Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 349-353, 2025
Despite all of the advantages of laparoscopic surgery, there remain certain concerns. An increase... more Despite all of the advantages of laparoscopic surgery, there remain certain concerns. An increased intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) exerted by CO 2 pneumoperitoneum has adverse effects on all organs and systems especially on the circularity system and cardiac function. To understand effect of IAP study was undertaken on twelve female mongrel dogs brought for laparoscopic ovariohysterectomy. All dogs were sedated with butorphanol, induced with propofol and maintenance of anesthesia was done with isoflurane. All dogs underwent a detailed systemic investigation protocol including echocardiographic examination. Physiological parameters such as rectal temperature decreased significantly throughout anaesthetic period and come to normal after complete recovery. Heart rate, pulse rate and respiratory rate was decreased significantly after induction of anaesthesia and increased after insufflation of CO 2. Echocardiographic parameters like EF and CO were decreased significantly after induction of anaesthesia by 9% and 33% respectively and after insufflation of CO 2 by 8% and 5% respectively. However, all other parameters (FS and SV) showed no significant changes. In conclusion, effects of CO 2 pneumoperitoneum and anaesthesia on cardiac function are mild and of transient duration in healthy dogs.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 344-348, 2025
Background: Adrenal gland is an important endocrine gland that secrets several hormones that play... more Background: Adrenal gland is an important endocrine gland that secrets several hormones that play a key role in the adaptation of the newborn to extra uterine life. The study was conducted to explore the histomorphological development of adrenal glands in Gohilwadi Goat (Capra hircus). Methods: The research work was carried out on twenty pair of goat adrenal gland collected from local abattoir. The animals were divided into three age groups, viz. group-I (day old to 1 month), group-II (>1 month to 6 months) and group-III (>6 months). Result: Histological observations revealed that the gland was fully differentiated into cortex and medulla, completely surrounded by a dense fibrous capsule in the day old goats. In group-I, adrenal cortex was made up of definite and foetal cortex, whereas former one comprised of zona glomerulosa and zona fasciculata only. Small to elongate foetal cortical cells were characterized by eosinophilic cytoplasm and arranged into irregular cords. In group II, the foetal cortex disappeared and only definite cortex was present with well-developed three zones i.e. Zona glomerulosa, Zona fasciculata and Zona reticularis. Zona glomerulosa was the smallest of the three cortical zones and thickness increased from group-I to group-III. The zona fasciculata was the largest among the three cortical zones in all the age groups and thickness increased from group-I to group-III. Zona reticularis was well organized in the adrenal gland of adult Gohilwadi goat. Medulla occupied greater proportion of the gland and inner medullary cells were the main cellular constituent of medulla. Thickness of medulla increased from group-I to group-III.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 337-343, 2025
Background: The study on Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT) of Pati duck of Assam is of great ... more Background: The study on Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT) of Pati duck of Assam is of great value in regard to normal academic and bio-medical research aspects. The aim of the study was to evaluate the gross, histomorphological and scanning electronic microscopic examination of gut-associated lymphoid tissue of the intestine of Pati duck at different age group. Methods: For this study, forty five Pati ducks were divided into five groups depending on its age viz., 1 st week, 4 th week, 16 th week, 24 th week and 42 nd weeks old. The pieces of gut having lymphoid tissue or Peyer's patches were collected immediately after slaughter. These samples were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin solution and were processed as per the standard technique of procedure (Luna, 1968). The paraffin blocks were sectioned in Shandon Finesse microtome at 5 µm thickness and the sections were stained with Mayer's Haematoxylin and Eosin staining technique for Cellular details, Van Gieson's method for collagen fibres, Gomori's method for reticular fibres, Hart's method for elastic fibres and Bielchowsky's method for axis cylinder and dendrites as per the method of Luna (1968). Result: Gut-associated lymphoid tissue was found in the duodenum, jejunum, ileum, caecum and the terminal part of the rectum in all the age group of Pati duck. The lymphoid compartment of the gut-associated lymphoid tissue in duck included a follicular structure, dome, follicle associated epithelia and interfollicular area. Lamina propria of jejunum was heavily infiltrated with diffuse lymphatic tissue in the 16 th , 24 th and 42 nd week of age of Pati duck. The scattered and diffuse lymphatic infiltration occurred in all age groups. The lamina propria of the colorectum revealed an extensive network of reticular fibre with diffused lymphatic tissue in all the age group of duck. In Scanning Electron Microscope, the lumen of the jejunum was covered by finger-like villi with numerous opening of goblet cells. The lymphoid follicle of Lamina propria contains numerous lymphocytes along with connective tissue fibres.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 334-336, 2025
Background: Canine parvovirus is the most prevalent infectious disease affecting dogs globally. C... more Background: Canine parvovirus is the most prevalent infectious disease affecting dogs globally. Canine parvovirus type-2 is regarded as the causal factor of canine parvoviral enteritis (PVE). The objective of the study was to determine the occurrence of parvovirus in dogs in Jabalpur from June, 2023 to December, 2023. Methods: Faecal samples form suspected cases were handled using sterile swab and immersed immediately in phosphate buffer saline (1X PBS; pH 7.3±0.1). Polymerase chain reaction, conducted to confirm the cases of parvovirus infection. Result: Out of 125 faecal samples of dogs affected with HGE, 78 (62.4%) samples were found to be positive for VP-2 gene. The detailed investigation of the positive samples showed that the occurrence was highest among dogs of 0-3 months age group (79.06%). Nondescript breed had the highest occurrence of parvovirus infection (78.57%). Males showed a higher occurrence (71.64%) than female.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 330-333, 2025
Background: Diseases involving urinary system are very common in dogs causing significant morbidi... more Background: Diseases involving urinary system are very common in dogs causing significant morbidity and mortality in dogs. Renal failure and urinary obstruction are frequently encountered in clinical cases. Early diagnosis and treatment increase the survival rate and decreases the chances of complications related to renal failure. The present study was conducted to evaluate haemato-biochemical alterations in dogs having urinary system dysfunction. Methods: The study was conducted on 38 dogs to observe the haemato-biochemical parameter changes in dogs suffering from obstructive and non-obstructive renal system affections as compared to healthy dogs. Various haemato-biochemical parameters viz. Hb, PCV, TEC, TLC, DLC, BUN, creatinine, ALT, AST, ALP, TP, albumin and A:G ratio were evaluated. Qualitative analysis of urine was done using Multistix dip stick method. Result: In the present study the values of various haemato-biochemical parameters showed different pattern in both obstructive and non-obstructive renal diseases. Significant haematobiochemical changes reported in renal failure dogs were anemia, azotemia, increased alkaline phosphatase and AST values and decreased A:G ratio and in dogs with urinary obstruction the significant changes were uremia and leukocytosis. The results of the study suggested that the evaluation of various haemato-biochemical parameters help in diagnosis and predicting the prognosis of a renal disease.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 326-329, 2025
