Category: PHP

  • PHP function to check valid date



    I have written a PHP function to check a supplied string is a valid date or not. Lets have a look into the code. /** * The function is_date() validates the date and returns true or false * @param $str sting expected valid date format * @return bool returns true if the supplied parameter is…

  • Writing review on the book- “Kohana 3.0 Beginner’s Guide”

    One year back I have written a post on Kohana and CodeIgniter. In that post, I wrote I like Kohana than CodeIgniter. Kohana is an open source, object oriented MVC web framework built using PHP5 by a team of volunteers that aims to be swift, secure, and small. Kohana is changing rapidly. But still Kohana…

  • Kohana and CodeIgniter PHP Framework

    CodeIgniter is a powerful PHP framework. I have been working on CodeIgniter for more than 2 years. I suggested lot of my friends to learn CodeIgniter. Few months back I started working on Kohana PHP framework. The slogan of Kohana is nice – “The Swift PHP Framework”. I liked Kohana at the first sight. I…

  • PHP Security Tips and Tools



    I was reading on the topic “php security” using Google Reader. I hope it helps everyone to defining PHP security and it’s uses. Here I would like to quote some paragraphs from the original post on PHP is the most popular web programming languages in use today due in large part to the fact…

  • Open Flash Chart :: amazing chart generating application



    Now a days I am working in Open Flash Chart (OFC). I found this amazing, easy to generate chart and use in web applications. Flash produces high quality graphics. OFC generates high resolution charts, I think you like this very much. Lets take a look into a screenshot. Click on the thumbnail to view actual…

  • Talking with PHP



    I need the current time then I call the php function – time() and get the current Unix timestamp. Then function time() returns the second measured in the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT). Say for, in my website users can register for free for one year. I need…

  • CakePHP Manual in PDF Format



    “Cake is a rapid development framework for PHP which uses commonly known design patterns like ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller and MVC. Our primary goal is to provide a structured framework that enables PHP users at all levels to rapidly develop robust web applications, without any loss to flexibility.” Manual for CakePHP is available…

  • Document to PDF Conversion :: Any Idea ?

    Hi All, Now a days I am working on Document to PDF Conversion using PHP. I got a few tutorial on it, but not complete solution. Have you any idea ? Thanks.

  • Another osCommerce Contribution


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    Hi all, Today I fixed a simple bug of GuestBook module for osCommerce. You can download the module from here.,138 Cheers

  • My first osCommerce contribution


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    Hi all, Now a days I am working on osCommerce. Recently I am working on Online Calling Card /Phonecard Selling. I developed it in osCommerce (the leading opensource online shopping cart tools in php). I used a module named Unique Virtual Products. I modified it a littlebit and posted to osCommerce contribution section. You may…