Papers by Assem A . A . Mohamed

In Egypt, significant emissions arise caused by rice straw burning on the field. The total amount... more In Egypt, significant emissions arise caused by rice straw burning on the field. The total amount produced yearly about three million Mg, essential nutrients and organic matter are lost. The combined energy and material utilizations of rice straw can realize an important contribution to climate protection and resource conservation. To produce bio-ethanol from rice straw, there are four steps that should be taken: 1-Chop rice straw; 2-Mill rice straw; 3-Rice straw sterilization; and 4-Fermentation the milled rice straw in the fermenter using yeast micro-organism. The present investigation included; manufacture fermenter locally, using computer design software Version 4.0, and techno-economic study using three proposed fermenters scales (300, 600 and 900 litres capacity) at Central Laboratory for Agricultural Climate (CLAC), Dokki, Agricultural Research Center (ARC), Giza, Egypt. A cost-benefit analysis approach was calculated and total return for the three scenarios was estimated for different percentages of ethanol extraction (15, 17 and 20%). The obtained results indicated that, using fermenter 900 litres capacity (third scenario) for 20% of ethanol extraction was the economical and effective one to produce bio-ethanol appropriate for small growers; where profit value was USD 566. The net present value at discount rate (D.R) of 30% was estimated to be a positive value of USD 1.096. The benefit cost ratio (B/ C) at the same D.R. was estimated to be 1.22; and the internal rate of return (IRR) reached about 30%.
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 2017

Journal of Agricultural Informatics, 2015
Agricultural survey, based on GIS scheme, using satellite images and topographic maps, field surv... more Agricultural survey, based on GIS scheme, using satellite images and topographic maps, field survey was carried out during 2008/2009 winter and 2009 summer seasons to determine the whole land cover of the Nile Delta and Valley. This was done using CLAC’s recent (2006) digital shape file data for different geographic layers (Roads, railways, irrigation channels, water bodies and cultivated areas), and SPOT 5 satellite images (2007). Data show that the cultivated area of wheat was about 2.9 million feddans (4200 m2) in 2008 depending on the ministry of agriculture and land reclamation (MALR) statistics, while the area of wheat in the same year according to GIS and field survey was about 2.5 million feddans. There was about 13% difference between the two concerned methods (GIS + field survey) and MALR’s conventional statistical method. However, the cultivated barley area in 2008 winter season was 148 thousand feddans according to GIS + field survey data, whilst the statistical data was...

Environmental Science & Policy, 2020
Despite increasing scientific understanding of the global environmental crisis, we struggle to ad... more Despite increasing scientific understanding of the global environmental crisis, we struggle to adopt the policies science suggests would be effective. One of the reasons for that is the lack of inclusive engagement and dialogue among a wide range of different actors. Furthermore, there is a lack of consideration of differences between languages, worldviews and cultures. In this paper, we propose that engagement across the science-policy interface can be strengthened by being mindful of the breadth and depth of the diverse human-nature relations found around the globe. By examining diverse conceptualizations of "nature" in more than 60 languages, we identify three clusters: inclusive conceptualizations where humans are viewed as an integral component of nature; non-inclusive conceptualizations where humans are separate from nature; and deifying conceptualizations where nature is understood and experienced within a spiritual dimension. Considering and respecting this rich repertoire of ways of describing, thinking about and relating to nature can help us communicate in ways that resonate across cultures and worldviews. This repertoire also provides a resource we can draw on when defining policies and sustainability scenarios for the future, offering opportunities for finding solutions to global environmental challenges.

Scientific Modelling and Research, 2017
Reliable and timely information on agricultural land area, crop production, and land use are of g... more Reliable and timely information on agricultural land area, crop production, and land use are of great importance to planners and policy makers for efficient agricultural development. This study aims to estimate of agricultural area using remote sensing data and historical records from Agricultural Statistics Bulletin (ASB) during the period from 2001 to 2013. The results showed that, there is variability between the data from remote sensing and historical records especially when in studying the separated regions. The estimated agricultural area by remote sensing data is higher than historical records data from ASB in all regions inside Nile Valley (lower, middle, and upper Egypt regions), while outside valley region found agricultural area in satellite data lower than observed in historical records data from ASB. The remote sensing technique discussed in this paper provides several improvements. It covers large geographical areas, the assessment is updated monthly, it is easily obtained, and inexpensive.

