Books by Andrey Poliakov
Памятники карасукского времени на территории Минусинского района Красноярского края (по материалам раскопок 1965-2006 годов из фондов Минусинского регионального краеведческого музея им. Н.М. Мартьянова), 2023
Монография представляет собой публикацию материалов исследований археологических памятников перио... more Монография представляет собой публикацию материалов исследований археологических памятников периода поздней бронзы (XV–IX вв. до н.э.), раскопанных на территории Минусинского района Красноярского края в 1965–2006 годах и хранящихся в фондах Минусинского регионального краеведческого музея им. Н.М. Мартьянова. В работе представлены, как сами отчётные материалы: описания, чертежи, рисунки артефактов, так и их характеристика с точки зрения современной хронологии этого сложного, но крайне интересного периода в древней истории Среднего Енисея.
Издание предназначено для археологов, этнографов, историков, студентов и всех интересующихся археологией и древней историей Южной Сибири.

Аннотация. Монография представляет собой публикацию материалов поселения Каменный Лог I (Боградск... more Аннотация. Монография представляет собой публикацию материалов поселения Каменный Лог I (Боградский район, Республика Хакасия), раскопанного в 1961–1963 годах М.П. Грязновым и М.Н. Комаровой. Исследования проводились в рамках работ Красноярской экспедиции ЛО ИА АН СССР (сейчас ИИМК РАН) в зоне затопления ложа водохранилища Красноярской ГЭС. Памятник имеет огромное значение для изучения финала эпохи палеометалла на территории Южной Сибири. Именно на основании его материалов М.П. Грязновым был выделен поздний каменноложский этап карасукской культуры. Монография включает не только архивные материалы и рисунки артефактов из коллекции Государственного Эрмитажа, но и подробные разделы, рассматривающие особенности обнаруженных вещей, характеристику конструкций жилищ и их датировку. К монографии приложены самостоятельные исследования остеологической коллекции, результатов химического анализа состава металлических изделий и трасологического изучения предметов.
Издание предназначено для археологов, этнографов, историков, студентов и всех интересующихся археологией и древней историей Южной Сибири.
Abstract. The current monograph is devoted to the publication of archaeological material obtained during the 1961-1963 field campaign of M.P. Gryaznov and M.N. Komarova at the Kamenny Log I settlement (Bograd district, Republic of Khakassia). The research was conducted as a part of the work of the Krasnoyarsk expedition of the Leningrad Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (now IHMS RAS) at the territory allotted for the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station reservoir. The site has proven to be an object of special importance for the study of the final Paleometal period of South Siberia. It was the material from this site that allowed M.P. Gryaznov to identify the Kamennologsky phase of the Karasuk culture. Not only this monograph provides archive records and drawings of artefacts from the collection stored in The State Hermitage, but it also contains chapters devoted to the description of finds, dwelling structures and their absolute age. The monograph is supplemented by the results of several independent studies covering osteological material, chemical analysis of metal tools and traceological studies.
This volume is intended for archaeologists, ethnographers, historians, students and all those interested in archaeology and prehistory of South Siberia.

Монография представляет собой комплексный современный взгляд на хронологию и культурогенез археол... more Монография представляет собой комплексный современный взгляд на хронологию и культурогенез археологических памятников эпохи палеометалла Минусинских котловин (XXXV–IX вв. до н.э.). На основании изучения 5000 погребений этого периода в работе выстраивается концепция формирования и развития археологических культур: афанасьевской, окуневской, андроновской, а также памятников периода поздней бронзы региона, традиционно объединяемых в понятие карасукской культуры. Их относительная и абсолютная хронология изучается как с применением большого числа современных радиоуглеродных дат, так и на основе сопоставления с памятниками Северного Китая, датируемыми на основании письменных источников. При построении модели культурогенеза привлекаются данные антропологии и палеогенетики. В результате складывается картина активных миграционных процессов, происходивших в эпоху палеометалла на территории Центральной Азии.
Издание предназначено для археологов, антропологов, этнографов, историков, студентов и всех интересующихся археологией и древней историей Среднего Енисея и Северной Евразии в целом.
This monography is a complex modern interpretation of the chronology and cultural genesis of the Paleometal epoch sites in Minusinsk basins (35th – 9th centuries BCE). In this work, based on the study of 5000 burials dating to the period, a conception of shaping and evolution of the following archaeological cultures is constructed: the Afanasievo, Okunev, Andronovo cultures, encompassing also the sites of the Late Bronze Age of the region, which are traditionally lumped together into a concept of the Karasuk culture. The relative and absolute chronology of the studied cultures is investigated using many modern radiocarbon dates and on the basis of comparisons with the sites of Northern China, dated by written sources. When constructing the cultural genesis model the data of anthropology and paleogenetics are used. As a result, a picture of active migrational processes, which were occurring during the Paleometal epoch in the territory of Central Asia, is formed.
The book is designed for archaeologists, anthropologists, ethnographers, historians, students and for anybody interested in the archaeology and ancient history of the Midstream of the Yenisey and Northern Eurasia in general.

