"First published ... 1950; reprinted with corrections, 1954."
Our predecessors -- The divine family. Origins : preliminary remarks ; Zeus ; Hera ; Apollo ; Hermes ; Poseidon ; Artemis ; Athena ; Appendix : the twelve gods -- A central problem -- Gods and men in Homer -- The contribution of Ionia. The poets ; The philosophers ; Conclusions so far reached -- Dionysos -- Apollo -- Heaven and earth -- The Chthonioi. General ; The earth-god : Trophonios ; The hero : Herakles ; God or hero? : Asklepios -- Hopes and fears of the ordinary man. Introductory : literary sources ; Sepulchral inscriptions ; The social side ; Witchcraft and curses ; Ghosts ; Modifications of Homeric ideas, Eleusis ; Summary and recapitulation, Rohde's thesis and later modifications ; Appendix : tabulation of ideas about the dead -- The Orphics. Method ; Why Orpheus? ; Outline of Orphic doctrine ; "Orphic influence," was Orphism a religion of the lower classes? -- Plato and Aristotle. Plato ; Aristotle ; Appendix : two notes on Aristotle