An experiment was conducted at El-Bossily Protected Cultivation Experimental Farm, Central Labora... more An experiment was conducted at El-Bossily Protected Cultivation Experimental Farm, Central Laboratory for Agricultural Climate (CLAC), Agricultural Research Center (ARC), at Behaira Governorate, Egypt, during the autumn seasons of 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 to study the Economic considerations of using different types of organic manure on sweet pepper yield under protected cultivation (Vermicompost, compost and Cattle manure at the rates of 2, 4 and 6% (1.8, 3.6 and 5.4 m 3 /plastic house of 540m 2) were the organic fertilizer treatments. The study aimed to investigate increasing organic soil matter content in sandy soil by different rates and types of soil amendments as well as investigate their effects on vegetative growth and yield of sweet pepper using a split plot design with three replicates. Results obtained indicate that increasing rate of the different soil amendments from 1.8 to 5.4 m 3 /plastic house led to increase in vegetative growth and significantly enhanced early and t...

People and Nature
1. Humanity is on a deeply unsustainable trajectory. We are exceeding planetary boundaries and un... more 1. Humanity is on a deeply unsustainable trajectory. We are exceeding planetary boundaries and unlikely to meet many international sustainable development goals and global environmental targets. Until recently, there was no broadly accepted framework of interventions that could ignite the transformations needed to achieve these desired targets and goals. 2. As a component of the IPBES Global Assessment, we conducted an iterative expert deliberation process with an extensive review of scenarios and pathways to sustainability, including the broader literature on indirect drivers, social change and sustainability transformation. We asked, what are the most important elements of pathways to sustainability? 3. Applying a social–ecological systems lens, we identified eight priority points for intervention (leverage points) and five overarching strategic actions and priority interventions (levers), which appear to be key to societal transformation. The eight leverage points are: (1) Visions of a good life, (2) Total consumption and waste, (3) Latent values of responsibility, (4) Inequalities, (5) Justice and inclusion in conservation, (6) Externalities from trade and other telecouplings, (7) Responsible technology, innovation and investment, and (8) Education and knowledge generation and sharing. The five intertwined levers can be applied across the eight leverage points and more broadly. These include: (A) Incentives and capacity building, (B) Coordination across sectors and jurisdictions, (C) Pre-emptive action, (D) Adaptive decision-making and (E) Environmental law and implementation. The levers and leverage points are all non-substitutable, and each enables others, likely leading to synergistic benefits. 4. Transformative change towards sustainable pathways requires more than a simple scaling-up of sustainability initiatives—it entails addressing these levers and leverage points to change the fabric of legal, political, economic and other social systems. These levers and leverage points build upon those approved within the Global Assessment's Summary for Policymakers, with the aim of enabling leaders in government, business, civil society and academia to spark transformative changes towards a more just and sustainable world.

Field experiment was conducted, during two successive seasons of 2014-2015 and 2015-2016, at Dokk... more Field experiment was conducted, during two successive seasons of 2014-2015 and 2015-2016, at Dokki protected agricultural site, Giza Governorate, Egypt, to study the profitability of different applied irrigation levels and polyethylene (PE) mulch on plant growth and yield of sweet pepper, (Capsicum annum L.) cv. Godion F1, under plastic house condition. Three irrigation levels (0.50, 0.75 and 1.00) of crop evapotranspiration (ETc), using drip irrigation system and three PE mulch treatments (transparent, black and control) were applied. Data revealed that black PE recorded the highest values of early and total fruit yield per plant during the two seasons. Increasing water level up to 1.00 (ETc) enhanced yield with different PE mulch treatments, while water use efficiency (WUE) decreased with increasing water level. However, Using 0.50 (ETc), with different PE mulches increased WUE compared to using 0.75 (ETc) or 1.00 (ETc). The economic assessment of costs and returns from different treatments were calculated. It was found that the average yield was higher in 1.00 ETc with black mulch. Gross margin per 540 m 2 were analysed using yield data, price structures and production costs. The 1.00 (ETc) with black mulch had the highest gross margin which is USD 416.8 and USD 533 (1 USD= 9 Egyptian pound) for the first and second seasons, respectively. The benefit cost ratios (BCRs) per 540 m 2 were analysed, and 1.00 (ETc) with black mulch had the highest BCR with 1.36 in the first season and 1.45 in the second season. László Kozár-György Iván Neszmélyi

