Category: PHP
PHP function to check valid date
I have written a PHP function to check a supplied string is a valid date or not. Lets have a look into the code. /** * The function is_date() validates the date and returns true or false * @param $str sting expected valid date format * @return bool returns true if the supplied parameter is…
Writing review on the book- “Kohana 3.0 Beginner’s Guide”
One year back I have written a post on Kohana and CodeIgniter. In that post, I wrote I like Kohana than CodeIgniter. Kohana is an open source, object oriented MVC web framework built using PHP5 by a team of volunteers that aims to be swift, secure, and small. Kohana is changing rapidly. But still Kohana…
Kohana and CodeIgniter PHP Framework
CodeIgniter is a powerful PHP framework. I have been working on CodeIgniter for more than 2 years. I suggested lot of my friends to learn CodeIgniter. Few months back I started working on Kohana PHP framework. The slogan of Kohana is nice – “The Swift PHP Framework”. I liked Kohana at the first sight. I…
PHP Security Tips and Tools
I was reading on the topic “php security” using Google Reader. I hope it helps everyone to defining PHP security and it’s uses. Here I would like to quote some paragraphs from the original post on PHP is the most popular web programming languages in use today due in large part to the fact…
Open Flash Chart :: amazing chart generating application
Now a days I am working in Open Flash Chart (OFC). I found this amazing, easy to generate chart and use in web applications. Flash produces high quality graphics. OFC generates high resolution charts, I think you like this very much. Lets take a look into a screenshot. Click on the thumbnail to view actual…
Talking with PHP
I need the current time then I call the php function – time() and get the current Unix timestamp. Then function time() returns the second measured in the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT). Say for, in my website users can register for free for one year. I need…
CakePHP Manual in PDF Format
“Cake is a rapid development framework for PHP which uses commonly known design patterns like ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller and MVC. Our primary goal is to provide a structured framework that enables PHP users at all levels to rapidly develop robust web applications, without any loss to flexibility.” Manual for CakePHP is available…
Document to PDF Conversion :: Any Idea ?
Hi All, Now a days I am working on Document to PDF Conversion using PHP. I got a few tutorial on it, but not complete solution. Have you any idea ? Thanks.
Another osCommerce Contribution
Hi all, Today I fixed a simple bug of GuestBook module for osCommerce. You can download the module from here.,138 Cheers
My first osCommerce contribution
Hi all, Now a days I am working on osCommerce. Recently I am working on Online Calling Card /Phonecard Selling. I developed it in osCommerce (the leading opensource online shopping cart tools in php). I used a module named Unique Virtual Products. I modified it a littlebit and posted to osCommerce contribution section. You may…