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One of the country’s most picturesque cities and conveniently located just a few hours’ drive from Hollywood, San Francisco became the most frequently and extensively filmed American city beyond the production hubs of Los Angeles and New... more
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      Film StudiesFilm AnalysisUrban StudiesUrbanism
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Between the 1950s and the 1990s, dozens of Hollywood productions traveled to Old Tucson Studios, an isolated production facility a few miles past the outskirts of Tucson, largely to shoot Westerns. Why journey 500 miles away, at... more
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      Cultural StudiesHuman GeographyCultural GeographyVisual Studies
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      Media StudiesPublishingFilm StudiesCinema
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In a series of seminal articles, Swadesh (1951, 1955) and Lees (1953) developed the theories of lexicostatistics and glottochronology, and detailed the methods for their application. There followed a spate of enthusiastic studies to test... more
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A study examined the nature of functional literacy among 671 Moroccan children, aged 11-14, and the relationship of functional and classroom literacy to background factors and school experience. Students were assessed on a seric, of... more
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      PsychologyLiteracyReadingElementary Education