This research examines solution to overcome the problems of opposition to growing vegetables unde... more This research examines solution to overcome the problems of opposition to growing vegetables under protected cultivation, This particular example was chosen to illustrate several important aspects of greenhouse production and marketing that affect profitability such as high prices of vegetable seeds, high prices of materials used in the sterilisation (methyl bromide gas), high prices of plastics in addition to low quality and short duration of use, etc. The study depended on Bossali protected agriculture unit as example of application to measure the performance and efficiency of production and revenue during the period 1994-2006. Using the traditional system of protected cultivation, compared with a new system of performance and management of production processes, depends on the cultivation of some fruit crops under protected cultivation during the period 2007-2015. The study analysed the structure cost of production per greenhouse also discussed some economic indicators such as: farm gate prices, total revenue, total costs and net return of cucumber and sweet pepper (as example for vegetables) and navel orange and keitt mango (as example for fruits). This enterprise budget illustration indicates a lack of profitability of this greenhouse vegetable enterprise using these particular assumptions regarding cost, price, and total revenue. Results revealed that net return reached 1234, 3466 Egyptian pound (LE)/greenhouse (540 m 2) in navel orange and keitt mango respectively during the study period.

field experiment was conducted, at the Central Laboratory for Agricultural Climate-Dokki, Giza, ... more field experiment was conducted, at the Central Laboratory for Agricultural Climate-Dokki, Giza, during two seasons (2014 and 2015), to study the effect of three Planting dates (February 15th, March 15th, and April 15th) and four organic fertilizers (Cattle manure, compost, rabbit manure and poultry manure) and their interaction, on the growth and yield of okra Abelmoschus esculentus (L.).
Data on the effect of each and combined treatments were collected on: vegetative growth (Plant height, number of leaves per plant, leaf area, flower number, total chlorophyll, fresh and dry weight); nutrients content (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) and total yield. The soil and air temperature during the experiment were recorded. The experimental design was a split- plot with three replicates.
The obtained results indicated that April 15th gave the highest yield followed by March 15th, with significant differences between them. Using poultry manure gave the highest yield followed by rabbit manure with significant differences between them. The lowest yield was found with compost treatment. The interaction between planting date and organic fertilizer was found at April 15th, with poultry manure, which gave the highest yield during both experimental seasons. The economic assessment of costs and returns from different treatments, were calculated. Gross margin per feddan (4200 m2) were analyzed using yield data, price structures and production costs. The poultry manure had the highest gross margin for February 15th with poultry manure (5010 and 5630 Egyptian pound (LE) for the first and second seasons, respectively).
According to the benefit cost ratio (BCR) indicators cattle manure (OF1) in the 15th of February (D1) is the most profitable and cost-effective rate of producing okra that would be beneficial to the farmer in the study area in both seasons with 1.86 and 1.98 respectively.

Reliable and timely information on agricultural land area, crop production, and land use are of g... more Reliable and timely information on agricultural land area, crop production, and land use are of great importance to planners and policy makers for efficient agricultural development. This study aims to estimate of agricultural area using remote sensing data and historical records from Agricultural Statistics Bulletin (ASB) during the period from 2001 to 2013. The results showed that, there is variability between the data from remote sensing and historical records especially when in studying the separated regions. The estimated agricultural area by remote sensing data is higher than historical records data from ASB in all regions inside Nile Valley (lower, middle, and upper Egypt regions), while outside valley region found agricultural area in satellite data lower than observed in historical records data from ASB. The remote sensing technique discussed in this paper provides several improvements. It covers large geographical areas, the assessment is updated monthly, it is easily obtained, and inexpensive.

Impacts of screen net on water consumption and physiological status of navel orange, Citrus Sinen... more Impacts of screen net on water consumption and physiological status of navel orange, Citrus Sinensis, was studied, in order to assess the economic benefits of shaded navel orange trees, reach water use efficiency and gain highest yield quality and quantity. A single span greenhouse was covered by screen net (25% initial shading) as compared to open field. Three irrigation levels (60, 80 and 100%) were adjusted as actual water (ETc) according to lysimeter tank, whereas the crop coefficient (Kc) was determined from the relationship between ETc and reference evapotranspiration (ETo). Water applied at 80% water consumption enhanced fruit growth and quality, but it was not affected in the peak flowering period, creating significant positive effects for other yield parameters as well as water use efficiency (production per unit of water). The interaction, water applied at 80% water consumption under screen net trees save water during the two seasons were 34.4% (1614.4 m 3 /acre) less than the open field (2458.0 m 3 /acre). Meanwhile, water use efficiency was higher 29.2% and 26.6% for screen net than the open field 15.1 and 15.3% for both seasons, respectively. The economic assessment of costs and returns from different treatments were calculated. It was found that the average yield were higher under screen net compared to the open field. Gross margin per 720 m 2 were analysed using yield data, fruit price structures and production costs. Screen net with 80% irrigation level had the highest gross margin US$ 228.5 and US$ 249.38 (1 US$= 16 Egyptian pound) in the first and second seasons, respectively. The benefit cost analysis (BCA) per 720 m 2 were analysed, the screen net with 80% irrigation level had the highest BCA with 3.4 in the first season and 3.6 in the second season.

