Mercurial Georgia (G.S.Y.H.) (gsyh) wrote in arborphilia,
Mercurial Georgia (G.S.Y.H.)

  • Music:

- Reassurance - or why you should go hug a tree when the world is crazy

The wind was cold but the sun was high
I wrapped my arms around a willow tree
I wrapped my arms around a century
Its bark was warm against my face
The tree stood steady against my weight
I thought of time and tides and graying hairs
I thought of men long dead who had once stood here
I thought of tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrows
As dirt I'll be, in a hundred years
But on this ground, time slows enough
- to remember and be remembered

  • Journalist request

    Hi, My name is Tom and I am an online reporter at The Sun in the UK. I am interested in writing a story about someone who experiences arborphilia…

  • Confessions of a neurotic treelover

    I've long had a love and admiration of trees -- I guess that makes me a bit of a "hard core" tree-hugger. I feel proud of the care I gave to an…

  • Hello

    I'm Colleen. I love trees, I just don't * love* trees. Yeah. Anyway, here are a few pictures for you guys. I have a ton of tree pictures, just don't…

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