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AFM was used to non-invasively characterize the nanoscale crystal interfaces of the organic solar cells. Needlelike growths dominate the large, ordered regions. The crystal structures display circular and bow-tie growth patterns and, upon... more
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      ThermodynamicsFluid DynamicsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
Since durable technology emerged between 3.4 and 3.2 million years ago, stone tools served as a major material means that hominins used to survive. Determining how different lithic tools functioned is a principal question in human... more
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      Materials EngineeringScanningAtomic Force MicroscopeBiochemistry and cell biology
The morphology of organic solar cell bulk heterojunctions were characterized using atomic force microscopy (AFM). The RMS roughness of solar cells composed of 1, 3-bis [4-(N, N-diisopentylamino)-2, 6-dihydroxyphenyl] squaraine [DiPSQ (OH)... more
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      EngineeringOrganic SemiconductorsSemiconductorsAdvanced Materials
Forest University -Crystalline organic semiconductors often display carrier mobilities that vary with environmental conditions and fabrication parameters. Additionally, the electrical properties of organic thin-film devices are highly... more
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Dust accumulation on thermal radiator surfaces planned for lunar exploration will significantly reduce their efficiency. Evidence from the Apollo missions shows that an insulating layer of dust accumulated on radiator surfaces could not... more
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The solubility of vapors within semicrystalline polyethylenes produced in the gas phase process is examined. Experimentally measured solubilities of ethylene, 1-butene, isobutane, isopentane, 1-hexene, and n-hexane as a function of... more
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      Materials SciencePolymer sciencePolyethyleneCrystallinity
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    • Chemistry
This paper extends the previous article by the authors on the solubility of hydrocarbon vapors in semicrystalline polyethylenes produced in the gas phase process. That work demonstrates a computational model for solubility based on an... more
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      Materials ScienceThermodynamicsPolymer sciencePolymer
The solubility of vapors within semicrystalline polyethylenes produced in the gas phase process is examined. Experimentally measured solubilities of ethylene, 1-butene, isobutane, isopentane, 1-hexene, and n-hexane as a function of... more
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      Materials ScienceThermodynamicsPolymer sciencePolymer
The eclipsing and strongly interacting binary star system R Arae (HD149730) is in a very active and very short-lived stage of its evolution. R Ara consists of a B9V primary and an unknown secondary. We have collected the International... more
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      Stellar EvolutionMass TransferAccretion DisksModels
Spectroscopic measurements of Mira variable stars as a function of phase probe the stellar atmospheres and underlying pulsation mechanisms. For example, measuring variations in TiO, VO, and ZrO with phase can be used to help determine... more
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    • Astronomical
ABSTRACT Spectra from the International Ultraviolet Explorer taken in 1989 September over one full orbital period of U Cephei (U Cep, HD 5796) are analyzed. The TLUSTY and SYNSPEC stellar atmospheric simulation programs are used to... more
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    • Organic Chemistry
CM Draconis is one of the few known M-dwarf eclipsing binary systems. It has been the target for a search for planetary transits by our group and others. During the monitoring of this system it went through a period of high stellar... more
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Six flare events detected in CM Draconis are presented. These flares were detected over three nights of observations in May 2006 as part of a transiting planet search program at Appalachian State. The observation time of the system totals... more
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New lab exercises are presented, continuing a series developed over the past few years (see Caton and Pollock, BAAS 18 No. 4, 22 Nos. 1 and 4, and 23 No.4, and 24 No. 4), including a PC-based spectral classification exercise that displays... more
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We follow up on single coverage UBVRcIc light curves taken in 2011 and analyses. Our present BVRcIc light curves with ample coverage were taken October and November 2013 and January 2014 with the Dark Sky Observatory 0.81-meter reflector... more
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