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Arsenium - Arsenie Toderas - O-zone

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(no subject) [May. 11th, 2006|04:59 pm]
Arsenium - Arsenie Toderas - O-zone

hey, i guess everyone has seen the new Loca video.
i think it's pathetic. the song and the video. bet/mtv parody or something. he's not gonna win anything with this on eurovision. one more song/video like that and i'm otta his fanclub.
of course this is only my opinion.
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(no subject) [Apr. 2nd, 2006|03:36 am]
Arsenium - Arsenie Toderas - O-zone
go to right now or else i will go to your house and eat your face
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Arsenie on Neopets [Mar. 21st, 2006|08:48 pm]
Arsenium - Arsenie Toderas - O-zone

hey, do you think this neopets account belongs to a wannabe? :) ->
you don't meet guy pop singer wannabe very often... or is it real thing? :))))))
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(no subject) [Jan. 28th, 2006|05:44 am]
Arsenium - Arsenie Toderas - O-zone

FUNNY PICSCollapse )
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(no subject) [Jan. 28th, 2006|05:35 am]
Arsenium - Arsenie Toderas - O-zone

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Rar!!! [Jan. 5th, 2006|07:54 am]
Arsenium - Arsenie Toderas - O-zone

Is this community dead already? Anyway...I do love Arsenie, he's hot as hell. yea, that's it.
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Dan's with glasses... [Jan. 3rd, 2006|03:42 pm]
Arsenium - Arsenie Toderas - O-zone
[mood |fullfull]
[music |Holiday (Green Day)]

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(no subject) [Dec. 27th, 2005|09:02 pm]
Arsenium - Arsenie Toderas - O-zone
Does Arsenie really wear glasses??
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Web page back up [Nov. 22nd, 2005|04:33 pm]
Arsenium - Arsenie Toderas - O-zone
[mood |accomplished]
[music |LFO]

The last entry was before I checked the website again. So I checked it for some reason and Arsenium is BACK UP!!!! Yippee!
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working on it... [Nov. 22nd, 2005|10:26 pm]
Arsenium - Arsenie Toderas - O-zone
[mood |eating pizza]
[music |dulce]

I e-mailed the web manager and they still haven't responded yet to why they took the site down. I hope I will be able to tell soon why they've taken it down!
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