Drafts by Bashar H . Malkawi

Africa’s economic prospects have always been a topic of great consternation for local governments... more Africa’s economic prospects have always been a topic of great consternation for local governments and international analysts and commentators. A continent rich in commodities such as oil, diamonds, minerals, with favorable demographic trends i.e. young population, and the potential for economic growth, has historically been underperforming. Throughout the years, African countries have advance regional cooperation through the African Union (AU) and created various Regional Economic Communities (RECs), in order to improve economic growth through trade. More recently, regional economic efforts in the continent have included the Tripartite FTA, and the current African Continental FTA (AfCFTA), promising to become the largest free trade area.
This article will examine the AfCFTA from a regional integration perspective and not just as a trade agreement that will produce economic benefits (like tariff reductions, trade facilitation, and economies of scale) as the latter part is known and well documented. With that in mind, the thesis of this article is whether a trade agreement like AfCFTA can lead to regional political integration for African nations.
First, we look into the current political and legal institutions in the AU, and how far regional and political integration has advanced so far. Next, the article will look into the current regional integration effort in Africa, and in particular the AfCFTA. The intent is to explore the potential to promote both further regional, as well as political, integration within the AU.
Finally, we assess the feasibility of achieving regional integration through the AfCFTA. Although it is still too early to tell, the AfCFTA with its focus on trade (customs union and a common market) and with a new pan-African dispute resolution system, could be the key to both weathering global developments through further regional integration, and pave the way for future political integration.
Asia Network, to provide a forum for intellectual exchanges between researchers interested in IP ... more Asia Network, to provide a forum for intellectual exchanges between researchers interested in IP and Innovation law in Asia and beyond. IPIRA is proud to welcome researchers from all nationalities and levels of seniority, to meet and discuss their works-in-progress. Like the 2019 edition, the Second IPIRA Conference includes a workshop for researchers to discuss and share their respective research topics and methodologies. We trust that this initiative would offer an active venue for sharing the ever-growing body of knowledge in the field of IP and Innovation.
Rules of origin (ROO) are pivotal element of the Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA). ROO are ba... more Rules of origin (ROO) are pivotal element of the Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA). ROO are basically established to ensure that only eligible products receive preferential tariff treatment. Taking into consideration the profound implications of ROO for enhancing trade flows and facilitating the success of regional integration, this article sheds light on the way that ROO in GAFTA are designed and implemented. Moreover, the article examines the extent to which ROO still represents an obstacle to the full implementation of GAFTA. In addition, the article provides ways to overcome the most important shortcomings of ROO text in the agreement and ultimately offering possible solutions to those issues.
Journal of International Trade Law and Policy, 2011
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the different kinds of rules of origin included in the US... more The purpose of this paper is to analyze the different kinds of rules of origin included in the US-Arab countries free trade agreements (FTAs), and suggest reform measures that should be adopted to ease the complexity and costs of rules of origin in these agreements.
Jordan made substantial market access commitments as part of its WTO membership negotiations. Jor... more Jordan made substantial market access commitments as part of its WTO membership negotiations. Jordan has low average tariffs with single or two digits rate, ad valorem-only duties with some exceptions where specific duties apply. Customs classification of imported products is about choosing between two or more competing tariff lines. Once an imported product is properly classified, customs value must be determined for the purpose of assessing the appropriate tariff. Customs standards in Jordan were streamlined in accordance with WTO rules. Jordan confirmed in its accession to the WTO that free zones or export processing zones would be fully subject to the coverage of the commitments taken in the protocol of accession. The purpose of this article is to examine all these issues and further analyze Jordan's current imports and tariffs regime.