Background: The Aedes aegypti mosquito is a primary vector for several arboviral diseases, includ... more Background: The Aedes aegypti mosquito is a primary vector for several arboviral diseases, including dengue, Zika, chikungunya and yellow fever, posing significant public health challenges, especially in tropical and subtropical regions. Traditional chemical insecticides have been the mainstay for controlling Aedes aegypti populations, but their extensive use has led to the development of insecticide resistance, environmental pollution and adverse effects on non-target organisms. This study explores the potential of sea shell powder as a natural larvicide against Aedes aegypti larvae. Methods: Sea shell powder, derived from the calcified exoskeletons of marine mollusks, was tested for its larvicidal activity against fourth instar larvae of Ae. aegypti at concentrations ranging from 100 to 600 ppm. Result: The results demonstrated a concentration-and time-dependent increase in larval mortality, with LC 50 values of 407.01 ppm at 24 hours and 327.55 ppm at 48 hours. The findings suggest that sea shell powder could serve as an effective, environmentally sustainable alternative to chemical insecticides, offering advantages such as biodegradability, low cost and reduced risk of resistance development. This study supports the potential inclusion of sea shell powder in integrated mosquito management programs, particularly in areas with prevalent insecticide resistance.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 321-325, 2025
Background: Performing all the diagnostic tools before subjecting animals for designed experiment... more Background: Performing all the diagnostic tools before subjecting animals for designed experimental study is time consuming and economically not feasible. Furthermore, it may divert the researchers from original planned work to other areas. But these factors not acceptable to compromise in the assessment of effect of different regenerative agents, drugs and herbal preparation on liver. This is important to prevent any diversions in the actual results of the research due to the prior infection caused by Strobilocercus fasciolaris the lab animals. The study aimed to detect Strobilocercus fasciolaris infected Wistar albino rats using biochemical parameters as a diagnostic marker before subjecting the animals to any designed experimental study.
Methods: The study mainly utilizes abdominal exploration, morphological examination of the larvae, histopathological examination of liver and finally the biochemical parameters changes in the concerned animal. 192 animals used for this study in that 32 had single to multiple cysts in the liver on abdominal exploration. Characteristic Strobilocercus larval morphology, histopathological alterations on liver and serological biomarkers was studied.
Result: Our results showed that the serum levels of alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, glucose, gamma glutamyl transferase, blood urea nitrogen, and total protein can be used as indicators to measure the severity of Strobilocercus fasciolaris larva infection in rats.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 316-320, 2025
Background: This study aims to investigate the anti-obesity effect of GOE with adipokine (apelin ... more Background: This study aims to investigate the anti-obesity effect of GOE with adipokine (apelin and adiponectin) response at different doses (100 and 200 mg/kg) of GOE in normal healthy and obese rats with High-fat diet (HF). Methods: In this study, 36 adult male Wistar albino rats, aged between 8-10 weeks, were used. 6 groups were created, with 6 rats in each group: Control (C), Rat group without GOE and HF application, G100 (GOE 100 mg/kg group given with oral gavage route of administration (OGRA), G200 (GOE 200 mg/kg group given with OGRA), HFC (HF control group): no HF and no GOE group), HF100 (rats receiving HF were 100 mg/kg graviola oil extract added to their diet), HF200 (rats receiving HF were 200 mg/kg graviola oil extract added to their diet). Blood samples were taken from the tail vein (vena caudalis) of all on days 0 and 60 of the study. Apelin and adiponectin levels in the serum samples were measured by ELISA method. Result: In the present study, a significant increase (p<0.01) was observed in the mean serum apelin level in the HF groups at the end of the 60 day after HF induction, while a significant decrease (p<0.01) was also detected in the adiponectin level. On the other hand, when examined in terms of BW, the most significant decrease due to GOE addition in the HF groups, i.e. the anti-obesity effect, was determined in the HFG200 mg/kg group (p<0.01). As a result, it was concluded that GOE may be safe and beneficial when administered at a dose of 200 mg/kg in obesity-induced rats.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 311-315, 2025
Background: The Aedes aegypti mosquito is a major vector for several viral diseases, including de... more Background: The Aedes aegypti mosquito is a major vector for several viral diseases, including dengue fever, Zika virus, chikungunya and yellow fever, posing significant global health challenges. Traditional control methods rely heavily on chemical insecticides, leading to widespread resistance and environmental concerns. Methods: This study explores the larvicidal potential of Turritopsis dohrnii jellyfish extract as a sustainable alternative for mosquito control. The extract was tested against fourth instar Ae. aegypti larvae at concentrations ranging from 1% to 10%. Results: Mortality rates increased with both concentration and exposure time, with the highest concentration (10%) achieving 98.8% mortality after 24 hours. The LC 50 value decreased from 22.50% at 2 hours to 2.06% at 24 hours, indicating increased potency over time. The results demonstrate that T. dohrnii extract is highly effective as a larvicide, with potential to reduce reliance on chemical insecticides. The findings suggest that T. dohrnii extract could be integrated into existing mosquito management programs, offering a novel and environmentally friendly approach to controlling Ae. aegypti populations. Further research is recommended to isolate the bioactive compounds responsible for this effect and to assess the extract's efficacy under field conditions.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 305-310, 2025
Background: Bovine lameness predominantly due to foot disorders is a severe herd health concern i... more Background: Bovine lameness predominantly due to foot disorders is a severe herd health concern instigating substantial influence on dairy economics owing to increased odds of mastitis and reduced fertility. Timely diagnosis and treatment of lameness can save these economic losses. The current study was aimed to evaluate lameness and its effect on animal health in terms of body condition score and on udder health in Sahiwal cows. Methods: 204 lactating Sahiwal dairy cows in different lactation lengths and parities, from local Sahiwal farms in Punjab were evaluated for lameness. Cows were scored for body condition and lameness. Quarter foremilk used to determine the quarter health status of the cows by California mastitis test (CMT) and bacteriological culture and cow composite milk samples for estimation of somatic cell count (SCC), electrical conductivity, pH and milk composition, in terms of fat, solids not fat, protein and lactose were collected maintaining aseptic conditions. Result: 34 per cent had asymmetry in gait or mild lame, 5 per cent had moderate lameness and 1 per cent had severe lameness. Lameness had no significant effect on the body condition scores of Sahiwal cows. Subclinical mastitis was found in 40.2 per cent of Sahiwal dairy cows. It was concluded that incidence of mastitis was higher in the lame group as revealed by CMT and bacteriological culture and the lame group had significantly (P<0.05) more SCC and electrical conductivity than healthy cows. However, milk composition was not affected by lameness.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 299-304, 2025