This volume represents a collective monograph, based on the materials of the Kyurghenner cemetery... more This volume represents a collective monograph, based on the materials of the Kyurghenner cemetery, situated on the Middle Yenisei in the northern part of the Minusinsk depression (Republic of Khakassia, Russian Federation). The site was studied by M. P. Gryaznov and M. N. Komarova in the course of the salvation excavations carried out by the Krasnoyarsk Expedition of the Leningrad Branch of the Institute of Archaeology in the flooding area of the Krasnoyarsk water power plant in 1965-1966. In two years the researchers studied 126 barrows and obtained valuable and in some instances unique materials, dated to the “classical” stage of the Karasuk culture (Late Bronze Age, XIII-XI cc. BC). They were immediately passed for storage to the State Hermitage, but due to various circumstances, which did not depend on the excavators’ will, remained unpublished. The present volume contains both the description of the evidence obtained during the field works and detailed analysis of these materials. It consists of five chapters and three appendixes.
The first chapter is based on M. P. Gryaznov’s and M. N. Komarova’s field reports, and on field notes taken by the participants of the expedition. In addition, it presents some of Gryaznov’s preliminary conclusions contained in his reports and brief publications. The illustrations include all the available plans and sections of the cemetery, as well as numerous drawings of finds stored in the Hermitage.
Three next chapters are written by A. V. Polyakov. They are devoted to the thorough analysis of the site. Chapter 2 gives a careful consideration of the complex of traits associated with the funerary rite. The analogies are sought for both within the Karasuk culture itself and among the Late Bronze Age sites of the adjacent regions. The chapter is concluded with the general characteristic of the cemetery materials. Chapter 3 is devoted to the position the cemetery within the frameworks of the current views on the relative chronology of the Late Bronze Age in the Middle Yenisei region. The example of Kyurghenner is used to illustrate the existence of two independent chronological horizons within the limits of the “classical” stage of the Karasuk culture. A new typology of the pottery coming from the burials of this stage is proposed in chapter 4.
Chapter 5, written by I. P. Lazaretov, is devoted to the study of the group of atypical interments of Kyurghenner. The author offers a new vision of the process of formation of the later Kamennyi Log stage of the Karasuk culture. The appendixes include the list of the archive sources used by the authors, statistical tables, and the work by S. V. Khavrin, who analyzed the chemical composition of the bronze artifacts from Kyurghenner.
The monograph is intended for archaeologists, physical anthropologists, and ethnographers, but can also be of interest for numerous amateurs of history.
Editor by Andrey Poliakov
В настоящем издании впервые вводятся в научный оборот результаты аналитического исследования кера... more В настоящем издании впервые вводятся в научный оборот результаты аналитического исследования керамических комплексов, обнаруженных при изучении древних поселений Минусинского края, относящихся к эпохе неолита и раннему бронзовому веку. В книге представлены материалы всех известных на этой территории к началу 1980-х гг. памятников такого типа. Их публикация имеет огромное значение ввиду того, что открытых и исследованных поселений этих периодов в Минусинском крае известно очень мало, а новые памятники чрезвычайно редко обнаруживаются. Это первая и пока единственная работа аналитического характера, основой которой стали материалы керамических комплексов поселений Минусинской котловины неолита и раннего бронзового века.

Монография представляет собой издание рукописи Г.А. Максименкова, написанной в конце 70-х — начал... more Монография представляет собой издание рукописи Г.А. Максименкова, написанной в конце 70-х — начале 80-х годов прошлого века и впоследствии отредактированной и дополненной Э.Б. Вадецкой в 2015 году. В её основе лежат материалы уникального могильника Сухое Озеро II, раскопки которого проводились Черновским отрядом Красноярской археологической экспедиции ЛО ИА АН СССР (руководили раскопками Г.А. Максименков и Э.Б. Вадецкая) в 1963–1968 годах на территории Минусинских котловин (Боградский район Республики Хакасия). Были исследованы 295 курганов (560 могил), датирующихся ранним этапом карасукской культуры. По современным данным, памятник относится к периоду XIV–XII вв. до н.э. Коллекция артефактов из этого могильника находится на хранении в фондах Государственного Эрмитажа. В монографии, кроме публикации материалов памятника, представлены главы, посвящённые его изучению, а также вопросам истории раннего карасукского этапа культуры.
Монография представляет большой интерес для археологов, историков, антропологов и всех интересующихся древней историей Сибири.
This monograph is a published handwriting of G.A. Maksimenkov, which he had written at the end of the 70-s – the beginning of the 80-s of the last century. In 2015 the manuscript was edited and completed by E.B. Vadetskaya. The work is mainly based on the study of the unique cemetery of Sukhoye Ozero II (the Dried Lake II), which was investigated in 1963 – 1968 by the Chernovskiy detachment, led by G.A. Maksimenkov and E.B. Vadetskaya, of the Krasnoyarsk archaeological expedition under the authority of the Leningrad Branch of the Institute of Archaeology of AS USSR. During the archaeological research in the territory of the Minusinsk Hollows (Bogradskiy district of the Republic of Khakassia) 295 mounds were investigated including 560 graves belonging to the early stage of the Karasuk culture. According to the modern data, the site dates to the period of XIV – XII cc. BCE. The collection of artifacts from the cemetery is held by the State Hermitage Museum. In the monograph, not only materials of the site are published but there are also some chapters dealing with the study of the site and the early stage of the Karasuk culture in general.
The monograph will be of great interest for the archaeologists, historians, anthropologists, and for all who is curious about the prehistory of Siberia.