Thesis Chapters by Bashar H . Malkawi
Papers by Bashar H . Malkawi
يتعرض الإصدار لدراسة الشيك باعتباره من أهم الأوراق التجارية بالإضافة إلى دراسة الحالات التي يعد ف... more يتعرض الإصدار لدراسة الشيك باعتباره من أهم الأوراق التجارية بالإضافة إلى دراسة الحالات التي يعد فيها الشيك سند تنفيذي
Global Business Law Review , 2023
Superior corporate governance forms the bedrock of a prosperous economy. An integral component of... more Superior corporate governance forms the bedrock of a prosperous economy. An integral component of outstanding corporate governance is the role of transparent, accurate and freely available information with respect to a company's books and records. Numerous stakeholders including current and potential investors, business partners, employees, regulators and the public, rely on the integrity of the financial reporting. T

International Journal of Law and Management, 2017
PurposeThe World Trade Organization (WTO) is one of the best dispute settlement mechanisms in the... more PurposeThe World Trade Organization (WTO) is one of the best dispute settlement mechanisms in the world. Under WTO rules, aggrieved parties must establish a “prima facie” case before the panel can call on the offending party to respond to the claims. The objective of the present study is to critically evaluate the application of the concept of burden of proof under WTO dispute settlement mechanism.Design/methodology/approachThe paper examines the rule of “prima facie” in WTO jurisprudence. To do so, the first part will focus on the development of dispute settlement within WTO. The second part is divided into several subsections that will focus on the burden of proof concept, burden of proof in common law, burden of proof in civil law and the prima facie standard.FindingsThe DSU does not explicitly regulate how to allocate the burden of proof, but panels and the AB needed to address that issue early in their history. Despite this, all aggrieved parties to establish a prima facie case...
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2018
Rules of origin (ROO) are pivotal element of the Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA). ROO are ba... more Rules of origin (ROO) are pivotal element of the Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA). ROO are basically established to ensure that only eligible products receive preferential tariff treatment. Taking into consideration the profound implications of ROO for enhancing trade flows and facilitating the success of regional integration, this article sheds light on the way that ROO in GAFTA are designed and implemented. Moreover, the article examines the extent to which ROO still represents an obstacle to the full implementation of GAFTA. In addition, the article provides ways to overcome the most important shortcomings of ROO text in the agreement and ultimately offering possible solutions to those issues.
Law and Development Review, 2015
Energy Studies Review, 2011
We seek to investigate the effect of oil price on UAE goods trade deficit with the U.S. The curre... more We seek to investigate the effect of oil price on UAE goods trade deficit with the U.S. The current increase in the price of oil and the absence of significant studies in the UAE economy are the main motives behind the current study. Our paper focuses on a small portion of UAE trade, which is 11% of the UAE foreign trade, however, it is a significant part since the U.S. is a major trade partner with the UAE. The current paper concludes that oil price has a significant positive influence on real imports. At the same time, oil price does not have a significant effect on real exports. As a result, any increase in the price of oil increases goods trade deficit of the UAE economy. The policy implication of the current paper is that the revenue of oil sales is not used to encourage UAE real exports.

The Journal of World Intellectual Property, 2006
The objective of this article is to examine the implications of the intellectual property provisi... more The objective of this article is to examine the implications of the intellectual property provisions in the US-Jordan Free Trade Agreement (US-JO FTA) and whether they serve as a template for other Arab countries who will be concluding free trade agreements with the USA. My claim in this article is that the intellectual property part of the US-JO FTA goes beyond the World Trade Organization Agreement and cannot form the right template for the proposed US-Middle East FTA of 2013. The first section provides a brief introduction to the US-JO FTA. The second section provides a critical analysis of the FTA's protection of trademarks, copyright and patents. The third and fourth sections discuss enforcement and implementation of the intellectual property provisions of the FTA. The final section provides a conclusion regarding the intellectual property provisions of the US-JO FTA and highlights an alternative template for the proposed US-Middle East FTA.