Background: Swinepox is an economically important, classical pox disease of piglets. The present ... more Background: Swinepox is an economically important, classical pox disease of piglets. The present study was undertaken with a view to develop rapid serological tests to diagnose the disease. Methods: During the study period, 25 suspected swinepox outbreaks in Assam were confirmed by polymerase chain reaction with sequencing and phylogenetic analysis, further the outbreaks were confirmed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) for identification of swinepox positive samples. The positive samples were used to isolate the virus in PK-15 cell line and develop indirect and sandwich ELISA. Result: The cell culture-based indirect ELISA was developed that demonstrated an accuracy of 88.8% compare to VNT and 100% sensitivity with 66.67% specificity, could identify 61.71% seroprevalence of swinepox in random pig serum samples. A sandwich ELISA was also developed with polyclonal sera raised in rabbits as coating antibody and swinepox positive pig serum as tracing antibody. The sandwich ELISA detected 77.78% positive cases compared to PCR. Swinepox is an emerging disease in Northeastern region with high sero-positivity observed during random sampling. This is the first report of using immune sorbent assays to detect swinepox.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025), 2025
Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different amounts of jackfrui... more Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different amounts of jackfruit pulp extract (JPE) in the diets on serum nesfatin-1 and visfatin levels in Streptozotocin (STZ)-induced Type 1 diabetic rats. Methods: In this study, 64 adult male Wistar albino rats, aged between 8-10 weeks, were used. 8 groups were created, with 8 rats in each group: Control (C), J100 (JPE 100 mg/kg group given with oral gavage route of administration (OGRA), J200 (JPE 200 mg/kg group given with OGRA), J300 (JPE 300 mg/kg group given with OGRA); STZ 55 mg/kg i.p administered group, DJ100 (D+100 mg/kg JPE), DJ200 (D + 200 mg/kg JPE), DJ300 (D). + 300 mg/kg JPE). The study lasted a total of 31 days, including adaptation (7 days), induction of diabetes (3 days) and trial period (21 days). Blood samples were taken from the tail vein (Vena caudalis) of all subjects on days 0 and 21 of the study. Nesfatin-1 and visfatin levels in the serum samples were measured by ELISA method. Result: As a result, in the diabetes groups of our study, the most significant increase in the mean serum nesfatin-1 level and the most significant decrease in the mean serum visfatin level occurred in the DJ200 groups at the end of the 21st day due to the addition of JPE (p<0.05). As a result, it was concluded that JPE may be safe and beneficial when administered at a dose of 200 mg/kg in diabetic groups.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 281-286, 2025
Background: We studied the effects of manual acupuncture (MA) and warm acupuncture (WA) on early-... more Background: We studied the effects of manual acupuncture (MA) and warm acupuncture (WA) on early-stage nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in relation to fat accumulation by observing the mRNA expression of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) p65 and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) in a rat model with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) induced by high-fat diet. Methods: The experiment was performed using Sprague Dawley rats randomly divided into control (CON), NAFLD, NAFLD + MA and NAFLD + WA groups. Acupuncture was performed on the SP9 + BL18 acupoint from each group for 5 min, twice a week for 8 weeks. Total cholesterol (TC) was measured in the serum and triglyceride (TG) and resistin were measured in the hepatic tissue. In addition, hematoxylin and eosin stain, Masson's trichrome stain, Oil red O stain and perilipin immunohistochemistry were used for histological analysis. Finally, quantitative polymerase chain reactions were performed to observe the changes in TLR4, NF-κB p65 and TNF-α. Result: Resitin and TLR4 decreased in the NAFLD + WA group. The NAFLD + MA group exhibited reduced levels of TC and TG, which mitigated NF-κB p65 and TNF-α mRNA downregulation through downregulation of the TLR4.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 274-280, 2025
Background: Reproductive performance is one of the major determinants for the economic improvemen... more Background: Reproductive performance is one of the major determinants for the economic improvement of a dairy farm. Endometritis and other uterine complications cause decrease the pregnancy rate. In this study, the genital changes and haemato-biochemical profile of crossbred dairy cows affected with endometritis was studied to evolve a suitable treatment protocol in order to improve reproductive efficiency. Methods: Crossbred cow affected with endometritis were selected based on mucopurulent vaginal discharge at estrus and tested positive for white side test. Animals were divided randomly into 8 groups with 24 animals in each group. Different therapeutic regimens fortified with supportive treatment were opted. The therapeutic regimens were supportive therapy having bypass fat, vitamins and minerals, Lugol's iodine, Lugol's iodine with supportive therapy, intrauterine (IU) antibiotic, IU antibiotic with supportive therapy, E. coli. LPS, E. coli. LPS with supportive therapy and control group respectively. Efficacy of each treatment regimen was based on first service conception rate (FSCR). Result: Of all the therapeutic regimens, fortification of Lugol's iodine with supportive therapy resulted in higher FSCR (83.33%) indicating better applicability as a treatment tool for endometritis in crossbred cows.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 267-273, 2025
Background: Eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy (EPB) is an emerging canine lower respiratory disease... more Background: Eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy (EPB) is an emerging canine lower respiratory disease characterized by eosinophilic infiltration of lungs and bronchial mucosa that has traditionally been refer to as pulmonary infiltrates with eosinophilia (PIE). Since the diagnosis of this disease is of great challenge to the veterinarians and currently very limited work have been carried out and recorded in veterinary literature the present study was planned and conducted to document clinical and bronchoscopic changes in dogs with Eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy and to assess bronchoalveolar lavage fluid analysis in the diagnosis of Eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy in dogs Methods: Present study consisted of eight apparently healthy dogs and eight clinical cases. The parameters included in this study were clinical examination, BALF microbiological culture, BALF antibiogram, bronchoscopy and BALF cytology. Result: Eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy (EBP) was recorded in eight dogs. In BALF cytology based on eosinophilic scoring, mild to moderate form of eosinophilic infiltration was observed in six dogs. Severe eosinophilia was observed in two cases. No microorganisms were observed on cytology of EBP dogs. The most predominant bronchoscopic findings were the presence of muco-purulent secretions and mild to moderate thickening of bronchial mucosa in EBP dogs. BALF analysis is found to be the gold standard test in the confirmation of EBP in dogs. Bacterial and fungal culture was performed on all 24 BALF samples collected. The most frequently isolated bacterial species were Staphylococcus sp. (66 per cent) followed by Streptococcus sp. (25 per cent) one E. coli (4 per cent) and one sample showing growth of Klebseilla sp. (4 per cent). In the study, the antibiogram pattern of BALF showed high sensitivity for Enrofloxacin.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 260-266, 2025