Сборник материалов XI Международной научной конференции «Древние культуры Монголии, Южной Сибири ... more Сборник материалов XI Международной научной конференции «Древние культуры Монголии, Южной Сибири и Северного Китая» содержит работы участников конференции, состоявшейся 8–11 сентября 2021 года в г. Абакан (Российская Федерация). Эта конференция, которая продолжает серию научных мероприятий, начатых в 2010 году в г. Улан-Удэ, была проведена на базе Южносибирского филиала Института истории материальной культуры РАН. Материалы сборника хронологически охватывают большой период времени от палеолита до современности и посвящены актуальным проблемам археологической науки, этнологии и сохранения историко-культурного наследия восточной части Северной Евразии.
The Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific Conference “Ancient Cultures of Mongolia, South Siberia and North China” contain works of participants of the conference held on September 8–11, 2021 in Abakan (Russian Federation). This conference, which continues a series of scientific events started in 2010 in Ulan-Ude, was held on the basis of the South Siberian Branch of the Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The Conference Proceedings chronologically cover a large period of time from the Paleolithic to the Modern Times and are devoted to current problems of archaeological science, ethnology and preservation of historical and cultural heritage of the eastern part of Northern Eurasia.
АФАНАСЬЕВСКИЙ СБОРНИК 2 СБОРНИК НАУЧНЫх СТАТЕЙ Барнаул 2012 ББК 63.48(54)я43 УДК 902(1-925.3)(082... more АФАНАСЬЕВСКИЙ СБОРНИК 2 СБОРНИК НАУЧНЫх СТАТЕЙ Барнаул 2012 ББК 63.48(54)я43 УДК 902(1-925.3)(082) А 941 Редакционная коллегия: доктор исторических наук э.Б. Вадецкая; кандидат исторических наук А.В. Поляков; кандидат исторических наук Н.Ф. Степанова (отв. редактор) Рецензенты: доктор исторических наук С.В. Цыб; кандидат исторических наук Н.А. Боковенко А 941 Афанасьевский сборник 2 : сборник научных статей / отв. ред. Н.Ф. Степанова. -Барнаул : Азбука, 2012. -226 с.: илл.
Российская академия наук сибиРское отделение институт аРхеологии и этногРафии Российская академия... more Российская академия наук сибиРское отделение институт аРхеологии и этногРафии Российская академия наук институт истоРии матеРиальной культуРы министеРстВо обРаЗоВания и науки Российской федеРаЦии гоу ВПо «алтайский госудаРстВенный униВеРситет» АФАНАСЬЕВСКИЙ СБОРНИК сбоРник науЧных статей барнаул 2010 ББК 63.48(54)я43 УДК 902(1-925.3)(082) А 941 Редакционная коллегия: кандидат исторических наук н.ф. степанова (отв. редактор); кандидат исторических наук а.В. Поляков (отв. редактор); кандидат исторических наук с.с. тур; кандидат исторических наук П.и. Шульга Рецензенты: доктор исторических наук э.б. Вадецкая; доктор исторических наук с.В. Цыб А 941 Афанасьевский сборник : сборник научных статей / отв. ред. н.ф. степанова, а.В. Поляков. -барнаул : азбука, 2010. -293 с.: илл.
Abstract by Andrey Poliakov
Papers by Andrey Poliakov
В статье публикуются материалы раскопок в 2006 году четырёх курганов, датирующихся периодом поздн... more В статье публикуются материалы раскопок в 2006 году четырёх курганов, датирующихся периодом поздней бронзы (XIII–XII вв. до н.э.). Два из них за счёт размеров ограды и сохранившейся насыпи могут рассматриваться, как элитарные сооружения. Удалось проследить дополнительные признаки подобных сооружений: наличие облицованной камнем насыпи над могилой и многочисленные остатки сопроводительной мясной пищи, представленной различными видами домашних животных (корова, овца).

The report provides detailed information about the history of exploration of the Kamenny Log I se... more The report provides detailed information about the history of exploration of the Kamenny Log I settlement (excavations by M. P. Gryaznov and M. N. Komarova, 1961–1963). The monument belongs to the Late Bronze Age and has a longer chronology (XIV-IX centuries BC) than previously thought. Particular attention is paid to the study of cheek-pieces found at the settlement. A monographic publication of the materials of this settlement has been prepared with a description of the materials, chronology, paleozoological materials, chemical composition of metal products and traceological analysis of individual artifacts.
В докладе представлена развёрнутая информация об истории исследований поселения Каменный Лог I (раскопки М. П. Грязнова и М. Н. Комаровой, 1961–1963 годы). Памятник относится к периоду поздней бронзы и имеет более продолжительную хронологию (XIV–IX вв. до н.э.), чем это предполагалось ранее. Особое внимание уделено изучению обнаруженных на поселении псалиев. Подготовлена монографическая публикация материалов этого поселения с характеристикой материалов, хронологии, палеозоологических материалов, химического состава металлических изделий и трасологическому анализу отдельных артефактов.

This paper presents the latest results of the research describing the cultural-historical process... more This paper presents the latest results of the research describing the cultural-historical processes, that were taking place in the territory of the Minusinsk Hollows during the paleometal period (XXXth–IXth Centuries BC). At present there is no doubt, that the migration processes played a key role in the formation of the ancient population contributed to creation of the sites of this period. Every new archeological culture bears evidence of the appearance of a new population which is characterized by its own cultural attributes and a gene pool. This knowledge completely changes our understanding of the historical processes occurred during this period on the north-eastern fringe of the Eurasian steppes.
