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    • Early Medieval Archaeology
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      AnthropologyMedieval Archaeology
Of the 39 non-shared phylogenetically informative chromosomal SNPs that were detected among all new genomes, 20 are non-synonymous in coding regions of (hypothetical) proteins (SI Appendix, ). The genome of VAL001.B shows non-synonymous... more
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      ArchaeologyPopulation genetics (Biology)Medieval Islamic HistoryHuman Migration
The first historically documented pandemic caused by Yersinia pestis started as the Justinianic Plague in 541 within the Roman Empire and continued as the so-called First Pandemic until 750. Although palaeogenomic studies have previously... more
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      ArchaeologyBioarchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyHistory of Plague
The paleopathological, paleoradiological, histological, molecular and forensic investigation of a female mummy (radiocarbon dated 1451-1642 AD) provides circumstantial evidence for massive skull trauma affecting a young adult female... more
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    • Chemistry
Rezension zu: Furtmayr, H. (2017). München-Giesing. Ein frühmittelalterliches Gräberfeld vor der Stadt (Abhandlungen und Bestandskataloge der Archäologischen Staatssammlung, Digital Band 1) (München 2017). 111 S. mit 5 Abb. und 52 Taf.... more
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Modern European genetic structure demonstrates strong correlations with geography, while genetic analysis of prehistoric humans has indicated at least two major waves of immigration from outside the continent during periods of cultural... more
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      ArchaeologyBiologyMedieval Islamic HistoryAncient DNA Research
Im Jahre 1990 erwarb das Germanische Nationalmuseum das Modell einer Gürtelschnalle, das in Caesarea gefunden worden sein soll. Im Museumsbesitz waren bereits 10 Gürtelschnal len, deren Fundorte in Ägypten, im Libanon und in Italien... more
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Merovingians Y ersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague, is a Gram-negative bacterium that predominantly infects rodents and is transmitted by their ectoparasites such as fleas. As a zoonosis, it is also able to infect humans with a... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyBiologyMedicine
During the transition from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages, the Roman Empire dissolved in the West and medieval empires were founded. There has been much discussion about the role that migration played in this transition. This is... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyStrontium Isotope AnalysisHuman MigrationBavarian History
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Vor 140 Jahren wurde der Grabfund von Wittislingen entdeckt, ein Ensemble, dem bis heute im frühmittelalterlichen Fundmaterial Süddeutschlands nichts Adäquates gegenübergestellt werden kann. Die kostbaren Objekte stellen einen wirklichen... more
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