BOOKS by Barbara Pasamonik

Barbara Pasamonik,
Rola płci w integracji europejskich muzułmanów,
Kraków, Zakład Wydawniczy NOMO... more Barbara Pasamonik,
Rola płci w integracji europejskich muzułmanów,
Kraków, Zakład Wydawniczy NOMOS, 2013, s. 325
ISBN 978-83-7688-138-6
Link do strony wydawnictwa:
Fragmenty recenzji:
Islam europejski doczekał się wielu opracowań. Również w Polsce powstają liczne publikacje na ten temat. Książka Barbary Pasamonik wpisuje się w ten mający znaczny dorobek polski nurt badań nad islamem europejskim. Szczególną zaletą książki jest odejście od ogólnej tematyki i skupienie się na szczegółowych zagadnieniach związanych z problemem genderu. […] Publikacja ta jest zatem ważnym osiągnieciem badawczym, autorka analizuje w niej postawy muzułmańskie wobec zjawisk genderowych w Europie Zachodniej, przede wszystkim we Francji i Wielkiej Brytanii.
Z recenzji prof. dr hab. Janusza Daneckiego
Praca dorównuje rangą teoretyczną takim pozycjom, które silnie poruszyły czytelników w Polsce, jak niedawno wydany bestseller Paula Scheffera Druga ojczyzna czy Stephena Castlesa i Marka J. Millera Migracje we współczesnym świecie. Wzmacnia również siłę polskich publikacji z tego zakresu, wnoszących poważny wkład teoretyczny w wiedzę o muzułmankach, a pisanych z perspektywy genderowej.
Z recenzji prof. dr hab. Krystyny Slany
Księga jubileuszowa dedykowana profesor Elżbiecie Tarkowskiej odzwierciedla w swojej strukturze k... more Księga jubileuszowa dedykowana profesor Elżbiecie Tarkowskiej odzwierciedla w swojej strukturze kolejne zainteresowania naukowe Jubilatki: socjologię czasu, kultury i ubóstwa. Przyjaciele, współpracownicy i uczniowie zapełnili karty księgi artykułami na tematy, które interesowały Jubilatkę w jej dotychczasowej pracy naukowej, a także wspomnieniami będącymi zapisem tej niezwykłej osobowości i czasów, które ją kształtowały. Księga zawiera również niepublikowaną dotąd pracę magisterską Elżbiety Tarkowskiej, napisaną pod kierunkiem Zygmunta Baumana.
PAPERS by Barbara Pasamonik

Sociology of Sport Journal, 2024
This paper examines the role of nationalism in Polish soccer fans' protests in resistance to LGBT... more This paper examines the role of nationalism in Polish soccer fans' protests in resistance to LGBTQ+ equal rights. Drawing on data from semistructured interviews with 22 nationalist activists, namely ideological leaders of hard-core soccer supporters' community, who shape the ultras' nationalist discourse, the study explores their rationalizations behind anti-LGBTQ+ demonstrations. By recognizing nationalism as an ideological background, our study goes beyond theories of masculinity, a dominating way of explaining discrimination against sexual minorities in sports (fandom) to date, and it identifies a wider set of rationalizations, conceptualized in two broader models: (1) naturalist rationalizations, and (2) the counter-counterhegemonic rationalizations, which include three more specific themes-(2a) anti-antihegemonic masculinity (2b) anti-Western and (2c) antileftist.