В статье представлены результаты исследований последнего времени, характеризующие культурно-исторические процессы, происходившие на территории Минусинских котловин на протяжении эпохи палеометалла (XXX–IX вв. до н.э.). На сегодняшний день не остаётся сомнений в ключевой роли миграционных процессов при формировании древнего населения, оставившего памятники этого времени. Каждая новая археологическая культура несёт на себе следы появления нового населения, отличающегося как генофондом, так и культурными признаками. Это в корне меняет наши традиционные представления об исторических процессах, происходивших в этот период на северо-восточной окраине Евразийских степей.

В статье представлены результаты раскопок в 2020 году двух курганов могильника Казановка–9 (Аскиз... more В статье представлены результаты раскопок в 2020 году двух курганов могильника Казановка–9 (Аскизский район Республики Хакасия). Памятник относится к афанасьевской культуре (XXX–XV вв. до н.э.). Он является частью могильного поля, рассечённого железной дорогой. Курган 2 практически полностью уничтожен в результате хозяйственной деятельности. Курган 1 представляет собой частично потревоженное элитарное погребение мужчины старше 55 лет. В обширной могиле находился богатый сопроводительный инвентарь: два сосуда, корчага, каменный пест, два оселка, плита для растирания охры. В северо-восточной части могилы были прослежены следы, возможно, свидетельствующие об установке в могилу повозки.
The article presents results of archaeological excavations of two kurgans belonging to Kazanovka–9 burial ground, made in the Askizsky district of the Republic of Khakassia in 2020. The site represents Afanasiev culture (XXX-XV centuries BC) and makes a part of bigger grave field cut by a railroad. Mound 2 is almost completely destroyed due to anthropogenic activities. Mound 1 is a partially disturbed elite burial of a man over 55 years old. The vast grave contained rich accompanying artefacts: two vessels, a pot, a stone pestle, two whetstones, and an ocher grinding plate. In the northeastern part of the grave were fixed some traces, probably indicating the installation of a wagon.

Аннотация. В статье представлена новая классификация цельнолитых бронзовых ножей, найденных в пог... more Аннотация. В статье представлена новая классификация цельнолитых бронзовых ножей, найденных в погребениях периода поздней бронзы (конец XV-конец IX в. до н. э.) Минусинских котловин. Предложено их не объединять в единую линию развития таких изделий. Согласно авторской миграционной концепции культурогенеза в регионе, такие ножи были разделены на четыре отдельные группы, каждая из которых имеет свою историю формирования за пределами Саяно-Алтая. Кроме того, отдельно выделена группа «андроновских» ножей, появление которых в погребениях этого периода отражает процесс сосуществования культур на сопредельных территориях.
The “Karasuk” knives are among the “visiting cards” of the archaeology of Minusinsk hollows. Their studies continue already for over hundred years however the typologies and classifications proposed by the researchers
have not so far become a reference for a wide circle of explorations. The problem is in the fact that all the products of that long chronological period (late 15th — late 9th century BC) were arranged along a single uninterrupted line with a gradual transition of one type to another. Modern investigations demonstrate that during the Palaeometallic Age in the area of the Minusinsk hollows, migration processes played a huge role. In the period of the Late Bronze Age, new groups of people were coming to the Yenisey bringing with them peculiar sets of artefacts including knives.
As a result, the entire mass of these objects must be divided into several groups which, as investigations show, are of a chronological significance (Figs. 1–5). They were used in the most cases sequentially but at the same time do not present an evolutional series of artefacts of this kind. The formation of each new group was the result of the appearance of a new population in the Minusinsk hollows with its set of artefacts.

There is in the article a short overview of modern views on the processes of forming the populati... more There is in the article a short overview of modern views on the processes of forming the population of the Minusinsk Hollows during the Paleometal Epoch. The traditional views, based on the theory of indigenous development, give way to new hypotheses, which demonstrate that the shaping of the new populations was largely influenced by migration processes. Thus, the scientific data becomes of great importance, especially this of paleogenetic studies. This data verifies that the main archaeological cultures of the early Paleometal Epoch (Afanasyevo, Okunevo, and Andronovo cultures) were formed solely by migration processes. It is also recorded that the previous population was almost entirely substituted by the newcomers. On the other hand, the situation during the Pre-Scythian period is a more complex one. The new population groups are constantly infiltrating and are intensively assimilated by the locals.

The article describes the modern-day situation in studying the problem of development of the site... more The article describes the modern-day situation in studying the problem of development of the sites of the Karasuk type in the middle stream of the Yenisey river. The migration concept of shaping those sites is argued, which assumes little participation in the process of local Andronovo tribes. The basic features of the funeral rite of the immigrants, are formulated, who came to the Yenisey basin at the end of the 15th c. BCE, these features connected with the high standards of stone and metal manufacture, unique funeral rite, and a tradition to put “meaty” accompanying food in a grave, which consisted of a determined set of pieces of meat. A description of a unique type of knives is provided, which is bound to this initial stage of forming the Karasuk sites exclusively. It is also noted, that these knives were made of bronze with a high percentage of tin alloy (up to 20-25%). The resulting conclusion is that this “migration wave” originates most probably in the territory of Central Kazakhstan.
В статье описано современное состояние изучения проблемы сложения памятников карасукского типа на Среднем Енисее. Обоснована миграционная концепция их формирования, предполагающая малое участие в этом процессе местных андроновских племён. Сформулированы основные признаки погребального обряда населения, пришедшего на Енисей в конце XV в. до н.э., которые связаны с высоким уровнем обработки камня и металла, уникальным погребальным обрядом и традицией помещения в могилу «мясной» сопроводительной пищи в виде определённого набора кусков мяса. Дано описание уникального типа ножей, связанных исключительно с этим начальным этапом сложения карасукских памятников, и отмечено использование для их изготовления бронзы с высоким содержанием лигатуры оловом (до 20-25%). В результате сделан вывод о наиболее вероятном происхождении данной миграционной «волны» с территории Центрального Казахстана.