In Egypt, significant emissions arise caused by rice straw burning on the field. The total amount... more In Egypt, significant emissions arise caused by rice straw burning on the field. The total amount produced yearly about three million Mg, essential nutrients and organic matter are lost. The combined energy and material utilizations of rice straw can realize an important contribution to climate protection and resource conservation. To produce bio-ethanol from rice straw, there are four steps that should be taken: 1-Chop rice straw; 2-Mill rice straw; 3-Rice straw sterilization; and 4-Fermentation the milled rice straw in the fermenter using yeast micro-organism.
The present investigation included; manufacture fermenter locally, using computer design software Version 4.0, and techno-economic study using three proposed fermenters scales (300, 600 and 900 litres capacity) at Central Laboratory for Agricultural Climate (CLAC), Dokki, Agricultural Research Center (ARC), Giza, Egypt. A cost-benefit analysis approach was calculated and total return for the three scenarios was estimated for different percentages of ethanol extraction (15, 17 and 20%).
The obtained results indicated that, using fermenter 900 litres capacity
(third scenario) for 20% of ethanol extraction was the economical and effective one to produce bio-ethanol appropriate for small growers; where profit value was USD 566. The net present value at discount rate (D.R) of 30% was estimated to be a positive value of USD 1.096. The benefit cost ratio (B/ C) at the same D.R. was estimated to be 1.22; and the internal rate of return (IRR) reached about 30%.

An experiment was conducted at El-Bossily Protected Cultivation Experimental Farm, Central Labora... more An experiment was conducted at El-Bossily Protected Cultivation Experimental Farm, Central Laboratory for
Agricultural Climate (CLAC), Agricultural Research Center (ARC), at Behaira Governorate, Egypt, during the autumn seasons of
2010/2011 and 2011/2012 to study the Economic considerations of using different types of organic manure on sweet pepper
yield under protected cultivation (Vermicompost, compost and Cattle manure at the rates of 2, 4 and 6% (1.8, 3.6 and 5.4
m3/plastic house of 540m2) were the organic fertilizer treatments. The study aimed to investigate increasing organic soil
matter content in sandy soil by different rates and types of soil amendments as well as investigate their effects on vegetative
growth and yield of sweet pepper using a split plot design with three replicates. Results obtained indicate that increasing rate
of the different soil amendments from 1.8 to 5.4 m3/plastic house led to increase in vegetative growth and significantly
enhanced early and total yield of sweet pepper. The benefit cost ratio (BCR) was maximum (1.67) in the treatment of
vermicompost (4%). whereas, the minimum (1.23) benefit cost ratio was obtained from cattle manure (2%) treatment in the
first season. The benefit cost ratio (BCR) was maximum (1.72) in the treatment of vermicompost (4%). whereas, the minimum
(1.16) benefit cost ratio was obtained from compost (2%) treatment in the second season.

A B S T R A C T Agricultural survey, based on GIS scheme, using satellite images and topographic ... more A B S T R A C T Agricultural survey, based on GIS scheme, using satellite images and topographic maps, field survey was carried out during 2008/2009 winter and 2009 summer seasons to determine the whole land cover of the Nile Delta and Valley. This was done using CLAC's recent (2006) digital shape file data for different geographic layers (Roads, railways, irrigation channels, water bodies and cultivated areas), and SPOT 5 satellite images (2007). Data show that the cultivated area of wheat was about 2.9 million feddans (4200 m2) in 2008 depending on the ministry of agriculture and land reclamation (MALR) statistics, while the area of wheat in the same year according to GIS and field survey was about 2.5 million feddans. There was about 13% difference between the two concerned methods (GIS + field survey) and MALR's conventional statistical method. However, the cultivated barley area in 2008 winter season was 148 thousand feddans according to GIS + field survey data, whilst the statistical data was 181 thousand feddans. The GIS + field survey data showed that the area of cotton were decreased sharply in the season of 2009 to 250 thousand feddans compared to 284 thousand feddans with the MALR's statistical method. Water budget during winter survey for the whole crop pattern was increased from 11 billion cubic meters in 1980 to 24 billion cubic meters in 2013, while water budget during summer survey was increased from 20 billion cubic meters in 1980 to 25 billion cubic meters in 2012. The average water budget for the whole crop pattern in Nile Delta and Nile Valley was 49 billion cubic meters during 2012 /2013.