Background: Six dogs irrespective of age, breed and sex affected with long bone fractures were su... more Background: Six dogs irrespective of age, breed and sex affected with long bone fractures were subjected to clinical evaluation. Methods: Locking compression bone plating was done for stabilization of fracture and bio glass putty was used as gap filler in interfragmentary spaces. The clinical, radiographic, hemato-biochemical evaluation was done pre-operatively and post-operatively at periodic intervals. Result: The study concluded that bio glass could be used as space filler for repair of long bone fractures in conjugation with primary stabilization with locking compression plate.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 252-259, 2025
Background: The aim of current investigation was to analyze synergistic effect of natural penetra... more Background: The aim of current investigation was to analyze synergistic effect of natural penetration enhancers in combination with a synthetic drug in an animal model to enhance transdermal drug delivery. Methods: Initially, while carrying out the work in 2021-23 trial formulation batches were prepared with different penetration enhancers and then these were undergone through optimization study to optimize various parameters. A 3 2 full factorial design was utilized for study of optimization. An appropriate animal model was selected to analyze anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of product. Statistical analysis was doneby utilizing one-way ANOVA, post hoc Tukey-Kramer test utilizing GraphPad Prism 9. Value of p0.05 wasdeemed considerable. Result: It was concluded from the study that reduction in paw licking activity was approximately found to be 69.52, 72.32 and 74.10% with Emulgel 1, Emulgel 2 and Emulgel 3, compared with group of control (p0.05 vs control). These findings showed that the analgesic effect of all three formulations was promising. Emulgel 3 i.e., Sapindus mukorossi showed better anti-inflammatory activity in comparison to Allium sativum and Zingiber officinale.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 244-251, 2025
Background: Fatty liver is a major metabolic disorder of dairy cows with a high morbidity rate du... more Background: Fatty liver is a major metabolic disorder of dairy cows with a high morbidity rate during early lactation. Diagnosis of mild and moderate fatty liver is difficult because affected cows often do not differ clinically from cows with normal liver. The need for the early identification of fatty liver cannot be overemphasized as it appears to be the root cause for occurrence of many post-partum metabolic diseases. A precise diagnosis of the different categories of fatty liver is possible by liver biopsies which entail a minor surgery. Spectral doppler is yet another milestone in identification of fatty infiltration of liver, without causing any trauma to the liver. With this backdrop this research study was carried out to document the ultrasonographic pattern of liver, to evaluate the Spectral Doppler derived indices of portal blood flow in fatty liver syndrome in cattle. Methods: The study was conducted in clinical cases, presented to Large Animal Medicine Outpatient Unit of Madras Veterinary College Teaching Hospital over a period of 24 months. Dairy cows, with the history of recent calving, postpartum inappetance and brought for other routine checkups were included for the study. Suspected cases were subjected to further examination. Concurrent diseases presented with Fatty liver syndrome were recorded. Animals were grouped into four categories based on the above investigations as group I, II, III and IV as control, mild fatty liver, moderate fatty liver and severe fatty liver respectively. Result: B-Mode Ultrasonography was superior in grading the fatty liver, compared to spectral doppler. Spectral Doppler derived indices of portal blood flow in fatty liver syndrome revealed significant reduction in venous pulsatility index in severe cases. But grading the fatty liver was not possible with spectral doppler. Among clinical manifestations, Postparturient inappetance (98.3 per cent), reduced milk yield and weight loss were the prominent in fatty liver syndrome. Major concurrent diseases in fatty liver syndrome were ketosis, haemoprotozoan diseases, repeat breeder and mastitis. The present study will be helpful in field level diagnosis of fatty liver in cattle and supplements the knowledge on concurrent diseases that could influence the prognosis of individual animal. The study also opens gateway to do further research in considering alternates to the liver biopsy and histopathological studies.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 236-243, 2025
Background: Coccidiosis is a serious parasitic disease caused by protozoan parasites of the genus... more Background: Coccidiosis is a serious parasitic disease caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Eimeria, presents an important risk to rabbits' health and production. Methods: Potential bioactive compounds in the extract were identified by FT-IR analysis and the total content of phenolics, tannins and flavonoids was calculated. In addition, enzyme inhibitory and antioxidant effects were investigated. Result: The phytochemical results of methanolic extract of the leaves of R. nervosus showed the presence of 14 compounds of active chemical constituents. In addition, the results showed that the methanolic extract had the amount of TPC (54.33±0.198 mg/g DW), TFC (21.51±0.155 mg/g DW) and TTC (29.37±1.43 mg/g DW). The sporulation inhibition rate between 72-and 96-hour exposures, as the rate rose significantly with an increasing incubation period (p<0.05). The extract has inhibitory abilities on tested enzymes α-amylase and α-glucosidase.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 349-353, 2025
Despite all of the advantages of laparoscopic surgery, there remain certain concerns. An increase... more Despite all of the advantages of laparoscopic surgery, there remain certain concerns. An increased intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) exerted by CO 2 pneumoperitoneum has adverse effects on all organs and systems especially on the circularity system and cardiac function. To understand effect of IAP study was undertaken on twelve female mongrel dogs brought for laparoscopic ovariohysterectomy. All dogs were sedated with butorphanol, induced with propofol and maintenance of anesthesia was done with isoflurane. All dogs underwent a detailed systemic investigation protocol including echocardiographic examination. Physiological parameters such as rectal temperature decreased significantly throughout anaesthetic period and come to normal after complete recovery. Heart rate, pulse rate and respiratory rate was decreased significantly after induction of anaesthesia and increased after insufflation of CO 2. Echocardiographic parameters like EF and CO were decreased significantly after induction of anaesthesia by 9% and 33% respectively and after insufflation of CO 2 by 8% and 5% respectively. However, all other parameters (FS and SV) showed no significant changes. In conclusion, effects of CO 2 pneumoperitoneum and anaesthesia on cardiac function are mild and of transient duration in healthy dogs.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 344-348, 2025
Background: Adrenal gland is an important endocrine gland that secrets several hormones that play... more Background: Adrenal gland is an important endocrine gland that secrets several hormones that play a key role in the adaptation of the newborn to extra uterine life. The study was conducted to explore the histomorphological development of adrenal glands in Gohilwadi Goat (Capra hircus). Methods: The research work was carried out on twenty pair of goat adrenal gland collected from local abattoir. The animals were divided into three age groups, viz. group-I (day old to 1 month), group-II (>1 month to 6 months) and group-III (>6 months). Result: Histological observations revealed that the gland was fully differentiated into cortex and medulla, completely surrounded by a dense fibrous capsule in the day old goats. In group-I, adrenal cortex was made up of definite and foetal cortex, whereas former one comprised of zona glomerulosa and zona fasciculata only. Small to elongate foetal cortical cells were characterized by eosinophilic cytoplasm and arranged into irregular cords. In group II, the foetal cortex disappeared and only definite cortex was present with well-developed three zones i.e. Zona glomerulosa, Zona fasciculata and Zona reticularis. Zona glomerulosa was the smallest of the three cortical zones and thickness increased from group-I to group-III. The zona fasciculata was the largest among the three cortical zones in all the age groups and thickness increased from group-I to group-III. Zona reticularis was well organized in the adrenal gland of adult Gohilwadi goat. Medulla occupied greater proportion of the gland and inner medullary cells were the main cellular constituent of medulla. Thickness of medulla increased from group-I to group-III.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 337-343, 2025