In 2009, the first radiocarbon chronology of the Bronze Age and Scythian period of the Minusinsk ... more In 2009, the first radiocarbon chronology of the Bronze Age and Scythian period of the Minusinsk Basins was published, which laid foundation for a system analysis of further results. Over the past decade, the total number of radiocarbon definitions has further increased by almost a quarter. The most important changes have affected the chronological frames of Afanasyeva Culture. A vast series of new AMS dates obtained from the Altai Mountains sites showed that a significant number of the earlier age estimates erroneously suggested the sites to be considerably older. This phenomenon probably affected the Minusinsk Basins as well. The new dates shifted the boundaries of the Afanasyeva Culture in the Middle Yenisei Region to the 30 th-25 th c. BC, and the timing of the earliest Okunev Culture burials to the end of the 26 th c. BC rather than the beginning of the 25 th c. BC. This suggests a 100-year period of coexistence of the Afanasyeva and Okunev Cultures. Moreover, the new dates filled the "hiatus" between the end of the Okunev and beginning of the Andronovo Culture, discussed in 2009. The end of the Okunev can now be attributed to the 17 th c. BC. The new dates fully confirm the narrow chronology of the Andronovo (Fedorov) Culture on the Middle Yenisei-17 th-15 th c. BC. Minor changes are seen at the beginning of the Late Bronze Age in the Minusinsk Basins, previously called the Karasuk Culture. The new determinations suggest the end of the 15 th c. BC as the beginning of this period, which is somewhat older than previously thought. The end of the Bronze Age is still dated to the end of the 9 th c. BC.
Books by Andrey Poliakov
Издание предназначено для археологов, этнографов, историков, студентов и всех интересующихся археологией и древней историей Южной Сибири.
Издание предназначено для археологов, этнографов, историков, студентов и всех интересующихся археологией и древней историей Южной Сибири.
Abstract. The current monograph is devoted to the publication of archaeological material obtained during the 1961-1963 field campaign of M.P. Gryaznov and M.N. Komarova at the Kamenny Log I settlement (Bograd district, Republic of Khakassia). The research was conducted as a part of the work of the Krasnoyarsk expedition of the Leningrad Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (now IHMS RAS) at the territory allotted for the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station reservoir. The site has proven to be an object of special importance for the study of the final Paleometal period of South Siberia. It was the material from this site that allowed M.P. Gryaznov to identify the Kamennologsky phase of the Karasuk culture. Not only this monograph provides archive records and drawings of artefacts from the collection stored in The State Hermitage, but it also contains chapters devoted to the description of finds, dwelling structures and their absolute age. The monograph is supplemented by the results of several independent studies covering osteological material, chemical analysis of metal tools and traceological studies.
This volume is intended for archaeologists, ethnographers, historians, students and all those interested in archaeology and prehistory of South Siberia.
Издание предназначено для археологов, антропологов, этнографов, историков, студентов и всех интересующихся археологией и древней историей Среднего Енисея и Северной Евразии в целом.
This monography is a complex modern interpretation of the chronology and cultural genesis of the Paleometal epoch sites in Minusinsk basins (35th – 9th centuries BCE). In this work, based on the study of 5000 burials dating to the period, a conception of shaping and evolution of the following archaeological cultures is constructed: the Afanasievo, Okunev, Andronovo cultures, encompassing also the sites of the Late Bronze Age of the region, which are traditionally lumped together into a concept of the Karasuk culture. The relative and absolute chronology of the studied cultures is investigated using many modern radiocarbon dates and on the basis of comparisons with the sites of Northern China, dated by written sources. When constructing the cultural genesis model the data of anthropology and paleogenetics are used. As a result, a picture of active migrational processes, which were occurring during the Paleometal epoch in the territory of Central Asia, is formed.
The book is designed for archaeologists, anthropologists, ethnographers, historians, students and for anybody interested in the archaeology and ancient history of the Midstream of the Yenisey and Northern Eurasia in general.
The first chapter is based on M. P. Gryaznov’s and M. N. Komarova’s field reports, and on field notes taken by the participants of the expedition. In addition, it presents some of Gryaznov’s preliminary conclusions contained in his reports and brief publications. The illustrations include all the available plans and sections of the cemetery, as well as numerous drawings of finds stored in the Hermitage.
Three next chapters are written by A. V. Polyakov. They are devoted to the thorough analysis of the site. Chapter 2 gives a careful consideration of the complex of traits associated with the funerary rite. The analogies are sought for both within the Karasuk culture itself and among the Late Bronze Age sites of the adjacent regions. The chapter is concluded with the general characteristic of the cemetery materials. Chapter 3 is devoted to the position the cemetery within the frameworks of the current views on the relative chronology of the Late Bronze Age in the Middle Yenisei region. The example of Kyurghenner is used to illustrate the existence of two independent chronological horizons within the limits of the “classical” stage of the Karasuk culture. A new typology of the pottery coming from the burials of this stage is proposed in chapter 4.
Chapter 5, written by I. P. Lazaretov, is devoted to the study of the group of atypical interments of Kyurghenner. The author offers a new vision of the process of formation of the later Kamennyi Log stage of the Karasuk culture. The appendixes include the list of the archive sources used by the authors, statistical tables, and the work by S. V. Khavrin, who analyzed the chemical composition of the bronze artifacts from Kyurghenner.
