We're fucking sweet and we know it.
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'Cause we're fucking sweet

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Green Day [28 Apr 2009|09:57pm]

Green Day is releasing a new album on May 15th, titled 21st Century Breakdown. Below is a widget where you can check out the new single, Know Your Enemy, and follow what the band has going on right now.

Are you sweet?

[31 Mar 2006|08:05am]

anyone alive in here?
1 said you're sweet!|Are you sweet?

xStampedx [11 Jun 2005|12:43pm]
Going to be away from tomorrow until the 19th. Just so you know why I'm not active. Byeeee!
Are you sweet?

[21 Apr 2005|05:19pm]

New pictures.. I`m a fucking skank. Loves it.Collapse )
5 said you're sweet!|Are you sweet?

xStampedx [17 Apr 2005|11:00pm]
Yeah.. I've got camera whore-ness going on.
I felt like it. Shut up.
And yes, there is a "shocker" picture.
I love The letters Organize.

Song I used the lyrics from is called "They Call It Rock N Roll (And Other Lies)." It's my favorite by them, and it's found on purevolume.

Siiiiiign Uppppppp!Collapse )
1 said you're sweet!|Are you sweet?

Sweet jesus im bitchin [10 Apr 2005|03:43pm]

Application"Collapse )
8 said you're sweet!|Are you sweet?

Sweet Jesus I'm Bitchin! [09 Apr 2005|08:59am]

14 said you're sweet!|Are you sweet?

Sweet Jesus Im bitchin [05 Apr 2005|11:38am]
16 said you're sweet!|Are you sweet?

[04 Apr 2005|12:11pm]

Is it alive? *pokes it* Regardless, I'm not active in any communities anymore. And this one is dead. Best of luck. <3333
1 said you're sweet!|Are you sweet?

Leaving. [31 Mar 2005|05:05pm]
I'm leaving, this is so dead=/
2 said you're sweet!|Are you sweet?

stamped//x-posted [28 Feb 2005|09:17pm]


long needed update. ha. ug picturesCollapse )

1 said you're sweet!|Are you sweet?

xStampedx [27 Feb 2005|03:00pm]
Sorry.. I've been really busy. I've still been voting, but not posting pictures like I have, before. Stupid stress!

A recent pictureCollapse )

Sorry for 'OMGBOOBS!'
2 said you're sweet!|Are you sweet?

[06 Feb 2005|08:06pm]

[ mood | fuck black history month too ]

mood | fuck you ]
[ music | not telling you fags so you can go download it ]

Are you hot this and that...give me a fucking break. Apparently no one has ever beat the shit out of any of you. Fuck exclusive clubs because they suck dick. Rate this rate that rate these nuts in your mouth *judges show their 10 cards* looks like a perfect score ladies. I'm guessing most of the imperfect snobby slime here are chicks. Besides watching movies all day long and swearing you can do a guys job I guess you make annoying live journal cliques too. If your club house was in my neighborhood I'd burn it down and piss on the ashes. Then i'd build a homemade mini-ramp over it and fucking skate it.

Go skate. Be an individual. express yourself. and get out of lame ass "are you hot" communities.

fuck it up.

Tyler "Kickflip onto your face until you die from implosion" Scalf

p.s fuck grammar too.

p.p.s HOO-HAAA!

9 said you're sweet!|Are you sweet?

Sweet Jesus, Im Bitchin! [29 Jan 2005|06:38pm]



Application Fixed! Sorry about that..Collapse )

12 said you're sweet!|Are you sweet?

[23 Jan 2005|10:58am]

Okay, this makes me want to cry.

I am going to have to leave :'(.

I'll come back and do a new application when I'm done with cwal.

1 said you're sweet!|Are you sweet?

[21 Jan 2005|04:36pm]

i think im leaving most of my communities.. but i still love this community. best of luck guys.

1 said you're sweet!|Are you sweet?

stampeddd [17 Jan 2005|07:09pm]


here are a few picturesCollapse )

2 said you're sweet!|Are you sweet?

[16 Jan 2005|12:08pm]

Whoring myself and my friends.

You know you wanna pull the trigger!Collapse )
2 said you're sweet!|Are you sweet?

xStampedx [09 Jan 2005|05:35pm]
Photobooths are fun.

Haha.. Dorkssssssssss!Collapse )
1 said you're sweet!|Are you sweet?

story time! [09 Jan 2005|04:07pm]

this is what happens when i should be studying...

meet pirate peteCollapse )
6 said you're sweet!|Are you sweet?

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