Background: The study on Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT) of Pati duck of Assam is of great ... more Background: The study on Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT) of Pati duck of Assam is of great value in regard to normal academic and bio-medical research aspects. The aim of the study was to evaluate the gross, histomorphological and scanning electronic microscopic examination of gut-associated lymphoid tissue of the intestine of Pati duck at different age group. Methods: For this study, forty five Pati ducks were divided into five groups depending on its age viz., 1 st week, 4 th week, 16 th week, 24 th week and 42 nd weeks old. The pieces of gut having lymphoid tissue or Peyer's patches were collected immediately after slaughter. These samples were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin solution and were processed as per the standard technique of procedure (Luna, 1968). The paraffin blocks were sectioned in Shandon Finesse microtome at 5 µm thickness and the sections were stained with Mayer's Haematoxylin and Eosin staining technique for Cellular details, Van Gieson's method for collagen fibres, Gomori's method for reticular fibres, Hart's method for elastic fibres and Bielchowsky's method for axis cylinder and dendrites as per the method of Luna (1968). Result: Gut-associated lymphoid tissue was found in the duodenum, jejunum, ileum, caecum and the terminal part of the rectum in all the age group of Pati duck. The lymphoid compartment of the gut-associated lymphoid tissue in duck included a follicular structure, dome, follicle associated epithelia and interfollicular area. Lamina propria of jejunum was heavily infiltrated with diffuse lymphatic tissue in the 16 th , 24 th and 42 nd week of age of Pati duck. The scattered and diffuse lymphatic infiltration occurred in all age groups. The lamina propria of the colorectum revealed an extensive network of reticular fibre with diffused lymphatic tissue in all the age group of duck. In Scanning Electron Microscope, the lumen of the jejunum was covered by finger-like villi with numerous opening of goblet cells. The lymphoid follicle of Lamina propria contains numerous lymphocytes along with connective tissue fibres.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 334-336, 2025
Background: Canine parvovirus is the most prevalent infectious disease affecting dogs globally. C... more Background: Canine parvovirus is the most prevalent infectious disease affecting dogs globally. Canine parvovirus type-2 is regarded as the causal factor of canine parvoviral enteritis (PVE). The objective of the study was to determine the occurrence of parvovirus in dogs in Jabalpur from June, 2023 to December, 2023. Methods: Faecal samples form suspected cases were handled using sterile swab and immersed immediately in phosphate buffer saline (1X PBS; pH 7.3±0.1). Polymerase chain reaction, conducted to confirm the cases of parvovirus infection. Result: Out of 125 faecal samples of dogs affected with HGE, 78 (62.4%) samples were found to be positive for VP-2 gene. The detailed investigation of the positive samples showed that the occurrence was highest among dogs of 0-3 months age group (79.06%). Nondescript breed had the highest occurrence of parvovirus infection (78.57%). Males showed a higher occurrence (71.64%) than female.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 330-333, 2025
Background: Diseases involving urinary system are very common in dogs causing significant morbidi... more Background: Diseases involving urinary system are very common in dogs causing significant morbidity and mortality in dogs. Renal failure and urinary obstruction are frequently encountered in clinical cases. Early diagnosis and treatment increase the survival rate and decreases the chances of complications related to renal failure. The present study was conducted to evaluate haemato-biochemical alterations in dogs having urinary system dysfunction. Methods: The study was conducted on 38 dogs to observe the haemato-biochemical parameter changes in dogs suffering from obstructive and non-obstructive renal system affections as compared to healthy dogs. Various haemato-biochemical parameters viz. Hb, PCV, TEC, TLC, DLC, BUN, creatinine, ALT, AST, ALP, TP, albumin and A:G ratio were evaluated. Qualitative analysis of urine was done using Multistix dip stick method. Result: In the present study the values of various haemato-biochemical parameters showed different pattern in both obstructive and non-obstructive renal diseases. Significant haematobiochemical changes reported in renal failure dogs were anemia, azotemia, increased alkaline phosphatase and AST values and decreased A:G ratio and in dogs with urinary obstruction the significant changes were uremia and leukocytosis. The results of the study suggested that the evaluation of various haemato-biochemical parameters help in diagnosis and predicting the prognosis of a renal disease.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 326-329, 2025
Background: The Aedes aegypti mosquito is a primary vector for several arboviral diseases, includ... more Background: The Aedes aegypti mosquito is a primary vector for several arboviral diseases, including dengue, Zika, chikungunya and yellow fever, posing significant public health challenges, especially in tropical and subtropical regions. Traditional chemical insecticides have been the mainstay for controlling Aedes aegypti populations, but their extensive use has led to the development of insecticide resistance, environmental pollution and adverse effects on non-target organisms. This study explores the potential of sea shell powder as a natural larvicide against Aedes aegypti larvae. Methods: Sea shell powder, derived from the calcified exoskeletons of marine mollusks, was tested for its larvicidal activity against fourth instar larvae of Ae. aegypti at concentrations ranging from 100 to 600 ppm. Result: The results demonstrated a concentration-and time-dependent increase in larval mortality, with LC 50 values of 407.01 ppm at 24 hours and 327.55 ppm at 48 hours. The findings suggest that sea shell powder could serve as an effective, environmentally sustainable alternative to chemical insecticides, offering advantages such as biodegradability, low cost and reduced risk of resistance development. This study supports the potential inclusion of sea shell powder in integrated mosquito management programs, particularly in areas with prevalent insecticide resistance.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 321-325, 2025
Background: Performing all the diagnostic tools before subjecting animals for designed experiment... more Background: Performing all the diagnostic tools before subjecting animals for designed experimental study is time consuming and economically not feasible. Furthermore, it may divert the researchers from original planned work to other areas. But these factors not acceptable to compromise in the assessment of effect of different regenerative agents, drugs and herbal preparation on liver. This is important to prevent any diversions in the actual results of the research due to the prior infection caused by Strobilocercus fasciolaris the lab animals. The study aimed to detect Strobilocercus fasciolaris infected Wistar albino rats using biochemical parameters as a diagnostic marker before subjecting the animals to any designed experimental study.