The monograph is intended for archaeologists, physical anthropologists, and ethnographers, but can also be of interest for numerous amateurs of history.
Editor by Andrey Poliakov
Монография представляет большой интерес для археологов, историков, антропологов и всех интересующихся древней историей Сибири.
This monograph is a published handwriting of G.A. Maksimenkov, which he had written at the end of the 70-s – the beginning of the 80-s of the last century. In 2015 the manuscript was edited and completed by E.B. Vadetskaya. The work is mainly based on the study of the unique cemetery of Sukhoye Ozero II (the Dried Lake II), which was investigated in 1963 – 1968 by the Chernovskiy detachment, led by G.A. Maksimenkov and E.B. Vadetskaya, of the Krasnoyarsk archaeological expedition under the authority of the Leningrad Branch of the Institute of Archaeology of AS USSR. During the archaeological research in the territory of the Minusinsk Hollows (Bogradskiy district of the Republic of Khakassia) 295 mounds were investigated including 560 graves belonging to the early stage of the Karasuk culture. According to the modern data, the site dates to the period of XIV – XII cc. BCE. The collection of artifacts from the cemetery is held by the State Hermitage Museum. In the monograph, not only materials of the site are published but there are also some chapters dealing with the study of the site and the early stage of the Karasuk culture in general.
The monograph will be of great interest for the archaeologists, historians, anthropologists, and for all who is curious about the prehistory of Siberia.
The Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific Conference “Ancient Cultures of Mongolia, South Siberia and North China” contain works of participants of the conference held on September 8–11, 2021 in Abakan (Russian Federation). This conference, which continues a series of scientific events started in 2010 in Ulan-Ude, was held on the basis of the South Siberian Branch of the Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The Conference Proceedings chronologically cover a large period of time from the Paleolithic to the Modern Times and are devoted to current problems of archaeological science, ethnology and preservation of historical and cultural heritage of the eastern part of Northern Eurasia.
Abstract by Andrey Poliakov
Papers by Andrey Poliakov
В докладе представлена развёрнутая информация об истории исследований поселения Каменный Лог I (раскопки М. П. Грязнова и М. Н. Комаровой, 1961–1963 годы). Памятник относится к периоду поздней бронзы и имеет более продолжительную хронологию (XIV–IX вв. до н.э.), чем это предполагалось ранее. Особое внимание уделено изучению обнаруженных на поселении псалиев. Подготовлена монографическая публикация материалов этого поселения с характеристикой материалов, хронологии, палеозоологических материалов, химического состава металлических изделий и трасологическому анализу отдельных артефактов.
В статье представлены результаты исследований последнего времени, характеризующие культурно-исторические процессы, происходившие на территории Минусинских котловин на протяжении эпохи палеометалла (XXX–IX вв. до н.э.). На сегодняшний день не остаётся сомнений в ключевой роли миграционных процессов при формировании древнего населения, оставившего памятники этого времени. Каждая новая археологическая культура несёт на себе следы появления нового населения, отличающегося как генофондом, так и культурными признаками. Это в корне меняет наши традиционные представления об исторических процессах, происходивших в этот период на северо-восточной окраине Евразийских степей.
The article presents results of archaeological excavations of two kurgans belonging to Kazanovka–9 burial ground, made in the Askizsky district of the Republic of Khakassia in 2020. The site represents Afanasiev culture (XXX-XV centuries BC) and makes a part of bigger grave field cut by a railroad. Mound 2 is almost completely destroyed due to anthropogenic activities. Mound 1 is a partially disturbed elite burial of a man over 55 years old. The vast grave contained rich accompanying artefacts: two vessels, a pot, a stone pestle, two whetstones, and an ocher grinding plate. In the northeastern part of the grave were fixed some traces, probably indicating the installation of a wagon.
The “Karasuk” knives are among the “visiting cards” of the archaeology of Minusinsk hollows. Their studies continue already for over hundred years however the typologies and classifications proposed by the researchers
have not so far become a reference for a wide circle of explorations. The problem is in the fact that all the products of that long chronological period (late 15th — late 9th century BC) were arranged along a single uninterrupted line with a gradual transition of one type to another. Modern investigations demonstrate that during the Palaeometallic Age in the area of the Minusinsk hollows, migration processes played a huge role. In the period of the Late Bronze Age, new groups of people were coming to the Yenisey bringing with them peculiar sets of artefacts including knives.
As a result, the entire mass of these objects must be divided into several groups which, as investigations show, are of a chronological significance (Figs. 1–5). They were used in the most cases sequentially but at the same time do not present an evolutional series of artefacts of this kind. The formation of each new group was the result of the appearance of a new population in the Minusinsk hollows with its set of artefacts.
В статье описано современное состояние изучения проблемы сложения памятников карасукского типа на Среднем Енисее. Обоснована миграционная концепция их формирования, предполагающая малое участие в этом процессе местных андроновских племён. Сформулированы основные признаки погребального обряда населения, пришедшего на Енисей в конце XV в. до н.э., которые связаны с высоким уровнем обработки камня и металла, уникальным погребальным обрядом и традицией помещения в могилу «мясной» сопроводительной пищи в виде определённого набора кусков мяса. Дано описание уникального типа ножей, связанных исключительно с этим начальным этапом сложения карасукских памятников, и отмечено использование для их изготовления бронзы с высоким содержанием лигатуры оловом (до 20-25%). В результате сделан вывод о наиболее вероятном происхождении данной миграционной «волны» с территории Центрального Казахстана.
