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February 23rd, 2004

04:20 am

Hey everyone. Arm the Pit's motto maybe, "Arm the Pit, Save the kids" and although we acknowledge the fact that ATP was set up as a fanzine for the kids, by the kids. Please remember: That we are all kids at heart and your support is needed.

Never grow up!

-Paul Ickes

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03:07 am

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02:36 am - Top 10 albums for 2003

Paul Ickes' TOP 10 Albums of '03

0. The Network-Money Money 2020

1. The Fleshies- The Sicilian

2. The Locust- Plague Soundscapes

3. The Phantom Limbs- Displacement

4. Gravy Train!- Hello doctor

5. The Soviettes- LP

7. Erase Errata- At Crystal Palace

8. The Vanishing- Songs For Psychotic Children

9. Communique- A Crescent Honeymoon


What is yours? Results will be posted on Arm the Pit. Please include your name/alias

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02:34 am - WELCOME!

Welcome to the Arm the Pit Live journal community. Feel free to join. From here you can submit whatever you want, your choice, to Arm the Pit and within days you will see it posted on the internets fastest growing punk rock e'zine. Feel free to make comments and suggestions as well.

Or if you just want to browse around then feel free to.

If you prefer to keep things private them e-mail us directly at

[email protected]

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