Kultura i Społeczeństwo, 2024
In his 1958 book Moral Basis of a Backward Society, Edward Banfield introduced the term amoral fa... more In his 1958 book Moral Basis of a Backward Society, Edward Banfield introduced the term amoral familism to describe social relations and values in a poor rural community in southern Italy. In my analysis, I propose to abandon the value-laden epithet "amoral" and consider familism as an evolutionary adaptive strategy activated in times of scarcity or crises. I base the thesis of the evolutionary roots of familism on the inclusive fitness theory (Hamilton 1964) and the theory of kin and reciprocal altruism (Trivers 1971). The perspective of evolutionary psychology makes it possible to see the positive functions of familism and to propose a new biological-cultural understanding of familism. Familism has so far been diagnosed primarily "indirectly" in sociological studies of bonding (and bridging) capital and in research on social trust conducted as part of cyclical social surveys such as the World Values Survey and the European Social Survey. In the search for accurate measures of biological-cultural familism we can additionally turn to the research of cross-cultural psychologists conducted for international management. I argue that the dimension of particularism on the 7-dimensional cultural map of Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner (2002) and the dimension of in-group collectivism on the 9-dimensional cultural map of the GLOBE project (House et al. 2004), can valuably complement the measures used in sociological sciences and make the diagnosis of familism more reliable. Finally, I call for in-depth research on Polish familism aimed at testing whether it is possible to build bridging capital on the basis of familist bonding capital.

Deviant Behavior, 2021
The aim of this paper is to propose a corrective of moral panic theory by introducing a concept o... more The aim of this paper is to propose a corrective of moral panic theory by introducing a concept of polarizing moral panics. We believe that the significant social and technological changes that have occurred since the 1970s have made the classical concept of moral panic less useful to describe and analyze most of the contemporary cases because it fails to include a variety of voices and a more divisive nature of modern moral panics. Polarizing moral panics are recurrent eruptions in an ongoing process of transformation of normative systems that manifest themselves in the intensive, media-amplified polarization of society over an issue, a condition or a group of persons. This leads to a clash between two moral communities and their respective and competitive visions of social order: one more conservative, the other more liberal. This can be fueled by employing politics of fear by politicians and other interest groups for political benefits. The first part of the article discusses the theory and the application of polarizing moral panics. The second part focuses on the refugee crisis in Poland in 2015–2016 as an illustration of the concept and its use to gain votes in a parliamentary election

The Review of Faith & International Affairs, Vol. 17, issue 1, 2019
This article analyzes, from the perspective of Samuel Huntington’s hypothesis about a “clash of c... more This article analyzes, from the perspective of Samuel Huntington’s hypothesis about a “clash of civilizations,” the nature of the mass sexual assaults on women committed by migrants coming from non-European countries on New Year’s Eve 2015 in Germany. It is argued that the fundamental cultural factor triggering this criminal behavior was the clash of a patriarchal culture of honor and Islamic ethical code with liberal Western urban culture. But the cultural factor was not isolated. The “non-cultural” factors, i.e. social, biological, psychological, demographic, and economic factors, played important role.
The article reprinted in A Quarter Century of the "Clash of Civilizations" (Published May 11, 2021 by Routledge), Edited by Jeffrey Haynes, ISBN 9780367751524

Polityka Społeczna nr 11-12/2018, 2018
The European migration crisis of 2015 divided both Europe and European societies in terms of acce... more The European migration crisis of 2015 divided both Europe and European societies in terms of accepting refugees and economic migrants from non-European cultures. The impact of immigrants on the domestic economy and culture was a contentious issue in public debate. Based on data from the European Social Survey 2002–2016, we show how Poles and other Europeans evaluated the impact of immigration on their native economy and culture. Next, we analyze the attitudes of Poles towards migrants from different cultural areas, poorer countries and economic
migrants with different levels of professional qualifications. We conclude that Poland is in line with the European model, according to which the significance of immigration for the culture of the host country is evaluated more positively than the significance of immigration for the economy of the country, and attitudes towards immigrants of
the same race or ethnic group are more open than attitudes towards immigrants of a different race or ethnic group. Comparison of ESS data from 2002–2016 allows us to see the stability of attitudes of Poles towards immigrants until 2014 and a clear change in these attitudes towards negative attitudes from 2014. According to the authors, the
radical change in the attitudes of Poles from 2014 results from the moral panic spreading by the media and politicians around the refugees who show immigrants as a threat to social, cultural and economic security.