Издание предназначено для археологов, этнографов, историков, студентов и всех интересующихся археологией и древней историей Южной Сибири.
Издание предназначено для археологов, этнографов, историков, студентов и всех интересующихся археологией и древней историей Южной Сибири.
Abstract. The current monograph is devoted to the publication of archaeological material obtained during the 1961-1963 field campaign of M.P. Gryaznov and M.N. Komarova at the Kamenny Log I settlement (Bograd district, Republic of Khakassia). The research was conducted as a part of the work of the Krasnoyarsk expedition of the Leningrad Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (now IHMS RAS) at the territory allotted for the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station reservoir. The site has proven to be an object of special importance for the study of the final Paleometal period of South Siberia. It was the material from this site that allowed M.P. Gryaznov to identify the Kamennologsky phase of the Karasuk culture. Not only this monograph provides archive records and drawings of artefacts from the collection stored in The State Hermitage, but it also contains chapters devoted to the description of finds, dwelling structures and their absolute age. The monograph is supplemented by the results of several independent studies covering osteological material, chemical analysis of metal tools and traceological studies.
This volume is intended for archaeologists, ethnographers, historians, students and all those interested in archaeology and prehistory of South Siberia.
Издание предназначено для археологов, антропологов, этнографов, историков, студентов и всех интересующихся археологией и древней историей Среднего Енисея и Северной Евразии в целом.
This monography is a complex modern interpretation of the chronology and cultural genesis of the Paleometal epoch sites in Minusinsk basins (35th – 9th centuries BCE). In this work, based on the study of 5000 burials dating to the period, a conception of shaping and evolution of the following archaeological cultures is constructed: the Afanasievo, Okunev, Andronovo cultures, encompassing also the sites of the Late Bronze Age of the region, which are traditionally lumped together into a concept of the Karasuk culture. The relative and absolute chronology of the studied cultures is investigated using many modern radiocarbon dates and on the basis of comparisons with the sites of Northern China, dated by written sources. When constructing the cultural genesis model the data of anthropology and paleogenetics are used. As a result, a picture of active migrational processes, which were occurring during the Paleometal epoch in the territory of Central Asia, is formed.
The book is designed for archaeologists, anthropologists, ethnographers, historians, students and for anybody interested in the archaeology and ancient history of the Midstream of the Yenisey and Northern Eurasia in general.
The first chapter is based on M. P. Gryaznov’s and M. N. Komarova’s field reports, and on field notes taken by the participants of the expedition. In addition, it presents some of Gryaznov’s preliminary conclusions contained in his reports and brief publications. The illustrations include all the available plans and sections of the cemetery, as well as numerous drawings of finds stored in the Hermitage.
Three next chapters are written by A. V. Polyakov. They are devoted to the thorough analysis of the site. Chapter 2 gives a careful consideration of the complex of traits associated with the funerary rite. The analogies are sought for both within the Karasuk culture itself and among the Late Bronze Age sites of the adjacent regions. The chapter is concluded with the general characteristic of the cemetery materials. Chapter 3 is devoted to the position the cemetery within the frameworks of the current views on the relative chronology of the Late Bronze Age in the Middle Yenisei region. The example of Kyurghenner is used to illustrate the existence of two independent chronological horizons within the limits of the “classical” stage of the Karasuk culture. A new typology of the pottery coming from the burials of this stage is proposed in chapter 4.
Chapter 5, written by I. P. Lazaretov, is devoted to the study of the group of atypical interments of Kyurghenner. The author offers a new vision of the process of formation of the later Kamennyi Log stage of the Karasuk culture. The appendixes include the list of the archive sources used by the authors, statistical tables, and the work by S. V. Khavrin, who analyzed the chemical composition of the bronze artifacts from Kyurghenner.
The monograph is intended for archaeologists, physical anthropologists, and ethnographers, but can also be of interest for numerous amateurs of history.
Монография представляет большой интерес для археологов, историков, антропологов и всех интересующихся древней историей Сибири.
This monograph is a published handwriting of G.A. Maksimenkov, which he had written at the end of the 70-s – the beginning of the 80-s of the last century. In 2015 the manuscript was edited and completed by E.B. Vadetskaya. The work is mainly based on the study of the unique cemetery of Sukhoye Ozero II (the Dried Lake II), which was investigated in 1963 – 1968 by the Chernovskiy detachment, led by G.A. Maksimenkov and E.B. Vadetskaya, of the Krasnoyarsk archaeological expedition under the authority of the Leningrad Branch of the Institute of Archaeology of AS USSR. During the archaeological research in the territory of the Minusinsk Hollows (Bogradskiy district of the Republic of Khakassia) 295 mounds were investigated including 560 graves belonging to the early stage of the Karasuk culture. According to the modern data, the site dates to the period of XIV – XII cc. BCE. The collection of artifacts from the cemetery is held by the State Hermitage Museum. In the monograph, not only materials of the site are published but there are also some chapters dealing with the study of the site and the early stage of the Karasuk culture in general.
The monograph will be of great interest for the archaeologists, historians, anthropologists, and for all who is curious about the prehistory of Siberia.
The Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific Conference “Ancient Cultures of Mongolia, South Siberia and North China” contain works of participants of the conference held on September 8–11, 2021 in Abakan (Russian Federation). This conference, which continues a series of scientific events started in 2010 in Ulan-Ude, was held on the basis of the South Siberian Branch of the Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The Conference Proceedings chronologically cover a large period of time from the Paleolithic to the Modern Times and are devoted to current problems of archaeological science, ethnology and preservation of historical and cultural heritage of the eastern part of Northern Eurasia.
В докладе представлена развёрнутая информация об истории исследований поселения Каменный Лог I (раскопки М. П. Грязнова и М. Н. Комаровой, 1961–1963 годы). Памятник относится к периоду поздней бронзы и имеет более продолжительную хронологию (XIV–IX вв. до н.э.), чем это предполагалось ранее. Особое внимание уделено изучению обнаруженных на поселении псалиев. Подготовлена монографическая публикация материалов этого поселения с характеристикой материалов, хронологии, палеозоологических материалов, химического состава металлических изделий и трасологическому анализу отдельных артефактов.
В статье представлены результаты исследований последнего времени, характеризующие культурно-исторические процессы, происходившие на территории Минусинских котловин на протяжении эпохи палеометалла (XXX–IX вв. до н.э.). На сегодняшний день не остаётся сомнений в ключевой роли миграционных процессов при формировании древнего населения, оставившего памятники этого времени. Каждая новая археологическая культура несёт на себе следы появления нового населения, отличающегося как генофондом, так и культурными признаками. Это в корне меняет наши традиционные представления об исторических процессах, происходивших в этот период на северо-восточной окраине Евразийских степей.
The article presents results of archaeological excavations of two kurgans belonging to Kazanovka–9 burial ground, made in the Askizsky district of the Republic of Khakassia in 2020. The site represents Afanasiev culture (XXX-XV centuries BC) and makes a part of bigger grave field cut by a railroad. Mound 2 is almost completely destroyed due to anthropogenic activities. Mound 1 is a partially disturbed elite burial of a man over 55 years old. The vast grave contained rich accompanying artefacts: two vessels, a pot, a stone pestle, two whetstones, and an ocher grinding plate. In the northeastern part of the grave were fixed some traces, probably indicating the installation of a wagon.
The “Karasuk” knives are among the “visiting cards” of the archaeology of Minusinsk hollows. Their studies continue already for over hundred years however the typologies and classifications proposed by the researchers
have not so far become a reference for a wide circle of explorations. The problem is in the fact that all the products of that long chronological period (late 15th — late 9th century BC) were arranged along a single uninterrupted line with a gradual transition of one type to another. Modern investigations demonstrate that during the Palaeometallic Age in the area of the Minusinsk hollows, migration processes played a huge role. In the period of the Late Bronze Age, new groups of people were coming to the Yenisey bringing with them peculiar sets of artefacts including knives.
As a result, the entire mass of these objects must be divided into several groups which, as investigations show, are of a chronological significance (Figs. 1–5). They were used in the most cases sequentially but at the same time do not present an evolutional series of artefacts of this kind. The formation of each new group was the result of the appearance of a new population in the Minusinsk hollows with its set of artefacts.
В статье описано современное состояние изучения проблемы сложения памятников карасукского типа на Среднем Енисее. Обоснована миграционная концепция их формирования, предполагающая малое участие в этом процессе местных андроновских племён. Сформулированы основные признаки погребального обряда населения, пришедшего на Енисей в конце XV в. до н.э., которые связаны с высоким уровнем обработки камня и металла, уникальным погребальным обрядом и традицией помещения в могилу «мясной» сопроводительной пищи в виде определённого набора кусков мяса. Дано описание уникального типа ножей, связанных исключительно с этим начальным этапом сложения карасукских памятников, и отмечено использование для их изготовления бронзы с высоким содержанием лигатуры оловом (до 20-25%). В результате сделан вывод о наиболее вероятном происхождении данной миграционной «волны» с территории Центрального Казахстана.
Andrey V. Poliakov, Peter Hommel, Leonid S. Marsadolov, Vera M. Lurie
Summary. This abstract presents the first results of Kamenniy Log I, the Late Bronze Age settlement at Minusinsk Hollow, radiocarbon dating. This investigation was based on samples from the different dwellings. The analysis, which had been made at the laboratories of the Oxford University, confirmed earlier assumptions about the sustainable chronology of this key site (XIV-X BC).
the Okunev culture of the Minusinsk basin (26–18 centuries BC) population genesis. According to the materials
of the earliest funerary sites of this period, the formation of this culture occurred as a result of the migration of
new cattle breeding groups from the west. They were represented mainly by men of brachycranic craniological
type. The female part of the population at the time of its inclusion consisted of the Mongoloid population
individuals, carriers of hunting traditions. Subsequently, the process of mixing these two components and the
formation of a homogeneous population is traced.
На сегодняшний день в материалах окуневской культуры Минусинских котловин известно 15 уникальных погребений катакомбного типа. По конструкциям они близки к синхронным сооружениям восточноевропейских степей, но имеют заметные отличия не дающие устанавливать прямую связь. Изучение этой серии выявило, что их использование не несёт какого-либо социального, гендерного или религиозного значения. На основании типологических данных и результатов радиоуглеродного анализа установлен очень короткий хронологический период их бытования, связанный исключительно с самым ранним периодом сложения и развития культуры (начало уйбатского этапа). На этом основании можно сделать вывод о том, что они являются одним из важных маркеров той группы населения, которая принесла в Минусинские котловины большую часть культурного «багажа», который определил в дальнейшем своеобразие окуневского феномена.