Videos 39
Artists 39
Read 8
In the Studio
In the Studio: Fernando Palma Rodríguez
In the Studio
In the Studio: G. Peter Jemison
Big Question
How can art be a collective process?
In the Studio
En el Estudio: Berenice Olmedo
In the Studio
In the Studio: Michael Rakowitz
Michael Rakowitzuses everyday objects to render lost artifacts into ghostly new forms.
In the Studio
Harry Gould Harvey IV
Harry Gould Harvey IV intervenes in local ecologies to learn and make sustainable change.
In the Studio
Rose Salane
Original interview conducted by Samantha Ozer in January 2022, edited by Jurrell Lewis. Original photography by Elliott Jerome Brown Jr. for Art21. Additional photography courtesy of the artist and Carlos/Ishikawa Gallery. Published in June 2022.
Idea Generator
Liz Magor discusses how she approaches her sculptural practice, how we value objects, and her desire for a quiet studio.