The mass sexual assaults on western women on the streets of German cities on New Year's Eve 2015 ... more The mass sexual assaults on western women on the streets of German cities on New Year's Eve 2015 committed by the migrants coming from non-European cultures caused a media panic which focused on the safety of western women in the context of the migration crisis. The likelihood of successful social and cultural integration of minorities originating in non-European cultures, especially in the Muslim minority, came back to the public debate. Perception of the role which the intercultural differences had in the New Year's Eve assaults – which was underestimated by the liberal-left circles and overemphasized by the right-wing ones became a contentious issue. The aim of this article is to diagnose the role of cultural and non-cultural factors (social, biological, psychological, demographic, economic and technological) in the mass sexual assaults on western women committed by the foreigners. Only an accurate identification of the role which the intercultural differences played in these events will help us correctly select and structure prevention integration programmes addressed to the migrants coming from non-European countries. In conclusion, the article presents an initial evaluation of prevention programmes implemented in Germany.

The current migrant crisis and accompanying media panics have drastically altered the dominant im... more The current migrant crisis and accompanying media panics have drastically altered the dominant image of refugees among Poles from stable to positively negative. Based on data from the European Social Survey, research reports from the Centrum Badania Opinii Społecznej and Centrum Badań nad Uprzedzeniami I analyze the transformation of the social picture of refugees in Poland from May 2015 to October 2016 and the specificity of Polish aversion to this category of migrants. I hypothesize that the rapid and significant deterioration of the image of refugees in Poland is due to the homogeneous ethnic structure of our society and limited contacts with foreigners and the global media panic surrounding refugees. The current social polarization of refugee reception is based on two competing images of refugees - different emotions and cognitive patterns, and consequently different moral values. The sense of moral superiority on both sides of the refugee dispute makes it difficult for a substantive discussion on Poland's involvement in solving the refugee crisis.

The mass exodus of refugees from the Middle East and North African countries in 2015 as well as t... more The mass exodus of refugees from the Middle East and North African countries in 2015 as well as the pictures of migrants storming the European Union borders provoked moral panic in many European countries, not excluding Poland. Refugees, in particular Arabs and Muslims, perceived by the Poles as ethnically, culturally and religiously „alien”, have become a symbol of threat for the safety of Europe and its social and cultural homogeneity. The classical moral (media) panic reached Poland in autumn 2015. It immediately became an important issue in the electoral campaign, dividing Poles into two hostile camps, i.e. the „defenders of homeland and faith” and the “good Samaritans”. At that point, we were faced with a transformational moral panic, i.e. a panic resulting from two competing visions of the social order, based on different values. A closed and xenophobic society was opposed to an open and tolerant community, an ethnic nation – to a civic nation, solidarity within one group – to general human solidarity. The Polish transformational panic about refugees is part of a broader culture war within the West – a clash of traditionalism and modernism, conservatism and liberalism of lifestyle, moral fundamentalism and relativism.

Radykalizacja pod sztandarami Państwa Islamskiego nie jest wyłączną domeną muzułmanów z krajów Bl... more Radykalizacja pod sztandarami Państwa Islamskiego nie jest wyłączną domeną muzułmanów z krajów Bliskiego Wschodu, a nawet muzułmanów jako takich. Na terenach Syrii i Iraku walczy dziś przeszło trzydzieści tysięcy zagranicznych bojowników z osiemdziesięciu sześciu państw, w tym pięć tysięcy Europejczyków. Są wśród nich zarówno reprezentanci drugiego i trzeciego pokolenia europejskich muzułmanów, jak i zachodni konwertyci na islam, przedstawiciele klasy niższej, średniej i wyższej, młodzi mężczyźni i młode kobiety. Tak wielka różnorodność profili europejskich dżihadystów wymaga rozpoznania wielości przyczyn i wzorów radykalizacji młodych Europejczyków. Zrozumienie fenomenu popularności radykalnej ideologii dżihadyzmu wymaga także rozpoznania uwarunkowań kulturowych, społecznych i ekonomicznych tego zjawiska. Ostatnie zamachy terrorystyczne w Paryżu i Brukseli dowodzą, że kraje europejskie mają powody obawiać się powrotu zaprawionych w boju radykałów.