Professional Conduct Committee of Advocates and Legal Consultants

N.C. J. INT'L L., 2022
This paper advocates that the World Trade Organization
(“WTO”) should revise the accession proce... more This paper advocates that the World Trade Organization
(“WTO”) should revise the accession process for countries
classified by the World Bank as “Fragile and Conflict Affected”
(“FCA”), in order to expedite the accession timeline and allow
more expansive concessions, transition times, and technical
assistance, similar to the terms of accession currently applied to
Least Developed Countries (“LDCs”). Specifically, WTO should
permit FCA countries recovering from crisis, genocide, natural
disaster, or other severe unrest, to take advantage of the more
flexible “special and differential treatment” accession provisions
typically accorded to LDCs in the existing WTO system, while
also providing enhanced “trade-related technical assistance”
(TRTA) programming to such FCA countries to speed their
accession process. This paper describes the WTO accession
challenges faced by Iraq as a case study in why expediting WTO
membership of FCAs is a critically important way to help such
countries attract new investment and encourage economic growth
and diversification of economies that tend to rely heavily in single
commodities such as oil

واجهت الدول بعد تفشي جائحة فيروس كوفيد-19 أصعب عام منذ عقود سبقت، فقد باغتت الأزمة العالم أجمع، ب... more واجهت الدول بعد تفشي جائحة فيروس كوفيد-19 أصعب عام منذ عقود سبقت، فقد باغتت الأزمة العالم أجمع، بوصفها أمرًا مستجدًا لم يتوقعه أحد، ألقى بظلاله على مختلف قطاعات الحياة وأنشطتها، وتأثر بتبعاته الواقع العالمي اقتصاديًّا واجتماعيًّا، فتوقفت حركة السفر، وأغلقت الحدود، وفرض حظر التجول والتنقل، وأغلقت المنشآت التجارية أبوابها.
وجائحة كوفيد-19 كغيرها من الجوائح لها تأثيرها على الالتزامات التعاقدية؛ حيث إن العقود- من حيث الأصل- تخضع لقاعدة "العقد شريعة المتعاقدين"، أي أن ما اتفق عليه الأطراف في العقد هو ما يجب الالتزام به، ولا يجوز لأي طرف الإخلال بمقتضيات هذا الالتزام، أو أن يطلب تعديله من تلقاء نفسه، وهذا ما نص عليه قانون المعاملات المدنية الإماراتي في المادة (267): «إذا كان العقد صحيحًا لازمًا فلا يجوز لأحد المتعاقدين الرجوع فيه، ولا تعديله ولا فسخه إلا بالتراضي أو التقاضي، أو بمقتضى نص في القانون».
غير أنّ الظروف المرافقة لتنفيذ العقد غير مضمونة في كثير من الأحيان، لا سيما إذا ما كان هذا العقد مستمرًا، وبالتالي فإن العقد يتأثر بتغير الظروف والمعطيات، تبعًا لتطورات الحياة، ومثال ذلك جائحة كوفيد- 19 التي تطورت إلى تهديد عالمي، حتى أعلنت منظمة الصحة العالمية في شهر مارس 2020 بأنها وباء عالمي.

إن الصياغة القانونية السليمة هي وسيلة القانوني الأساسية لإيصال الفكرة المخاطب بها، والتي يجب أن ت... more إن الصياغة القانونية السليمة هي وسيلة القانوني الأساسية لإيصال الفكرة المخاطب بها، والتي يجب أن تتوافر فيها صــــــــــفات معينة منها الدقة والوضوح والعرض المُحكم، وتجنب استخدام الكلمات غير المفهومــــــــــة، وأن تبعد كل البعد عن الخطأ أو الغموض الذي يتسبب في إرباك العبارات، وتشـــــــــــتيت القارئ عن فهم المحتوى المكتوب، ويباعـــــــد بين وصــــــــــــــــــول الفكرة بصورة واضحة جلية لا لبس فيها ولا غموض.
ومن ثم يتبين وبجلاء أننا ونحن بصدد الكتابة القانونية أنه يجب الاهتمام بتوصيل المعنى المرجو من تلك الكتابة بالتوضيح اللازم والكافي للمتلقي، وهو الأسلوب الأمثل لتحرير لوائح الدعاوى والمذكرات بإيجاز غير مخل، وإطناب غير ممل.
