هذه الإضافة لم يتم تحديثها وتجربتها لأكثر من 3 إصدارات ووردبريس رئيسية. قد لا تكون خاضعة للصيانة أو تقدم الدعم والمساعدة بالوقت الحالي وقد تكون بها مشاكل في التوافق عند إستخدامها مع إصدارات حديثة من ووردبريس.

LH Image Renamer


When you take photos with your digital camera and then upload them as attachments to a post or page their file name is not altered. This is not inintuitve as then you end upo with 100s of image files with names live IMG_1432.jpg

This plugin fixes that problem by appending a file safe string to the front the file name which is based on the post, page, or cpts slug or post title.

e.g. my-post-title-my-image-name.jpg

This will only accurr for images uploaded as attachments.

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  1. Upload the entire ‘lh-image-renamer’ folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

الأسئلة المتكررّة

What are the available options provided by this plugin?

There are no options, this is WordPress, so decisions not options

Im a developer, can I create a custom rule?

Yes. It’s easy.

You can filter the name used by using the filter built into this plugin:

add_filter( ‘lh_image_renamer_return_name_filter’, function($return, $file_object, $post_object, $file_name, $file_ext){

//do your thing

return $return;

}, 20 );

What is something does not work?

LH Image Renamer, and all https://lhero.org plugins are made to WordPress standards. Therefore they should work with all well coded plugins and themes. However not all plugins and themes are well coded (and this includes many popular ones).

If something does not work properly, firstly deactivate ALL other plugins and switch to one of the themes that come with core, e.g. twentyfirteen, twentysixteen etc.

If the problem persists please leave a post in the support forum: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/lh-image-renamer/. I look there regularly and resolve most queries.

What if I need a feature that is not in the plugin?

Please contact me for custom work and enhancements here: https://shawfactor.com/contact/


لا توجد مراجعات لهذه الإضافة.

المساهمون والمطوّرون

“LH Image Renamer” هو برنامج مفتوح المصدر. وقد ساهم هؤلاء الأشخاص بالأسفل في هذه الإضافة.


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سجل التغييرات

1.00 July 05, 2017
* Initial Release

1.01 July 16, 2018
* Singleton pattern