Papers by Matthijs Catsman

Adoption, Adaption, and Innovation in Pre-Roman Italy: Paradigms for Cultural Change, 2023
The long-term investigations of the burial grounds of ancient Crustumerium in northern Latium Vet... more The long-term investigations of the burial grounds of ancient Crustumerium in northern Latium Vetus, located on the Tiber just north of Rome, have resulted in a wealth of information on the use of material culture by its community. To date, over four hundred tombs have been excavated, spanning four centuries between the mid-ninth century and the turn of the sixth century bce. The data recovered from the burial grounds reflect profound changes in the social structure of the community that lived at Crustumerium and highlight specific material cultural connections within the wider region. Material culture expressions shared with other regions were, however, embedded in the distinctly local, social, and cultural context associated with the communities of northern Latium Vetus, and of Crustumerium itself. To study this dynamic, the present chapter offers a pilot network analysis of the material culture of a subset of Crustumerium’s tombs dating to Latial periods IVA and IVB (720-580 bce) revealing regional cultural connections and affiliations. The results of this study indicate how funerary architectural models and material culture objects of the long seventh century bce, also known as the ‘Orientalizing period’, were adapted to local usage and inter
Catsman, M.A. (2018), ‘Second-Phase temple roofs in Latium Vetus as archaeological indicators of ... more Catsman, M.A. (2018), ‘Second-Phase temple roofs in Latium Vetus as archaeological indicators of peace? A review of the interdisciplinary combination of text and matter’, in: D. van Diemen, D. van Dokkum, A. van Leuken, A.M. Nijenhuis & F. van der Sande (eds.): Conflicts in Antiquity. Textual and material perspective (Amsterdam Interdisciplinary Studies in Antiquity 1), Amsterdam, 93-115.
Paper Presentations & Talks by Matthijs Catsman
Reuvensdagen sessie Veldslagen en plunderaars tussen 1200 en 1700, 2023
In 2021 heeft VUhbs Archeologie de archeologische resten van een landweer aan de noordzijde van G... more In 2021 heeft VUhbs Archeologie de archeologische resten van een landweer aan de noordzijde van Gemert onderzocht. Deze landweer is eerder al onderzocht door de gemeente Eindhoven, waarbij bleek dat het gaat om een omvangrijke verdedigingsstructuur die in meerdere perioden actief was. Het nieuwe onderzoek heeft middels OSL-dateringen kunnen aantonen dat de landweer drie fasen heeft gekend, van de late 12de tot 18de eeuw.
In de lezing zijn de resultaten van dit nieuwe onderzoek aan de landweer te Gemert gepresenteerd . Hierbij zal het zwaartepunt liggen op de vroege datering van de landweer en de rol die de landweer gespeeld zal hebben in de Tachtigjarige Oorlog.
In this paper, presented at the 2020 conference 'Exchanging Ideas - Trade, Technology, and Connec... more In this paper, presented at the 2020 conference 'Exchanging Ideas - Trade, Technology, and Connectivity in pre-Roman Italy' at the University of Auckland, I discuss the use of two-modal affiliation networks in the study of cultural interconnectivity reflected in funerary contexts of the sites of Crustumerium and Satricum.
As part of this discussion, I introduce the concept of consumption collectives, which serves the multi-scalar analysis of how these two Latial communities participated in various consumptionscapes of the wider Mediterranean world.
Affiliation networks constructed for both sites on the basis of funerary contexts dating to Latial period IVA (ca. 720-620BC), illustrate the developed methodology and form the basis for a preliminary comparative analysis of the cultural interconnectivity characterising funerary contexts of Latium Vetus.
This paper, based on the research for my research master thesis, was presented at the Crasis Mast... more This paper, based on the research for my research master thesis, was presented at the Crasis Masterclass 'Identity: Past & Present' part of the Annual Crasis day on 07-08/03/2019.
This paper, based on the research done during the KNIR course 'Archaeology of Myth and Legend', w... more This paper, based on the research done during the KNIR course 'Archaeology of Myth and Legend', was presented at the KNIR Workshop ‘The material dimensions of myth in the city of Rome’ on 04/05/2017.
Articles by Matthijs Catsman

TMA62, 2020
The last two decades have seen a paradigm shift in archaeology towards a strong focus on intercon... more The last two decades have seen a paradigm shift in archaeology towards a strong focus on interconnectivity and intercultural exchanges. Especially in the field of Mediterranean archaeology, this shift is leaving its mark on debates about intercultural interaction and identity formation processes. As a result of this paradigm shift network approaches are increasingly used in archaeology to visualise and analyse different aspects of such intercultural interaction and its effects on Mediterranean communities. Bar a few exceptions, these new network approaches are, however, rarely used to study the seventhcentury Central Italian funerary world. This article presents a network method, based on the work of Lieve Donnellan, to analyse the cultural interconnectivity of seventh-century Central Italian funerary contexts. A set of tombs from the site of Crustumerium, located 15 km northeast of Rome along the river Tiber, figures as a case study.
Books by Matthijs Catsman
ZAN1124 Gemert-Doonheide II - Een opgraving tussen Doonheide I en de Boekelseweg in het verlengde van de Landweer, 2023
In 2021 heeft VUhbs Archeologie de archeologische resten van een landweer aan de noordzijde van G... more In 2021 heeft VUhbs Archeologie de archeologische resten van een landweer aan de noordzijde van Gemert onderzocht. Deze landweer is eerder al onderzocht door de gemeente Eindhoven, waarbij bleek dat het gaat om een omvangrijke verdedigingsstructuur die in meerdere perioden actief was. Het nieuwe onderzoek heeft middels OSL-dateringen kunnen aantonen dat de landweer drie fasen heeft gekend, van de late 12de tot 18de eeuw. Dit rapport presenteert de resultaten van het onderzoek.
Papers by Matthijs Catsman
Paper Presentations & Talks by Matthijs Catsman
In de lezing zijn de resultaten van dit nieuwe onderzoek aan de landweer te Gemert gepresenteerd . Hierbij zal het zwaartepunt liggen op de vroege datering van de landweer en de rol die de landweer gespeeld zal hebben in de Tachtigjarige Oorlog.
As part of this discussion, I introduce the concept of consumption collectives, which serves the multi-scalar analysis of how these two Latial communities participated in various consumptionscapes of the wider Mediterranean world.
Affiliation networks constructed for both sites on the basis of funerary contexts dating to Latial period IVA (ca. 720-620BC), illustrate the developed methodology and form the basis for a preliminary comparative analysis of the cultural interconnectivity characterising funerary contexts of Latium Vetus.
Articles by Matthijs Catsman
Books by Matthijs Catsman
In de lezing zijn de resultaten van dit nieuwe onderzoek aan de landweer te Gemert gepresenteerd . Hierbij zal het zwaartepunt liggen op de vroege datering van de landweer en de rol die de landweer gespeeld zal hebben in de Tachtigjarige Oorlog.
As part of this discussion, I introduce the concept of consumption collectives, which serves the multi-scalar analysis of how these two Latial communities participated in various consumptionscapes of the wider Mediterranean world.
Affiliation networks constructed for both sites on the basis of funerary contexts dating to Latial period IVA (ca. 720-620BC), illustrate the developed methodology and form the basis for a preliminary comparative analysis of the cultural interconnectivity characterising funerary contexts of Latium Vetus.