ويهدف هذا الإصدار إلى تقديم دليل مختصر يتضمن إرشادات عامة عن الصياغة الجيدة للوائح الدعاوى والمذكرات المتعلقة بالخصومة أمام القضاء المدني دون التعرض للخصومة الجزائية، وصولًا للطريقة السليمة في إعدادها، فهو يمثل دراسة نموذجية مجرّدة دون بيان لطرق معينة لكتابة اللوائح والمذكرات، فهي لا حصر لها، فلكل دعوى ظروفها وما ينطبق عليها،
SIEL Newsletter, 2022
Bashar Malkawi and Christina C. Benson. Iraq Back on Track: The Case for Expediting WTO Accession... more Bashar Malkawi and Christina C. Benson. Iraq Back on Track: The Case for Expediting WTO Accession of “Fragile and Conflict Affected” (“FCA”) Countries, 47 North Carolina Journal of International Law 133-191 (2022)
In December 2020, the European Commission called for applications in connection with the renewal ... more In December 2020, the European Commission called for applications in connection with the renewal of the pool of arbitrators and the separate pool of trade and sustainable development (TSD) experts for dispute settlement panels under trade agreements to which the EU is a party. A selection panel of experienced international judges and academics examined the candidates to confirm their suitability for appointment.
The list below contains the names of candidates that were found suitable for appointment for the position of Chairperson for Arbitrations and TSD Expert Panel Proceedings.
Drafts by Bashar H . Malkawi
This article will examine the AfCFTA from a regional integration perspective and not just as a trade agreement that will produce economic benefits (like tariff reductions, trade facilitation, and economies of scale) as the latter part is known and well documented. With that in mind, the thesis of this article is whether a trade agreement like AfCFTA can lead to regional political integration for African nations.
First, we look into the current political and legal institutions in the AU, and how far regional and political integration has advanced so far. Next, the article will look into the current regional integration effort in Africa, and in particular the AfCFTA. The intent is to explore the potential to promote both further regional, as well as political, integration within the AU.
Finally, we assess the feasibility of achieving regional integration through the AfCFTA. Although it is still too early to tell, the AfCFTA with its focus on trade (customs union and a common market) and with a new pan-African dispute resolution system, could be the key to both weathering global developments through further regional integration, and pave the way for future political integration.
Thesis Chapters by Bashar H . Malkawi
Papers by Bashar H . Malkawi
(“WTO”) should revise the accession process for countries
classified by the World Bank as “Fragile and Conflict Affected”
(“FCA”), in order to expedite the accession timeline and allow
more expansive concessions, transition times, and technical
assistance, similar to the terms of accession currently applied to
Least Developed Countries (“LDCs”). Specifically, WTO should
permit FCA countries recovering from crisis, genocide, natural
disaster, or other severe unrest, to take advantage of the more
flexible “special and differential treatment” accession provisions
typically accorded to LDCs in the existing WTO system, while
also providing enhanced “trade-related technical assistance”
(TRTA) programming to such FCA countries to speed their
accession process. This paper describes the WTO accession
challenges faced by Iraq as a case study in why expediting WTO
membership of FCAs is a critically important way to help such
countries attract new investment and encourage economic growth
and diversification of economies that tend to rely heavily in single
commodities such as oil
وجائحة كوفيد-19 كغيرها من الجوائح لها تأثيرها على الالتزامات التعاقدية؛ حيث إن العقود- من حيث الأصل- تخضع لقاعدة "العقد شريعة المتعاقدين"، أي أن ما اتفق عليه الأطراف في العقد هو ما يجب الالتزام به، ولا يجوز لأي طرف الإخلال بمقتضيات هذا الالتزام، أو أن يطلب تعديله من تلقاء نفسه، وهذا ما نص عليه قانون المعاملات المدنية الإماراتي في المادة (267): «إذا كان العقد صحيحًا لازمًا فلا يجوز لأحد المتعاقدين الرجوع فيه، ولا تعديله ولا فسخه إلا بالتراضي أو التقاضي، أو بمقتضى نص في القانون».