Methods: The study mainly utilizes abdominal exploration, morphological examination of the larvae, histopathological examination of liver and finally the biochemical parameters changes in the concerned animal. 192 animals used for this study in that 32 had single to multiple cysts in the liver on abdominal exploration. Characteristic Strobilocercus larval morphology, histopathological alterations on liver and serological biomarkers was studied.
Result: Our results showed that the serum levels of alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, glucose, gamma glutamyl transferase, blood urea nitrogen, and total protein can be used as indicators to measure the severity of Strobilocercus fasciolaris larva infection in rats.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 316-320, 2025
Background: This study aims to investigate the anti-obesity effect of GOE with adipokine (apelin ... more Background: This study aims to investigate the anti-obesity effect of GOE with adipokine (apelin and adiponectin) response at different doses (100 and 200 mg/kg) of GOE in normal healthy and obese rats with High-fat diet (HF). Methods: In this study, 36 adult male Wistar albino rats, aged between 8-10 weeks, were used. 6 groups were created, with 6 rats in each group: Control (C), Rat group without GOE and HF application, G100 (GOE 100 mg/kg group given with oral gavage route of administration (OGRA), G200 (GOE 200 mg/kg group given with OGRA), HFC (HF control group): no HF and no GOE group), HF100 (rats receiving HF were 100 mg/kg graviola oil extract added to their diet), HF200 (rats receiving HF were 200 mg/kg graviola oil extract added to their diet). Blood samples were taken from the tail vein (vena caudalis) of all on days 0 and 60 of the study. Apelin and adiponectin levels in the serum samples were measured by ELISA method. Result: In the present study, a significant increase (p<0.01) was observed in the mean serum apelin level in the HF groups at the end of the 60 day after HF induction, while a significant decrease (p<0.01) was also detected in the adiponectin level. On the other hand, when examined in terms of BW, the most significant decrease due to GOE addition in the HF groups, i.e. the anti-obesity effect, was determined in the HFG200 mg/kg group (p<0.01). As a result, it was concluded that GOE may be safe and beneficial when administered at a dose of 200 mg/kg in obesity-induced rats.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 311-315, 2025
Background: The Aedes aegypti mosquito is a major vector for several viral diseases, including de... more Background: The Aedes aegypti mosquito is a major vector for several viral diseases, including dengue fever, Zika virus, chikungunya and yellow fever, posing significant global health challenges. Traditional control methods rely heavily on chemical insecticides, leading to widespread resistance and environmental concerns. Methods: This study explores the larvicidal potential of Turritopsis dohrnii jellyfish extract as a sustainable alternative for mosquito control. The extract was tested against fourth instar Ae. aegypti larvae at concentrations ranging from 1% to 10%. Results: Mortality rates increased with both concentration and exposure time, with the highest concentration (10%) achieving 98.8% mortality after 24 hours. The LC 50 value decreased from 22.50% at 2 hours to 2.06% at 24 hours, indicating increased potency over time. The results demonstrate that T. dohrnii extract is highly effective as a larvicide, with potential to reduce reliance on chemical insecticides. The findings suggest that T. dohrnii extract could be integrated into existing mosquito management programs, offering a novel and environmentally friendly approach to controlling Ae. aegypti populations. Further research is recommended to isolate the bioactive compounds responsible for this effect and to assess the extract's efficacy under field conditions.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 305-310, 2025
Background: Bovine lameness predominantly due to foot disorders is a severe herd health concern i... more Background: Bovine lameness predominantly due to foot disorders is a severe herd health concern instigating substantial influence on dairy economics owing to increased odds of mastitis and reduced fertility. Timely diagnosis and treatment of lameness can save these economic losses. The current study was aimed to evaluate lameness and its effect on animal health in terms of body condition score and on udder health in Sahiwal cows. Methods: 204 lactating Sahiwal dairy cows in different lactation lengths and parities, from local Sahiwal farms in Punjab were evaluated for lameness. Cows were scored for body condition and lameness. Quarter foremilk used to determine the quarter health status of the cows by California mastitis test (CMT) and bacteriological culture and cow composite milk samples for estimation of somatic cell count (SCC), electrical conductivity, pH and milk composition, in terms of fat, solids not fat, protein and lactose were collected maintaining aseptic conditions. Result: 34 per cent had asymmetry in gait or mild lame, 5 per cent had moderate lameness and 1 per cent had severe lameness. Lameness had no significant effect on the body condition scores of Sahiwal cows. Subclinical mastitis was found in 40.2 per cent of Sahiwal dairy cows. It was concluded that incidence of mastitis was higher in the lame group as revealed by CMT and bacteriological culture and the lame group had significantly (P<0.05) more SCC and electrical conductivity than healthy cows. However, milk composition was not affected by lameness.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 299-304, 2025
Background: Swinepox is an economically important, classical pox disease of piglets. The present ... more Background: Swinepox is an economically important, classical pox disease of piglets. The present study was undertaken with a view to develop rapid serological tests to diagnose the disease. Methods: During the study period, 25 suspected swinepox outbreaks in Assam were confirmed by polymerase chain reaction with sequencing and phylogenetic analysis, further the outbreaks were confirmed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) for identification of swinepox positive samples. The positive samples were used to isolate the virus in PK-15 cell line and develop indirect and sandwich ELISA. Result: The cell culture-based indirect ELISA was developed that demonstrated an accuracy of 88.8% compare to VNT and 100% sensitivity with 66.67% specificity, could identify 61.71% seroprevalence of swinepox in random pig serum samples. A sandwich ELISA was also developed with polyclonal sera raised in rabbits as coating antibody and swinepox positive pig serum as tracing antibody. The sandwich ELISA detected 77.78% positive cases compared to PCR. Swinepox is an emerging disease in Northeastern region with high sero-positivity observed during random sampling. This is the first report of using immune sorbent assays to detect swinepox.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025), 2025
Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different amounts of jackfrui... more Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different amounts of jackfruit pulp extract (JPE) in the diets on serum nesfatin-1 and visfatin levels in Streptozotocin (STZ)-induced Type 1 diabetic rats. Methods: In this study, 64 adult male Wistar albino rats, aged between 8-10 weeks, were used. 8 groups were created, with 8 rats in each group: Control (C), J100 (JPE 100 mg/kg group given with oral gavage route of administration (OGRA), J200 (JPE 200 mg/kg group given with OGRA), J300 (JPE 300 mg/kg group given with OGRA); STZ 55 mg/kg i.p administered group, DJ100 (D+100 mg/kg JPE), DJ200 (D + 200 mg/kg JPE), DJ300 (D). + 300 mg/kg JPE). The study lasted a total of 31 days, including adaptation (7 days), induction of diabetes (3 days) and trial period (21 days). Blood samples were taken from the tail vein (Vena caudalis) of all subjects on days 0 and 21 of the study. Nesfatin-1 and visfatin levels in the serum samples were measured by ELISA method. Result: As a result, in the diabetes groups of our study, the most significant increase in the mean serum nesfatin-1 level and the most significant decrease in the mean serum visfatin level occurred in the DJ200 groups at the end of the 21st day due to the addition of JPE (p<0.05). As a result, it was concluded that JPE may be safe and beneficial when administered at a dose of 200 mg/kg in diabetic groups.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 281-286, 2025
Background: We studied the effects of manual acupuncture (MA) and warm acupuncture (WA) on early-... more Background: We studied the effects of manual acupuncture (MA) and warm acupuncture (WA) on early-stage nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in relation to fat accumulation by observing the mRNA expression of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) p65 and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) in a rat model with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) induced by high-fat diet. Methods: The experiment was performed using Sprague Dawley rats randomly divided into control (CON), NAFLD, NAFLD + MA and NAFLD + WA groups. Acupuncture was performed on the SP9 + BL18 acupoint from each group for 5 min, twice a week for 8 weeks. Total cholesterol (TC) was measured in the serum and triglyceride (TG) and resistin were measured in the hepatic tissue. In addition, hematoxylin and eosin stain, Masson's trichrome stain, Oil red O stain and perilipin immunohistochemistry were used for histological analysis. Finally, quantitative polymerase chain reactions were performed to observe the changes in TLR4, NF-κB p65 and TNF-α. Result: Resitin and TLR4 decreased in the NAFLD + WA group. The NAFLD + MA group exhibited reduced levels of TC and TG, which mitigated NF-κB p65 and TNF-α mRNA downregulation through downregulation of the TLR4.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 274-280, 2025
Background: Reproductive performance is one of the major determinants for the economic improvemen... more Background: Reproductive performance is one of the major determinants for the economic improvement of a dairy farm. Endometritis and other uterine complications cause decrease the pregnancy rate. In this study, the genital changes and haemato-biochemical profile of crossbred dairy cows affected with endometritis was studied to evolve a suitable treatment protocol in order to improve reproductive efficiency. Methods: Crossbred cow affected with endometritis were selected based on mucopurulent vaginal discharge at estrus and tested positive for white side test. Animals were divided randomly into 8 groups with 24 animals in each group. Different therapeutic regimens fortified with supportive treatment were opted. The therapeutic regimens were supportive therapy having bypass fat, vitamins and minerals, Lugol's iodine, Lugol's iodine with supportive therapy, intrauterine (IU) antibiotic, IU antibiotic with supportive therapy, E. coli. LPS, E. coli. LPS with supportive therapy and control group respectively. Efficacy of each treatment regimen was based on first service conception rate (FSCR). Result: Of all the therapeutic regimens, fortification of Lugol's iodine with supportive therapy resulted in higher FSCR (83.33%) indicating better applicability as a treatment tool for endometritis in crossbred cows.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 267-273, 2025
Background: Eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy (EPB) is an emerging canine lower respiratory disease... more Background: Eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy (EPB) is an emerging canine lower respiratory disease characterized by eosinophilic infiltration of lungs and bronchial mucosa that has traditionally been refer to as pulmonary infiltrates with eosinophilia (PIE). Since the diagnosis of this disease is of great challenge to the veterinarians and currently very limited work have been carried out and recorded in veterinary literature the present study was planned and conducted to document clinical and bronchoscopic changes in dogs with Eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy and to assess bronchoalveolar lavage fluid analysis in the diagnosis of Eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy in dogs Methods: Present study consisted of eight apparently healthy dogs and eight clinical cases. The parameters included in this study were clinical examination, BALF microbiological culture, BALF antibiogram, bronchoscopy and BALF cytology. Result: Eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy (EBP) was recorded in eight dogs. In BALF cytology based on eosinophilic scoring, mild to moderate form of eosinophilic infiltration was observed in six dogs. Severe eosinophilia was observed in two cases. No microorganisms were observed on cytology of EBP dogs. The most predominant bronchoscopic findings were the presence of muco-purulent secretions and mild to moderate thickening of bronchial mucosa in EBP dogs. BALF analysis is found to be the gold standard test in the confirmation of EBP in dogs. Bacterial and fungal culture was performed on all 24 BALF samples collected. The most frequently isolated bacterial species were Staphylococcus sp. (66 per cent) followed by Streptococcus sp. (25 per cent) one E. coli (4 per cent) and one sample showing growth of Klebseilla sp. (4 per cent). In the study, the antibiogram pattern of BALF showed high sensitivity for Enrofloxacin.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 260-266, 2025