In the present study a suitable methodology is developed for estimating crop area by integrating ... more In the present study a suitable methodology is developed for estimating crop area by integrating remote sensing and GIS based on land survey approach. Area frame surveys are common ap-proaches to gather land cover data. In contrast to mapping approaches, area frame sampling is a statistical method. Based on the visual observation of sample geo-referenced points, area estimates are computed and used as a valid generalization without studying the entire area under investiga-tion. The approach has also the important advan-tage of not involving/disturbing the land owners and the farmers. The survey concerning the esti-mation of yield for the major crop will be carried out by cutting small samples in the field. The sample covers the whole Nile valley and the delta, the ob-served area is about 35000 km² and the distance from South to North is about 1000 km. Digital to-pographic maps 1:5000 and SPOT5 satellite Im-ages was used, 2,5m resolution, Ortho-rectified (DTM). The survey used the WGS84, Universal Transverse Mercator 36 N, which parameter are given hereafter. Three thousands sites were visited during the winter crop survey, the sample could be constituted of a sub-set of these sites and one point will be designed in each of the selected sites. If this point is wheat, it will be included in the yield sample and visited at harvest time. The sub sam-ple is defined as points of observation, 250m x 250m apart; there are 10 points of observation, which are called points. They are located in two lines East-West of 5 points. There suits of winter survey of Nile Delta and Nile valley is about 12591563 Feddan. The main results of the field survey were that the total cultivation area is almost 76609500 Feddan. The cultivation area is covered about 61% of the total Nile Delta and Nile valley. Field crop is the major area in the Nile valley and Nile Delta, its cover about 48% of the total area of the Nile Valley and Nile Delta. Furthermore, the field crops cover about 79% of the total cultivation area.
تُعتبر الصين دولة رائدة فى إنتاج الطاقة المتجددة من الرياح والطاقة الشمسية والوقود الحيوى على مست... more تُعتبر الصين دولة رائدة فى إنتاج الطاقة المتجددة من الرياح والطاقة الشمسية والوقود الحيوى على مستوى العالم.
إزداد النمو فى هذه القطاعات نتيجة للسياسات الصحيحة التى إنتهجتها الحكومة الصينية.
تُواجه الصين حالياً تَحديات كبيرة تَتَمثل فى أن الصين تَحتَل المركز الأول فى إنبعاثات غازات الإحتباس الحرارى على المستوى العالمى، كما أن الصين لا زَالت تَعتَمد فى تَوليد الطاقة على الفحم والبترول حَيثُ يُمثِلا نسبة 90% من كمية الطاقة المُستهلكة فى الصين.
طريق الصين نَحو الطاقة المستدامة مُستَمر وذلك لتَحسين المستوى المعيشى والبيئى للمواطن الصينى.

In the present study a suitable methodology is developed for estimating crop area by integrating ... more In the present study a suitable methodology is developed for estimating crop area by integrating remote sensing and GIS based on land survey approach. Area frame surveys are common ap-proaches to gather land cover data. In contrast to mapping approaches, area frame sampling is a statistical method. Based on the visual observation of sample geo-referenced points, area estimates are computed and used as a valid generalization without studying the entire area under investiga-tion. The approach has also the important advan-tage of not involving/disturbing the land owners and the farmers. The survey concerning the esti-mation of yield for the major crop will be carried out by cutting small samples in the field. The sample covers the whole Nile valley and the delta, the ob-served area is about 35000 km² and the distance from South to North is about 1000 km. Digital to-pographic maps 1:5000 and SPOT5 satellite Im-ages was used, 2,5m resolution, Ortho-rectified (DTM). The survey used the WGS84, Universal Transverse Mercator 36 N, which parameter are given hereafter. Three thousands sites were visited during the winter crop survey, the sample could be constituted of a sub-set of these sites and one point will be designed in each of the selected sites. If this point is wheat, it will be included in the yield sample and visited at harvest time. The sub sam-ple is defined as points of observation, 250m x 250m apart; there are 10 points of observation, which are called points. They are located in two lines East-West of 5 points. There suits of winter survey of Nile Delta and Nile valley is about 12591563 Feddan. The main results of the field survey were that the total cultivation area is almost 76609500 Feddan. The cultivation area is covered about 61% of the total Nile Delta and Nile valley. Field crop is the major area in the Nile valley and Nile Delta, its cover about 48% of the total area of the Nile Valley and Nile Delta. Furthermore, the field crops cover about 79% of the total cultivation area.