Contemporary European Islam is shaped by two opposing processes: homogenization and diversificati... more Contemporary European Islam is shaped by two opposing processes: homogenization and diversification. We observe the formation of European or global Islam on the one hand and, on the other hand, the ongoing differentiation of Islam under the influence of, and interaction with, local cultures. The young generation of European Muslims draws from different cultural traditions and creates a variety of hybrid identities. The transnational nature of European Islam promotes transcultural identities. However, not all of these are pro-European and pro-democratic. An example of pro-European Islam is the hybrid built by the European Muslim women who combine emancipation with religion, as well as the Swedish and Norwegian Islam created by European converts. An example of a negative identity is the anti-European subculture of the French suburbs, influenced by radical Islamists. Pluralism within Islam and the Muslim identity is a fact which requires more attention in the formulation of the new European integration policy. What is needed is support for the new transcultural identification of European Muslims within the limits of democratic freedom.
Barbara Pasamonik, 2015, Fundamentalizm kulturowy jako współczesna kontrkultura. Na przykładzie k... more Barbara Pasamonik, 2015, Fundamentalizm kulturowy jako współczesna kontrkultura. Na przykładzie konwersji na islam [w:] Kultury kontestacji. Dziedzictwo kontrkultury i nowe ruchy społecznego sprzeciwu, pod red. Tomasza Maślanki, Rafała Wiśniewskiego, Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, s. 57-72.
Barbara Pasamonik, 2015, “Genderowy dżihad”. O perspektywie gender w badaniach nad islamem europe... more Barbara Pasamonik, 2015, “Genderowy dżihad”. O perspektywie gender w badaniach nad islamem europejskim [w:] Islam w Europie. Nowe kierunki badań. Księga ku czci Profesor Anny Parzymies, pod red. Marty Widy-Behiesse i Konrada Zasztowta, Wydawnictwo Akademickie Dialog, s. 297-316.
Barbara Pasamonik, 2015, Spór o gender z perspektywy socjologii moralności [w:] Socjologia czasu,... more Barbara Pasamonik, 2015, Spór o gender z perspektywy socjologii moralności [w:] Socjologia czasu, kultiury i ubóstwa. Księga jubileuszowa dla profesor Elżbiety Tarkowskiej, pod red. Katarzyny Górniak, Tatiany Kanasz, Barbary Pasamonik i Joanny Zalewskiej, Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej, s. 211-226.
Barbara Pasamonik, 2013, Globalizacja kultury czy glokalizacja kultur? [w:] Krótkie wykłady z soc... more Barbara Pasamonik, 2013, Globalizacja kultury czy glokalizacja kultur? [w:] Krótkie wykłady z socjologii: kategorie, problemy, subdyscypliny, T2, pod red. Anny Firkowskiej-Mankiewicz, Tatiany Kanasz, Elżbiety Tarkowskiej, Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej, s. 117-138.

