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How can we think, imagine, and make authoritative claims about contemporary refugee politics? I believe this question must precede investigations into struggles/movements advocating rights and political voice for refugees. It is important... more
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Mark B. Salter, ed., Making things International (University of Minnesota Press) forthcoming.
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This interdisciplinary roundtable explores the intimate interconnections between the contemporary politics of uncertainty, risk, danger in the insecurity state, and material manifestations of reterritorializing, rebordering and prolific... more
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      SociologyArchitectureBorder StudiesSecurity
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The authors in this collective discussion engage, disaggregate and unpack the triangulation of security, technology and architecture, across a range of contemporary spaces/places. Reflecting diverse interdiscipli-nary commitments and... more
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      ArchitectureGovernanceSoundscape StudiesSound
The authors in this collective discussion engage, disaggregate and unpack the triangulation of security, technology and architecture, across a range of contemporary spaces/places. Reflecting diverse interdiscipli-nary commitments and... more
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      ArchitectureCritical Security StudiesInternational political sociologyBorders
Chapter 13: "The Day the Border Died? The Canadian Border as Checkpoint in an Age of Hemispheric Security and Surveillance," pp. 297-318.
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      Border StudiesCritical Security StudiesSurveillance StudiesBiometrics