Through the use of the structures of greenhouses which used to grow vegetables, in addition to
th... more Through the use of the structures of greenhouses which used to grow vegetables, in addition to
the design of simple models of the structures with local materials to cultivate some fruit crops are
very important in terms of economic consideration, which can be exported in large quantities to
foreign markets such as navel orange and some pygmy mango varieties. The study was carried
out at the Bossaily Protected Agriculture unit in Egypt to measure the performance, efficiency of
production and the revenue during the cultivation period 2007- 2013. Two different systems of
cultivation of Keitt mango (Mangifera indica, L.) and navel orange (Citrus sinensis, L. Osbeck)
were compared: the traditional system of protected cultivation and a new system of performance
and management of production processes under screen net. Results showed that the navel orange
average yield under screen net was 18.9 tons/ feddan (4200 m2), comparing with 12.3 tons/
feddan in the open field during 2007- 2013. Meanwhile, the annual net return in screen net was
L.E 9940 per feddan, while net return in the open field was L.E 6451 per feddan. The result
showed that for Keitt mango, the average of annual yield under screen net was 4.725 tons/ feddan
and 2.3 tons/ feddan for the open field during 2007- 2013. Furthermore, the annual net return in
screen net was L.E 27467 per feddan, while the net return for the open field was L.E 10843 per