Barbara Pasamonik, 2013, Prawa kobiet i europejski kryzys multikulturalizmu, „Kultura i Społeczeń... more Barbara Pasamonik, 2013, Prawa kobiet i europejski kryzys multikulturalizmu, „Kultura i Społeczeństwo”, nr 3, s. 3-25.
In Western societies, a crisis of multiculturalism has been observed in the last three decades and multicultural policies have been criticized by both the political right and left. The left worries about the liberal values that may be endangered by the beliefs of ethnic minorities, while the right sees ethnic minorities as a threat to national unity and security. Western societies are undergoing a policy crisis as it has come to be felt that some large Muslim minorities do not share Western values and are not loyal to their receiving country. In this study, the feminist perspective is discussed. Feminists argue that a concern for the preservation of cultural diversity should not overshadow the discriminatory nature of some tribal or traditional customs such as forced marriage, honour killing, or female genital mutilation. Currently, feminists and liberals agree that culture should not be used as an excuse for violations of women’s rights by minority groups. It is argued that multicultural policy must be reconsidered, as the clash between minority customs and women’s rights in receiving Western societies has become evident.
Barbara Pasamonik, 2012, Migracje i wielokulturowość społeczeństw europejskich: problem integracj... more Barbara Pasamonik, 2012, Migracje i wielokulturowość społeczeństw europejskich: problem integracji społeczno-kulturowej [w:] Krótkie wykłady z socjologii: przegląd problemów i metod, pod red. Anny Firkowskiej-Mankiewicz, Tatsiany Kanash, Elżbiety Tarkowskiej, Wydawnictwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej, s. 273-292.
Barbara Pasamonik, 2010, Kultura i ekonomia w procesie integracji muzułmanów europejskich, „Kultu... more Barbara Pasamonik, 2010, Kultura i ekonomia w procesie integracji muzułmanów europejskich, „Kultura i Społeczeństwo”, nr 3, s. 151-174.
BOOKS by Barbara Pasamonik
Rola płci w integracji europejskich muzułmanów,
Kraków, Zakład Wydawniczy NOMOS, 2013, s. 325
ISBN 978-83-7688-138-6
Link do strony wydawnictwa:
Fragmenty recenzji:
Islam europejski doczekał się wielu opracowań. Również w Polsce powstają liczne publikacje na ten temat. Książka Barbary Pasamonik wpisuje się w ten mający znaczny dorobek polski nurt badań nad islamem europejskim. Szczególną zaletą książki jest odejście od ogólnej tematyki i skupienie się na szczegółowych zagadnieniach związanych z problemem genderu. […] Publikacja ta jest zatem ważnym osiągnieciem badawczym, autorka analizuje w niej postawy muzułmańskie wobec zjawisk genderowych w Europie Zachodniej, przede wszystkim we Francji i Wielkiej Brytanii.
Z recenzji prof. dr hab. Janusza Daneckiego
Praca dorównuje rangą teoretyczną takim pozycjom, które silnie poruszyły czytelników w Polsce, jak niedawno wydany bestseller Paula Scheffera Druga ojczyzna czy Stephena Castlesa i Marka J. Millera Migracje we współczesnym świecie. Wzmacnia również siłę polskich publikacji z tego zakresu, wnoszących poważny wkład teoretyczny w wiedzę o muzułmankach, a pisanych z perspektywy genderowej.
Z recenzji prof. dr hab. Krystyny Slany
PAPERS by Barbara Pasamonik
The article reprinted in A Quarter Century of the "Clash of Civilizations" (Published May 11, 2021 by Routledge), Edited by Jeffrey Haynes, ISBN 9780367751524
migrants with different levels of professional qualifications. We conclude that Poland is in line with the European model, according to which the significance of immigration for the culture of the host country is evaluated more positively than the significance of immigration for the economy of the country, and attitudes towards immigrants of
the same race or ethnic group are more open than attitudes towards immigrants of a different race or ethnic group. Comparison of ESS data from 2002–2016 allows us to see the stability of attitudes of Poles towards immigrants until 2014 and a clear change in these attitudes towards negative attitudes from 2014. According to the authors, the
radical change in the attitudes of Poles from 2014 results from the moral panic spreading by the media and politicians around the refugees who show immigrants as a threat to social, cultural and economic security.
In Western societies, a crisis of multiculturalism has been observed in the last three decades and multicultural policies have been criticized by both the political right and left. The left worries about the liberal values that may be endangered by the beliefs of ethnic minorities, while the right sees ethnic minorities as a threat to national unity and security. Western societies are undergoing a policy crisis as it has come to be felt that some large Muslim minorities do not share Western values and are not loyal to their receiving country. In this study, the feminist perspective is discussed. Feminists argue that a concern for the preservation of cultural diversity should not overshadow the discriminatory nature of some tribal or traditional customs such as forced marriage, honour killing, or female genital mutilation. Currently, feminists and liberals agree that culture should not be used as an excuse for violations of women’s rights by minority groups. It is argued that multicultural policy must be reconsidered, as the clash between minority customs and women’s rights in receiving Western societies has become evident.