غير أنّ الظروف المرافقة لتنفيذ العقد غير مضمونة في كثير من الأحيان، لا سيما إذا ما كان هذا العقد مستمرًا، وبالتالي فإن العقد يتأثر بتغير الظروف والمعطيات، تبعًا لتطورات الحياة، ومثال ذلك جائحة كوفيد- 19 التي تطورت إلى تهديد عالمي، حتى أعلنت منظمة الصحة العالمية في شهر مارس 2020 بأنها وباء عالمي.
ومن ثم يتبين وبجلاء أننا ونحن بصدد الكتابة القانونية أنه يجب الاهتمام بتوصيل المعنى المرجو من تلك الكتابة بالتوضيح اللازم والكافي للمتلقي، وهو الأسلوب الأمثل لتحرير لوائح الدعاوى والمذكرات بإيجاز غير مخل، وإطناب غير ممل.
ويهدف هذا الإصدار إلى تقديم دليل مختصر يتضمن إرشادات عامة عن الصياغة الجيدة للوائح الدعاوى والمذكرات المتعلقة بالخصومة أمام القضاء المدني دون التعرض للخصومة الجزائية، وصولًا للطريقة السليمة في إعدادها، فهو يمثل دراسة نموذجية مجرّدة دون بيان لطرق معينة لكتابة اللوائح والمذكرات، فهي لا حصر لها، فلكل دعوى ظروفها وما ينطبق عليها،
The list below contains the names of candidates that were found suitable for appointment for the position of Chairperson for Arbitrations and TSD Expert Panel Proceedings.
This article will examine the AfCFTA from a regional integration perspective and not just as a trade agreement that will produce economic benefits (like tariff reductions, trade facilitation, and economies of scale) as the latter part is known and well documented. With that in mind, the thesis of this article is whether a trade agreement like AfCFTA can lead to regional political integration for African nations.
First, we look into the current political and legal institutions in the AU, and how far regional and political integration has advanced so far. Next, the article will look into the current regional integration effort in Africa, and in particular the AfCFTA. The intent is to explore the potential to promote both further regional, as well as political, integration within the AU.
Finally, we assess the feasibility of achieving regional integration through the AfCFTA. Although it is still too early to tell, the AfCFTA with its focus on trade (customs union and a common market) and with a new pan-African dispute resolution system, could be the key to both weathering global developments through further regional integration, and pave the way for future political integration.
(“WTO”) should revise the accession process for countries
classified by the World Bank as “Fragile and Conflict Affected”
(“FCA”), in order to expedite the accession timeline and allow
more expansive concessions, transition times, and technical
assistance, similar to the terms of accession currently applied to
Least Developed Countries (“LDCs”). Specifically, WTO should
permit FCA countries recovering from crisis, genocide, natural
disaster, or other severe unrest, to take advantage of the more
flexible “special and differential treatment” accession provisions
typically accorded to LDCs in the existing WTO system, while
also providing enhanced “trade-related technical assistance”
(TRTA) programming to such FCA countries to speed their
accession process. This paper describes the WTO accession
challenges faced by Iraq as a case study in why expediting WTO
membership of FCAs is a critically important way to help such
countries attract new investment and encourage economic growth
and diversification of economies that tend to rely heavily in single
commodities such as oil
وجائحة كوفيد-19 كغيرها من الجوائح لها تأثيرها على الالتزامات التعاقدية؛ حيث إن العقود- من حيث الأصل- تخضع لقاعدة "العقد شريعة المتعاقدين"، أي أن ما اتفق عليه الأطراف في العقد هو ما يجب الالتزام به، ولا يجوز لأي طرف الإخلال بمقتضيات هذا الالتزام، أو أن يطلب تعديله من تلقاء نفسه، وهذا ما نص عليه قانون المعاملات المدنية الإماراتي في المادة (267): «إذا كان العقد صحيحًا لازمًا فلا يجوز لأحد المتعاقدين الرجوع فيه، ولا تعديله ولا فسخه إلا بالتراضي أو التقاضي، أو بمقتضى نص في القانون».