Agricultural survey, based on GIS scheme, using satellite images and topographic maps, field surv... more Agricultural survey, based on GIS scheme, using satellite images and topographic maps, field survey was carried out during 2008/2009 winter and 2009 summer seasons to determine the whole land cover of the Nile Delta and Valley. This was done using CLAC’s recent (2006) digital shape file data for different geographic layers (Roads, railways, irrigation channels, water bodies and cultivated areas), and SPOT 5 satellite images (2007). Data show that the cultivated area of wheat was about 2.9 million feddans (4200 m2) in 2008 depending on the ministry of agriculture and land reclamation (MALR) statistics, while the area of wheat in the same year according to GIS and field survey was about 2.5 million feddans. There was about 13% difference between the two concerned methods (GIS + field survey) and MALR’s conventional statistical method. However, the cultivated barley area in 2008 winter season was 148 thousand feddans according to GIS + field survey data, whilst the statistical data was 181 thousand feddans.
The GIS + field survey data showed that the area of cotton were decreased sharply in the season of 2009 to 250 thousand feddans compared to 284 thousand feddans with the MALR’s statistical method. Water budget during winter survey for the whole crop pattern was increased from 11 billion cubic meters in 1980 to 24 billion cubic meters in 2013, while water budget during summer survey was increased from 20 billion cubic meters in 1980 to 25 billion cubic meters in 2012. The average water budget for the whole crop pattern in Nile Delta and Nile Valley was 49 billion cubic meters during 2012 /2013
Papers by Assem A . A . Mohamed
Data on the effect of each and combined treatments were collected on: vegetative growth (Plant height, number of leaves per plant, leaf area, flower number, total chlorophyll, fresh and dry weight); nutrients content (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) and total yield. The soil and air temperature during the experiment were recorded. The experimental design was a split- plot with three replicates.
The obtained results indicated that April 15th gave the highest yield followed by March 15th, with significant differences between them. Using poultry manure gave the highest yield followed by rabbit manure with significant differences between them. The lowest yield was found with compost treatment. The interaction between planting date and organic fertilizer was found at April 15th, with poultry manure, which gave the highest yield during both experimental seasons. The economic assessment of costs and returns from different treatments, were calculated. Gross margin per feddan (4200 m2) were analyzed using yield data, price structures and production costs. The poultry manure had the highest gross margin for February 15th with poultry manure (5010 and 5630 Egyptian pound (LE) for the first and second seasons, respectively).
According to the benefit cost ratio (BCR) indicators cattle manure (OF1) in the 15th of February (D1) is the most profitable and cost-effective rate of producing okra that would be beneficial to the farmer in the study area in both seasons with 1.86 and 1.98 respectively.
The present investigation included; manufacture fermenter locally, using computer design software Version 4.0, and techno-economic study using three proposed fermenters scales (300, 600 and 900 litres capacity) at Central Laboratory for Agricultural Climate (CLAC), Dokki, Agricultural Research Center (ARC), Giza, Egypt. A cost-benefit analysis approach was calculated and total return for the three scenarios was estimated for different percentages of ethanol extraction (15, 17 and 20%).
The obtained results indicated that, using fermenter 900 litres capacity
(third scenario) for 20% of ethanol extraction was the economical and effective one to produce bio-ethanol appropriate for small growers; where profit value was USD 566. The net present value at discount rate (D.R) of 30% was estimated to be a positive value of USD 1.096. The benefit cost ratio (B/ C) at the same D.R. was estimated to be 1.22; and the internal rate of return (IRR) reached about 30%.
Agricultural Climate (CLAC), Agricultural Research Center (ARC), at Behaira Governorate, Egypt, during the autumn seasons of
2010/2011 and 2011/2012 to study the Economic considerations of using different types of organic manure on sweet pepper
yield under protected cultivation (Vermicompost, compost and Cattle manure at the rates of 2, 4 and 6% (1.8, 3.6 and 5.4
m3/plastic house of 540m2) were the organic fertilizer treatments. The study aimed to investigate increasing organic soil
matter content in sandy soil by different rates and types of soil amendments as well as investigate their effects on vegetative
growth and yield of sweet pepper using a split plot design with three replicates. Results obtained indicate that increasing rate
of the different soil amendments from 1.8 to 5.4 m3/plastic house led to increase in vegetative growth and significantly
enhanced early and total yield of sweet pepper. The benefit cost ratio (BCR) was maximum (1.67) in the treatment of
vermicompost (4%). whereas, the minimum (1.23) benefit cost ratio was obtained from cattle manure (2%) treatment in the
first season. The benefit cost ratio (BCR) was maximum (1.72) in the treatment of vermicompost (4%). whereas, the minimum
(1.16) benefit cost ratio was obtained from compost (2%) treatment in the second season.
إزداد النمو فى هذه القطاعات نتيجة للسياسات الصحيحة التى إنتهجتها الحكومة الصينية.
تُواجه الصين حالياً تَحديات كبيرة تَتَمثل فى أن الصين تَحتَل المركز الأول فى إنبعاثات غازات الإحتباس الحرارى على المستوى العالمى، كما أن الصين لا زَالت تَعتَمد فى تَوليد الطاقة على الفحم والبترول حَيثُ يُمثِلا نسبة 90% من كمية الطاقة المُستهلكة فى الصين.
طريق الصين نَحو الطاقة المستدامة مُستَمر وذلك لتَحسين المستوى المعيشى والبيئى للمواطن الصينى.
the design of simple models of the structures with local materials to cultivate some fruit crops are
very important in terms of economic consideration, which can be exported in large quantities to
foreign markets such as navel orange and some pygmy mango varieties. The study was carried
out at the Bossaily Protected Agriculture unit in Egypt to measure the performance, efficiency of
production and the revenue during the cultivation period 2007- 2013. Two different systems of
cultivation of Keitt mango (Mangifera indica, L.) and navel orange (Citrus sinensis, L. Osbeck)
were compared: the traditional system of protected cultivation and a new system of performance
and management of production processes under screen net. Results showed that the navel orange
average yield under screen net was 18.9 tons/ feddan (4200 m2), comparing with 12.3 tons/
feddan in the open field during 2007- 2013. Meanwhile, the annual net return in screen net was
L.E 9940 per feddan, while net return in the open field was L.E 6451 per feddan. The result