Rola płci w integracji europejskich muzułmanów,
Kraków, Zakład Wydawniczy NOMOS, 2013, s. 325
ISBN 978-83-7688-138-6
Link do strony wydawnictwa:
Fragmenty recenzji:
Islam europejski doczekał się wielu opracowań. Również w Polsce powstają liczne publikacje na ten temat. Książka Barbary Pasamonik wpisuje się w ten mający znaczny dorobek polski nurt badań nad islamem europejskim. Szczególną zaletą książki jest odejście od ogólnej tematyki i skupienie się na szczegółowych zagadnieniach związanych z problemem genderu. […] Publikacja ta jest zatem ważnym osiągnieciem badawczym, autorka analizuje w niej postawy muzułmańskie wobec zjawisk genderowych w Europie Zachodniej, przede wszystkim we Francji i Wielkiej Brytanii.
Z recenzji prof. dr hab. Janusza Daneckiego
Praca dorównuje rangą teoretyczną takim pozycjom, które silnie poruszyły czytelników w Polsce, jak niedawno wydany bestseller Paula Scheffera Druga ojczyzna czy Stephena Castlesa i Marka J. Millera Migracje we współczesnym świecie. Wzmacnia również siłę polskich publikacji z tego zakresu, wnoszących poważny wkład teoretyczny w wiedzę o muzułmankach, a pisanych z perspektywy genderowej.
Z recenzji prof. dr hab. Krystyny Slany
The article reprinted in A Quarter Century of the "Clash of Civilizations" (Published May 11, 2021 by Routledge), Edited by Jeffrey Haynes, ISBN 9780367751524
migrants with different levels of professional qualifications. We conclude that Poland is in line with the European model, according to which the significance of immigration for the culture of the host country is evaluated more positively than the significance of immigration for the economy of the country, and attitudes towards immigrants of
the same race or ethnic group are more open than attitudes towards immigrants of a different race or ethnic group. Comparison of ESS data from 2002–2016 allows us to see the stability of attitudes of Poles towards immigrants until 2014 and a clear change in these attitudes towards negative attitudes from 2014. According to the authors, the
radical change in the attitudes of Poles from 2014 results from the moral panic spreading by the media and politicians around the refugees who show immigrants as a threat to social, cultural and economic security.
In Western societies, a crisis of multiculturalism has been observed in the last three decades and multicultural policies have been criticized by both the political right and left. The left worries about the liberal values that may be endangered by the beliefs of ethnic minorities, while the right sees ethnic minorities as a threat to national unity and security. Western societies are undergoing a policy crisis as it has come to be felt that some large Muslim minorities do not share Western values and are not loyal to their receiving country. In this study, the feminist perspective is discussed. Feminists argue that a concern for the preservation of cultural diversity should not overshadow the discriminatory nature of some tribal or traditional customs such as forced marriage, honour killing, or female genital mutilation. Currently, feminists and liberals agree that culture should not be used as an excuse for violations of women’s rights by minority groups. It is argued that multicultural policy must be reconsidered, as the clash between minority customs and women’s rights in receiving Western societies has become evident.
In Western Europe there are about 20 million Muslims immigrants - it is the most numerous
civilisational minority in Europe. Today, Muslim societies are least integrated with receiving
countries, among all the European minorities. The real clash between West and Islam, which
Huntington’s theory overlooks, concerns gender equality and sexual liberalisation. According to a
New World value survey, Muslims and their Western counterparts want democracy, but they
extremely differ in attitudes toward divorce, abortion, gender equality, and gay rights. Certainly
the biggest threat for integrating Europe are two forms of explicit culture discrimination: racial,
coming from western receiving societies side towards Muslims and gender one, coming from
patriarchal fundamentalists towards women. While, the United States carry out political and
military campaign against international Muslim terrorism, Europe struggles mostly against Islam
customary fundamentalism. Clash of civilisations refers now not only to the international area and
it appears not only inside the societies receiving immigrants but also within the immigrant
societies and through immigrants’ children.