غير أنّ الظروف المرافقة لتنفيذ العقد غير مضمونة في كثير من الأحيان، لا سيما إذا ما كان هذا العقد مستمرًا، وبالتالي فإن العقد يتأثر بتغير الظروف والمعطيات، تبعًا لتطورات الحياة، ومثال ذلك جائحة كوفيد- 19 التي تطورت إلى تهديد عالمي، حتى أعلنت منظمة الصحة العالمية في شهر مارس 2020 بأنها وباء عالمي.
ومن ثم يتبين وبجلاء أننا ونحن بصدد الكتابة القانونية أنه يجب الاهتمام بتوصيل المعنى المرجو من تلك الكتابة بالتوضيح اللازم والكافي للمتلقي، وهو الأسلوب الأمثل لتحرير لوائح الدعاوى والمذكرات بإيجاز غير مخل، وإطناب غير ممل.
ويهدف هذا الإصدار إلى تقديم دليل مختصر يتضمن إرشادات عامة عن الصياغة الجيدة للوائح الدعاوى والمذكرات المتعلقة بالخصومة أمام القضاء المدني دون التعرض للخصومة الجزائية، وصولًا للطريقة السليمة في إعدادها، فهو يمثل دراسة نموذجية مجرّدة دون بيان لطرق معينة لكتابة اللوائح والمذكرات، فهي لا حصر لها، فلكل دعوى ظروفها وما ينطبق عليها،
The list below contains the names of candidates that were found suitable for appointment for the position of Chairperson for Arbitrations and TSD Expert Panel Proceedings.
The goal of this chapter is to assess the legal regime of external auditors – as opposed to internal auditors - per Company Legislation of 1997 and provide suggestions for improvement in the current legal regime.34 Part II discusses global trends in corporate governance with respect to the role of the external auditor. Part III of the chapter provides an overview of the development of the auditing profession in Jordan. In Part IV, the chapter analyzes in detail the specific provisions related to auditors in the Company Legislation of 1997. The part also points out various shortcomings and inconsistencies between rights and
duties of auditors and makes suggested proposals for amending the current law.
overview of the recent expansion of economic trade sanctions regimes, especially key sanctions programs imposed against trading partners by the United States and European Union during the past 5 years and analyzes those sanctions in light of the scope and interpretation of foregoing WTO and FTA national security exceptions
UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, and UNCITRAL Model Law (the history, scope and application of these instruments in international arbitration)
Obligations X – Private Law and the State, Alberta, Canada from 11-14 July 2023.
The workshop presented by Dr. Bashar Malkawi and Abdel Moneim El Kot, from the Legal Translation Section of the Department, highlighted the importance of accurate legal translation, which requires mastery and deep understanding of both source and target languages as well as accuracy in communicating ideas honestly, responsibly and reliably.
The statement followed a testy encounter in May 2023 in which Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu refused to meet his American counterpart because of sanctions. Clearly, the economic measures are hurting China – prompting not only tough words but also countermeasures to limit their impact.
As a professor of law and an expert on international trade, I study both how the U.S. sanctions China and how China attempts to counter these sanctions. I also analyze whether China’s countermeasures are working.
The statement followed a testy encounter in May 2023 in which Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu refused to meet his American counterpart because of sanctions. Clearly, the economic measures are hurting China – prompting not only tough words but also countermeasures to limit their impact.
As a professor of law and an expert on international trade, I study both how the U.S. sanctions China and how China attempts to counter these sanctions. I also analyze whether China’s countermeasures are working.
curtailed in some circumstances,” as it was in Georgia v. Public.Resource.Org Inc., in which the court held that Georgia is not entitled to copyright protection for its official annotated code [Disclosure: Arnold & Porter, whose attorneys contribute to this blog in various capacities, is among the counsel to the petitioner in this case. Goldstein & Russell, P.C., whose attorneys contribute to this blog in various capacities, is counsel to the respondent in this case.]
- a reduced fee, for selected candidates that mention the flyer in their admission package
- an emergency-tailored policy on the delivery of the 'face-to-face' phase in case the outbreak of a new sanitary emergency requires online teaching only.