Background: Six dogs irrespective of age, breed and sex affected with long bone fractures were su... more Background: Six dogs irrespective of age, breed and sex affected with long bone fractures were subjected to clinical evaluation. Methods: Locking compression bone plating was done for stabilization of fracture and bio glass putty was used as gap filler in interfragmentary spaces. The clinical, radiographic, hemato-biochemical evaluation was done pre-operatively and post-operatively at periodic intervals. Result: The study concluded that bio glass could be used as space filler for repair of long bone fractures in conjugation with primary stabilization with locking compression plate.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 252-259, 2025
Background: The aim of current investigation was to analyze synergistic effect of natural penetra... more Background: The aim of current investigation was to analyze synergistic effect of natural penetration enhancers in combination with a synthetic drug in an animal model to enhance transdermal drug delivery. Methods: Initially, while carrying out the work in 2021-23 trial formulation batches were prepared with different penetration enhancers and then these were undergone through optimization study to optimize various parameters. A 3 2 full factorial design was utilized for study of optimization. An appropriate animal model was selected to analyze anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of product. Statistical analysis was doneby utilizing one-way ANOVA, post hoc Tukey-Kramer test utilizing GraphPad Prism 9. Value of p0.05 wasdeemed considerable. Result: It was concluded from the study that reduction in paw licking activity was approximately found to be 69.52, 72.32 and 74.10% with Emulgel 1, Emulgel 2 and Emulgel 3, compared with group of control (p0.05 vs control). These findings showed that the analgesic effect of all three formulations was promising. Emulgel 3 i.e., Sapindus mukorossi showed better anti-inflammatory activity in comparison to Allium sativum and Zingiber officinale.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 244-251, 2025
Background: Fatty liver is a major metabolic disorder of dairy cows with a high morbidity rate du... more Background: Fatty liver is a major metabolic disorder of dairy cows with a high morbidity rate during early lactation. Diagnosis of mild and moderate fatty liver is difficult because affected cows often do not differ clinically from cows with normal liver. The need for the early identification of fatty liver cannot be overemphasized as it appears to be the root cause for occurrence of many post-partum metabolic diseases. A precise diagnosis of the different categories of fatty liver is possible by liver biopsies which entail a minor surgery. Spectral doppler is yet another milestone in identification of fatty infiltration of liver, without causing any trauma to the liver. With this backdrop this research study was carried out to document the ultrasonographic pattern of liver, to evaluate the Spectral Doppler derived indices of portal blood flow in fatty liver syndrome in cattle. Methods: The study was conducted in clinical cases, presented to Large Animal Medicine Outpatient Unit of Madras Veterinary College Teaching Hospital over a period of 24 months. Dairy cows, with the history of recent calving, postpartum inappetance and brought for other routine checkups were included for the study. Suspected cases were subjected to further examination. Concurrent diseases presented with Fatty liver syndrome were recorded. Animals were grouped into four categories based on the above investigations as group I, II, III and IV as control, mild fatty liver, moderate fatty liver and severe fatty liver respectively. Result: B-Mode Ultrasonography was superior in grading the fatty liver, compared to spectral doppler. Spectral Doppler derived indices of portal blood flow in fatty liver syndrome revealed significant reduction in venous pulsatility index in severe cases. But grading the fatty liver was not possible with spectral doppler. Among clinical manifestations, Postparturient inappetance (98.3 per cent), reduced milk yield and weight loss were the prominent in fatty liver syndrome. Major concurrent diseases in fatty liver syndrome were ketosis, haemoprotozoan diseases, repeat breeder and mastitis. The present study will be helpful in field level diagnosis of fatty liver in cattle and supplements the knowledge on concurrent diseases that could influence the prognosis of individual animal. The study also opens gateway to do further research in considering alternates to the liver biopsy and histopathological studies.
Indian Journal of Animal Research, Volume 59 Issue 2 (February 2025) : 236-243, 2025
Background: Coccidiosis is a serious parasitic disease caused by protozoan parasites of the genus... more Background: Coccidiosis is a serious parasitic disease caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Eimeria, presents an important risk to rabbits' health and production. Methods: Potential bioactive compounds in the extract were identified by FT-IR analysis and the total content of phenolics, tannins and flavonoids was calculated. In addition, enzyme inhibitory and antioxidant effects were investigated. Result: The phytochemical results of methanolic extract of the leaves of R. nervosus showed the presence of 14 compounds of active chemical constituents. In addition, the results showed that the methanolic extract had the amount of TPC (54.33±0.198 mg/g DW), TFC (21.51±0.155 mg/g DW) and TTC (29.37±1.43 mg/g DW). The sporulation inhibition rate between 72-and 96-hour exposures, as the rate rose significantly with an increasing incubation period (p<0.05). The extract has inhibitory abilities on tested enzymes α-amylase and α-glucosidase.
Papers by Arcc Journals
Methods: The study mainly utilizes abdominal exploration, morphological examination of the larvae, histopathological examination of liver and finally the biochemical parameters changes in the concerned animal. 192 animals used for this study in that 32 had single to multiple cysts in the liver on abdominal exploration. Characteristic Strobilocercus larval morphology, histopathological alterations on liver and serological biomarkers was studied.
Result: Our results showed that the serum levels of alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, glucose, gamma glutamyl transferase, blood urea nitrogen, and total protein can be used as indicators to measure the severity of Strobilocercus fasciolaris larva infection in rats.
Methods: The study mainly utilizes abdominal exploration, morphological examination of the larvae, histopathological examination of liver and finally the biochemical parameters changes in the concerned animal. 192 animals used for this study in that 32 had single to multiple cysts in the liver on abdominal exploration. Characteristic Strobilocercus larval morphology, histopathological alterations on liver and serological biomarkers was studied.
Result: Our results showed that the serum levels of alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, glucose, gamma glutamyl transferase, blood urea nitrogen, and total protein can be used as indicators to measure the severity of Strobilocercus fasciolaris larva infection in rats.