pic for details,