? ?

Btvs: Memories (G, Willow/Oz, Willow/Tara)
Faith; Briar Lives

Title: Memories

Author: Siren

Pairing: Willow/Oz, Willow/Tara

Rating: PG13

Summary: Willow cleans out her dorm room at the end of semester, and finds a box.

Word Count: 1133

Feedback: Always! :)

Distribution: My LJ and my site only.

Spoilers: Through the end of Season 4 of Btvs.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. It all belongs to Joss and a bunch of other people who are not now and have never been me.

Author's Notes: Next part in the ‘Timeless’ series, it takes place after ‘Away’.  Thanks to my new beta [info]hokeysmoke                  



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Path to Hell 8/?
Faith; Briar Lives

Title: The Path to Hell (is paved with good intentions) 8/?

Author: Siren

Pairing: Wesley/Fred, Willow/Spike/Angel

Rating: PG13

Summary: Faith, Spike, Angel and the Slayers try to find Willow before its too late.

Word Count: 2927

Feedback: Always! :)

Distribution: My LJ and my site only.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. It all belongs to Joss and a bunch of other people who are not now and have never been me.

Author's Notes: the latest part of rua1412 's prezzie!


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Path to Hell 7B/?
Faith; Briar Lives
Title: The Path to Hell (is paved with good intentions) 7A/?

Author: Siren

Pairing: Wesley/Fred, Willow/Spike/Angel

Rating: PG13

Summary: Faith finishes her story in time for an arrival

Word Count: 2696

Feedback: Always! :)

Distribution: My LJ and my site only.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. It all belongs to Joss and a bunch of other people who are not now and have never been me.

Author's Notes: the latest part of [info]rua1412 's prezzie!

This Chapter has been split into 2 parts, because it is too big for a single chapter. This is part 2.

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Path to Hell 7A/?
Faith; Briar Lives
Title: The Path to Hell (is paved with good intentions) 7A/?

Author: Siren

Pairing: Wesley/Fred, Willow/Spike/Angel

Rating: PG13

Summary: Faith tells a story.

Word Count: 3313

Feedback: Always! :)

Distribution: My LJ and my site only.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. It all belongs to Joss and a bunch of other people who are not now and have never been me.

Author's Notes: the latest part of [info]rua1412 's prezzie!

This Chapter has been split into 2 parts, because it is too big for a single chapter. This is part 1.

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Btvs: Path to Hell 6/?
Faith; Briar Lives

Title: The Path to Hell (is paved with good intentions) 6/?

Author: Siren

Pairing: Wesley/Fred, Willow/Spike/Angel

Rating: PG13

Summary: Angel broods, and Spike has a dream. 

Word Count: 2652

Feedback: Always! :)

Distribution: My LJ and my site only.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. It all belongs to Joss and a bunch of other people who are not now and have never been me.

Author's Notes: the latest part of [info]rua1412 's prezzie!

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Faith; Briar Lives

Title: Away 

Author: Siren

Pairing: Willow/Oz

Rating: PG13

Summary: post new moon rising, Oz thinks about Willow.

Word Count: 633

Feedback: Always! :)

Distribution: My LJ and my associated sites only.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. It all belongs to Joss and a bunch of other people who are not now and have never been me.

Author's Notes: Sequel to Moonlight, the third part in the Timeless series


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Path to Hell 4/?
Faith; Briar Lives

Title: Path to Hell 4/?

Author: Siren

Pairing: Willow/Spike/Angel

Rating: PG 13

Summary: Willow retaliates.

Warning: spoilers through the end of btvs and ats. 

Word Count: 2005

Feedback: Please.

Distribution: my comm, my lj.

Disclaimer: They are not now, nor have they ever been mine.

Author's Note: Written for the wonderful  [info]rua1412 , one of my favorite cheerleaders. ^-~

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Path to Hell 5/?
Faith; Briar Lives
Title: The Path to Hell (is paved with good intentions) 5/?

Author: Siren

Pairing: Wesley/Fred, Willow/Spike/Angel

Rating: PG13

Summary: Willow has a dream, Spike is stuck with Angel, and we find out what the rest of the gang's been up to..

Word Count: 2379

Feedback: Always! :)

Distribution: My LJ and my site only.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. It all belongs to Joss and a bunch of other people who are not now and have never been me.

Author's Notes: the latest part of [info]rua1412 's prezzie!

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Btvs: Moonlight
Faith; Briar Lives

Title: Moonlight

Author: Siren

Pairing: Willow/Oz

Rating: PG

Summary: *Set in Season 4 after Oz leaves* Willow sits alone at night, stares at the moon and her mind wanders. sequel to Splinter

Word Count: 648

Feedback: Always! :)

Distribution: My LJ and my site only.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. It all belongs to Joss and a bunch of other people who are not now and have never been me.

Author's Notes: So a while ago Gabriells gave me a prompt for reunion and I wrote a w/o fic. Either shortly before or after that, I wrote a ficlet from Oz's pov the day he leaves. This is Willow a little later, and is in the same 'verse. I'm dedicating it to Garbielle because without her, I probably wouldn't be posting it. :) Links to the previous fics can be found in my memories.

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Btvs: Path to Hell 3/?
Faith; Briar Lives

Title: Path to Hell 3/?

Author: Siren

Pairing: Willow/Spike/Angel

Rating: PG 13

Summary: Upon waking up, and exploring Willow makes a startling discovery.

Warning: spoilers through the end of btvs and ats. 

Word Count: 2362

Feedback: Please.

Distribution: my comm, my lj.

Disclaimer: They are not now, nor have they ever been mine.

Author's Note: Written for the wonderful  rua1412 .

Here.Collapse )            There was no time. She watched in seemingly slow motion, as one of the lizards took a long sharpened wooden spear and from at least 15-20 feet hurled it at Spike. She tried to call out, but there was no time. By the time her mouth was open, the wooden shaft had penetrated through the blonde vampire’s chest as Willow looked at him in horror, and he looked down in shock.</div>