showed that for Keitt mango, the average of annual yield under screen net was 4.725 tons/ feddan
and 2.3 tons/ feddan for the open field during 2007- 2013. Furthermore, the annual net return in
screen net was L.E 27467 per feddan, while the net return for the open field was L.E 10843 per
The GIS + field survey data showed that the area of cotton were decreased sharply in the season of 2009 to 250 thousand feddans compared to 284 thousand feddans with the MALR’s statistical method. Water budget during winter survey for the whole crop pattern was increased from 11 billion cubic meters in 1980 to 24 billion cubic meters in 2013, while water budget during summer survey was increased from 20 billion cubic meters in 1980 to 25 billion cubic meters in 2012. The average water budget for the whole crop pattern in Nile Delta and Nile Valley was 49 billion cubic meters during 2012 /2013
Data on the effect of each and combined treatments were collected on: vegetative growth (Plant height, number of leaves per plant, leaf area, flower number, total chlorophyll, fresh and dry weight); nutrients content (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) and total yield. The soil and air temperature during the experiment were recorded. The experimental design was a split- plot with three replicates.
The obtained results indicated that April 15th gave the highest yield followed by March 15th, with significant differences between them. Using poultry manure gave the highest yield followed by rabbit manure with significant differences between them. The lowest yield was found with compost treatment. The interaction between planting date and organic fertilizer was found at April 15th, with poultry manure, which gave the highest yield during both experimental seasons. The economic assessment of costs and returns from different treatments, were calculated. Gross margin per feddan (4200 m2) were analyzed using yield data, price structures and production costs. The poultry manure had the highest gross margin for February 15th with poultry manure (5010 and 5630 Egyptian pound (LE) for the first and second seasons, respectively).
According to the benefit cost ratio (BCR) indicators cattle manure (OF1) in the 15th of February (D1) is the most profitable and cost-effective rate of producing okra that would be beneficial to the farmer in the study area in both seasons with 1.86 and 1.98 respectively.
The present investigation included; manufacture fermenter locally, using computer design software Version 4.0, and techno-economic study using three proposed fermenters scales (300, 600 and 900 litres capacity) at Central Laboratory for Agricultural Climate (CLAC), Dokki, Agricultural Research Center (ARC), Giza, Egypt. A cost-benefit analysis approach was calculated and total return for the three scenarios was estimated for different percentages of ethanol extraction (15, 17 and 20%).
The obtained results indicated that, using fermenter 900 litres capacity
(third scenario) for 20% of ethanol extraction was the economical and effective one to produce bio-ethanol appropriate for small growers; where profit value was USD 566. The net present value at discount rate (D.R) of 30% was estimated to be a positive value of USD 1.096. The benefit cost ratio (B/ C) at the same D.R. was estimated to be 1.22; and the internal rate of return (IRR) reached about 30%.
Agricultural Climate (CLAC), Agricultural Research Center (ARC), at Behaira Governorate, Egypt, during the autumn seasons of
2010/2011 and 2011/2012 to study the Economic considerations of using different types of organic manure on sweet pepper
yield under protected cultivation (Vermicompost, compost and Cattle manure at the rates of 2, 4 and 6% (1.8, 3.6 and 5.4
m3/plastic house of 540m2) were the organic fertilizer treatments. The study aimed to investigate increasing organic soil
matter content in sandy soil by different rates and types of soil amendments as well as investigate their effects on vegetative
growth and yield of sweet pepper using a split plot design with three replicates. Results obtained indicate that increasing rate
of the different soil amendments from 1.8 to 5.4 m3/plastic house led to increase in vegetative growth and significantly
enhanced early and total yield of sweet pepper. The benefit cost ratio (BCR) was maximum (1.67) in the treatment of
vermicompost (4%). whereas, the minimum (1.23) benefit cost ratio was obtained from cattle manure (2%) treatment in the
first season. The benefit cost ratio (BCR) was maximum (1.72) in the treatment of vermicompost (4%). whereas, the minimum
(1.16) benefit cost ratio was obtained from compost (2%) treatment in the second season.
إزداد النمو فى هذه القطاعات نتيجة للسياسات الصحيحة التى إنتهجتها الحكومة الصينية.
تُواجه الصين حالياً تَحديات كبيرة تَتَمثل فى أن الصين تَحتَل المركز الأول فى إنبعاثات غازات الإحتباس الحرارى على المستوى العالمى، كما أن الصين لا زَالت تَعتَمد فى تَوليد الطاقة على الفحم والبترول حَيثُ يُمثِلا نسبة 90% من كمية الطاقة المُستهلكة فى الصين.
طريق الصين نَحو الطاقة المستدامة مُستَمر وذلك لتَحسين المستوى المعيشى والبيئى للمواطن الصينى.
the design of simple models of the structures with local materials to cultivate some fruit crops are
very important in terms of economic consideration, which can be exported in large quantities to
foreign markets such as navel orange and some pygmy mango varieties. The study was carried
out at the Bossaily Protected Agriculture unit in Egypt to measure the performance, efficiency of
production and the revenue during the cultivation period 2007- 2013. Two different systems of
cultivation of Keitt mango (Mangifera indica, L.) and navel orange (Citrus sinensis, L. Osbeck)
were compared: the traditional system of protected cultivation and a new system of performance
and management of production processes under screen net. Results showed that the navel orange
average yield under screen net was 18.9 tons/ feddan (4200 m2), comparing with 12.3 tons/
feddan in the open field during 2007- 2013. Meanwhile, the annual net return in screen net was
L.E 9940 per feddan, while net return in the open field was L.E 6451 per feddan. The result
showed that for Keitt mango, the average of annual yield under screen net was 4.725 tons/ feddan
and 2.3 tons/ feddan for the open field during 2007- 2013. Furthermore, the annual net return in
screen net was L.E 27467 per feddan, while the net return for the open field was L.E 10843 per
The GIS + field survey data showed that the area of cotton were decreased sharply in the season of 2009 to 250 thousand feddans compared to 284 thousand feddans with the MALR’s statistical method. Water budget during winter survey for the whole crop pattern was increased from 11 billion cubic meters in 1980 to 24 billion cubic meters in 2013, while water budget during summer survey was increased from 20 billion cubic meters in 1980 to 25 billion cubic meters in 2012. The average water budget for the whole crop pattern in Nile Delta and Nile Valley was 49 billion cubic meters during 2012 /2013