Papers by Răzvan Ceuca
Romanian Cyber Security Journal, Nov 28, 2023
The complex challenges of cyberspace have pushed the states of the world to promote cybersecurity... more The complex challenges of cyberspace have pushed the states of the world to promote cybersecurity approaches addressing these challenges. While some states advocate for the contentious new active cyber defense approach, others continue to rely on the current passive cyber defense strategy. Previous contributions in literature have identified the technical, legal, and political elements impacting state-level decision-making, while omitting normative incentives. Therefore, this study aims to explain why Romania normatively employs passive cyber defense. Empirical evidence shows that Romania acts as a norm antipreneur, promoting a passive cyber defense that cultivates the civil society's resilience through cybersecurity research, training, and dissemination of information of public interest.
Romanian Cyber Security Journal, 2023
The complex challenges of cyberspace have pushed the states of the world to promote cybersecurity... more The complex challenges of cyberspace have pushed the states of the world to promote cybersecurity approaches addressing these challenges. While some states advocate for the contentious new active cyber defense approach, others continue to rely on the current passive cyber defense strategy. Previous contributions in literature have identified the technical, legal, and political elements impacting state-level decision-making, while omitting normative incentives. Therefore, this study aims to explain why Romania normatively employs passive cyber defense. Empirical evidence shows that Romania acts as a norm antipreneur, promoting a passive cyber defense that cultivates the civil society's resilience through cybersecurity research, training, and dissemination of information of public interest.

The Kremlin's Influence Quarterly, 2021
The current debate concerning strategic narratives inquires whether these represent a ‘soft power... more The current debate concerning strategic narratives inquires whether these represent a ‘soft power’ tool or have rather become a ‘sharp power’ one, spread by authoritarian regimes. My research seeks to add to this debate by looking at Romania, a case less discussed in the literature. I conduct a qualitative content analysis on anti-NATO articles published between 2016 and 2020 in Sputnik Romania-Moldova, Kremlin’s main propaganda platform in the the country. My aim is to explore the main themes informing Russia’s anti-Western strategic narrative in Romania. The analysis suggests that Russian propaganda in Romania uses five main narrative approaches : (1) undermining NATO’s role in Romania, (2) giving a voice to anti-NATO Romanian politicians (3) seeding fractures between NATO and the European Union, (4) reproducing the Kremlin’s ‘alternative’ perception on NATO and (5) shaping Romanian attitudes using ‘links’ between local organised crime and the presence of NATO bases in Romania. The results show that strategic narratives are not only ‘sharp power’ instruments for undermining Romanian public’s perception about NATO, but also ‘mimetic power’ tools promoting Kremlin’s ‘friendly’ agenda in Romania, as well as ‘dark power’ ones, mobilized to intimidate the NATO presence in this country.

Cadrul internațional est-european care a dus la declanșarea conflictelor din Crimeea și Donbas di... more Cadrul internațional est-european care a dus la declanșarea conflictelor din Crimeea și Donbas din 2014 reprezintă contextul exemplar în care regimul de la Kremlin a reușit să utilizeze într-o manieră unitară și sincronizată capacitățile militare cinetice și capacitățile noncinetice, manifestându-se, totodată, o evoluție în acest sens față de utilizarea lor în contextul evenimentelor din Georgia din 2008. În timp ce în martie 2014 trupele rusești au preluat controlul asupra regiunii Crimeea înainte de a anexa formal peninsula, după ce cetățenii au votat pentru a adera la Federația Rusă într-un referendum local, în raport cu estul Ucrainei Federația Rusă a optat pentru o abordare de prelungire a conflictului prin atragerea populației în conflict și sprijinirea combatanților auxiliari. În acest sens, Uniunea Europeană are de înfruntat un tip de amenințare fără precedent, fapt pentru care se pun următoarele întrebări: Cum se raportează Uniunea Europeană la fenomenul fake news? Care sunt vulnerabilitățile identificate? Care sunt măsurile luate de către Uniunea Europeană pentru combaterea fenomenului? Prin urmare, ne propunem să identificăm, pe baza literaturii de specialitate și a studiului de caz, modalitățile prin care fake news – ca parte componentă a dezinformării active – afectează coeziunea statelor membre ale Uniunii Europene și care sunt măsurile luate de către aceasta pentru a combate acest fenomen.
Thesis Chapters by Răzvan Ceuca
Papers by Răzvan Ceuca
Thesis Chapters by Răzvan Ceuca