Appalachian State University
English, Secondary Education
This design was intended to act as a template for technology integration for preservice teachers in an English language arts class. However, the unintended result was a celebration of cultural heritage and increased classroom community.... more
This mixed-methods research study examines the engagement of high school students in a flipped English Language Arts (ELA) classroom. The students were enrolled in two sections of an Advanced Placement English Language Arts and... more
Authentic field experiences are an important aspect of most teacher education programs, yet collaboration often is difficult because of distance and limited resources. This collective case study aimed to explore the experiences of 30... more
One of the key criticisms leveled at the flipped method of instruction is that it is simply "business as usual" with teachers delivering didactic lectures, and the students relying on them for information. To address this issue, the... more
This mixed methods study aimed to assess student engagement during the flipped model of instruction in two seventh-grade English language arts (ELA) classrooms. Implementation of the flipped model required students (n=183) and teachers... more