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      Business EthicsAestheticsEthicsContinental Philosophy
This essay is part of a larger project that aims to trace the return of the old in "new" critical theory. It attempts to demonstrate how, after the failure of the second generation of the Frankfurt School to situate the ongoing... more
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      Critical TheoryTheodor AdornoWalter BenjaminHistorical Materialism
This essay attempts to grasp the contemporary relevance of Walter Benjamin's claim that the technically most advanced artwork is necessarily the politically most advanced artwork. More specifically, it attempts to link Walter Benjamin's "... more
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      Critical TheoryMusicologyMarxismTheodor Adorno
Critical Theory demands that its forms of critique express resistance to the socially necessary illusions of a given historical period. Yet theorists have seldom discussed just how much it is the case that, for Walter Benjamin and Theodor... more
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Following the work of Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, this essay argues that there is an implicit conception of mimesis operative in Heidegger's conception of Dasein's being-in-the-world. More speciϔically, it argues that an examination of... more
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      MetaphysicsTalal AsadClifford GeertzTheories of Religion
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      MetaphysicsPragmatismPhilosophy Of ReligionDonald Davidson
In this paper, I seek to show the fruitfulness of connecting the study of ritual activities to the ritualists's metaphysics, which is to say, to their understanding of the necessary conditions of life. I suggest that some rituals may be... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsPhilosophy Of ReligionEmbodiment
Though others have surveyed the different methods in comparative religious ethics, relatively little attention has been given to different approaches to pedagogy (exceptions include Lovin and Reynolds; Juergensmeyer; Twiss). The field of... more
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      Applied EthicsNarrativeHermeneuticsReligious Ethics
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      Social OntologyJonathan Z. SmithJohn SearleRussell McCutcheon
Several theorists argue that the concept of "religion" is not a cultural universal but rather emerged under particular historical and political conditions in the modern post-Reformation west. "Religion," they say, is a social... more
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      Critical RealismSocial OntologySocial constructionTimothy Fitzgerald
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    • Method and Theory in the Study of Religion
Some scholars of religion have turned their attention from religion to "religion" and have then deconstructed the conceptual category, arguing that the concept of religion is an invention of the scholar that corresponds to nothing. In... more
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Richard Rorty's antifoundationalist or 'neo'-pragmatism has significant implications for the practice and the study of religion. By developing James's dictum that truth is 'the name of whatever that proves itself... more
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    • Philosophy
This trilogy represents a high-water mark for comparative philosophy of religion. The basic premise of the project is simple: it brings tradition specialists in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Chinese Religions... more
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    • Philosophy