Conference Presentations by Fajria Fatmasari
Teaching and learning English process in vocational school is not easy as seen. It needs deep und... more Teaching and learning English process in vocational school is not easy as seen. It needs deep understanding to the goal of the material given. For years, there was gap between learning outcomes and the needs in the working scope area. Sometimes, the graduate could not compete with the competency or skill needed in working company or the material was overlapping that it was jump over too high to the basic needs. Overcoming the problem, there was national qualification framework which has standards for its level. The competency mandated was based on the needs in industrial scope, so that there will be decreasing gap between academic and industry. Based on the observation done last year, it was easier for lecturer and students to take new-designed material which complied with the national qualification framework. It was more focus and going deeper to an area of working competency.

As ASEAN Economy Community has declared, it is big opportunity for any worker candidates around A... more As ASEAN Economy Community has declared, it is big opportunity for any worker candidates around ASEAN countries to take part in other countries, including Indonesia. It becomes a big challenge for a university or vocational school to prepare its students to compete with other overseas candidates. In Indonesia, there is common think for approaching the candidates to master English as a language for communication as it is stated also in Indonesian Standard for National Working Competency. Nonetheless, it needs big effort since English still becomes foreign language in Indonesia. It will become easily if mother language test is used to barrier overseas candidates. There are benefits promoted: (1) domestic candidates are having better understanding; (2) Enliven mother language in the country; (3) Promoting mother language as important as English.
Keywords: necessity, mother language, overseas, test
Papers by Fajria Fatmasari

Jurnal Sosial Humaniora: Penelitian Universitas Djuanda, Oct 17, 2022
Business correspondence in the form of e-mail has an important role for freight forwarders to sup... more Business correspondence in the form of e-mail has an important role for freight forwarders to support their duties as intermediaries between exporters and importers. Mastering the style, format, and important parts of an e-mail is not an easy job, especially if it is written in English so that it becomes a challenge for freight forwarders. This study tries to investigate the obstacles and challenges faced by freight forwarding companies in Indonesia in conducting business correspondence in English, as well as analyze the role of business correspondence towards working performance of freight forwarders. This study involved five freight forwarding companies located in Jakarta. Data were collected through literature study and interviews with staff who handle correspondence. The results show that the style of e-mail communication made by freight forwarding companies tends to be informal with a lot of use of abbreviations and concise forms of e-mail. In addition, there are several obstacles in conducting correspondence, namely the lack of knowledge about the components that make up an e-mail, lack of English language skills, lack of knowledge about e-mail writing style, and misinterpretation. The obstacles impacted export-import activities in the form of delays in transaction processing, customer complaints and financial losses. Employees who deal with correspondence should be given intensive business correspondence training in order to understand in detail the structure, writing style, and patterns of business correspondence commonly used in the international business world. In addition, it is necessary to improve English language skills for the employees by providing English language training, especially related to writing and grammar.

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Industri dan Rantai Pasok, 2020
Semenjak product placement menjadi konsep baru dalam strategi pemasaran, nampaknya masih muncul p... more Semenjak product placement menjadi konsep baru dalam strategi pemasaran, nampaknya masih muncul perdebatan mengenai sikap audiens terhadap product placement. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap karakteristik product placement yang ada pada kanal Youtube dan sikap audiens yang muncul dari penempatan produk pada kanal-kanal Youtube. Penelitian bersifat kualitatif, dilakukan dengan mengamati 5 (lima) video pada kanal Youtube pada bukan Januari hingga Agustus 2020. Data yang diamati dan diteliti adalah komentar audiens.Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan ada beberapa tipe penempatan produk yakni audio, visual, plot, dan kombinasi. Tipikal penempatan visual tanpa audio akan menghasilkan sikap audiens yang kurang aware terhadap produk tersebut. Sikap yang aware dapat menimbulkan ketertarikan lebih lanjut terhadap produk tersebut. Adapun sikap yang lebih banyak ditemui pada penalitian ini adalah pengabaian (unaware) terhadap penempatan produk. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, perusahaan dan Youtuber harus mencari strategi dalam menempatkan produk agar mendapat umpan balik terhadap penempatan produknya. Namun demikian penelitian ini masih terdapat keterbatasan sehingga dapat dilanjutkan kembali untuk mengamati pengaruh penempatan produk terhadap product awareness pada penelitian selanjutnya.
Global Competitiveness: Business Transformation in the Digital Era, 2019

As Logistics becomes famous and trending topic in global area, the students of the program of Log... more As Logistics becomes famous and trending topic in global area, the students of the program of Logistics Management are asked to be more fluent in their English performance. It can be supported by reading activities which enable students to gain more information and knowledge in worldwide. Yet, reading activities is still a challenge in ESP classroom. The research was aimed to bring a capture of reading interest of students, comprised the reading activity at campus, interest in types of books, and factors affecting the students’ intention toward reading activities. The research was conducted by observing the students in ESP classroom; consist of 37 respondents who finished the survey about reading interest. It was a qualitative research since there is description of students’ reading interest that is followed by some some charts or diagram. The result of the study shows that there is poor performance in reading activity since there is also less time to spend in reading activities. Fa...

Language disorder as a symptom of autism has been found in many autistic children. Yet, one to an... more Language disorder as a symptom of autism has been found in many autistic children. Yet, one to another has different characteristics of language disorder. In this thesis, language disorder is defined as incapability of narrating social events in sequence utterances. The research was done by recording Subject�s casual conversation in school days with many topics spoken. The conversation was transcribed and classified into Subject�s utterances and discourses of any topics in the conversation. The data was analyzed to be able to describe language competence referring to phonologic competence and forms of the utterance, including the meaning of the utterances, and pragmatic recontextualization which may happened during the conversation. The result of language competence of the Subject was there were phonemes can be mastered by the Subject, such as /p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/, /f/, /s/, /z/, /Ai/, /h/, /c/, /j/, /m/, /n/, /A�/, /A�/, /l/, /r/, /w/, /y/, /a/, /i/, /u/, /e/, /E�/, /o/, the diphthongs /ai/, /au/, /oi/
Advanced Science Letters, 2018

Proceedings of the 4th Bandung Creative Movement International Conference on Creative Industries 2017 (4th BCM 2017), 2018
Jakarta is one of mall paradise in Indonesia. The emergent of middle class economy has shifted co... more Jakarta is one of mall paradise in Indonesia. The emergent of middle class economy has shifted consumer behavior in visiting Mall. Nowadays, people visit mall for various reasons such as hangout with friends, meeting with client, window shopping and many more. Moreover, Wifi Marketing is new trend in marketing innovation. It is one of competitive advantage in attracting more visitors. However, More visitors don't guarantee the increase sales of tenants in Mall. Promotions are needed to help tenants in reaching out mall visitors through wifi-marketing. The purpose of this research is to explore the design needs of Wifi-marketing as cutting edge technology to maximize promotional strategy for Mall business. This is qualitative research in which data is collected through observation and in-depth interview with 8 informants (3 tenants and 5 visitors of shopping mall). The findings showed positive technological readiness towards wifi-marketing which can be interpreted from their optimism, innovativeness, discomfort and insecurity. Optimism and innovativeness become the drivers of wifi-marketing since it showed users' likelihood to adopt wifi for promotional purpose. However, discomfort and insecurity become the constraints for wifi-marketing in terms of privacy issue. Using design ethnography, the design of wifi-marketing welcome page should meet with visitors's needs such as information about mall directory, promotions and special offerings, new tenants information, restaurant recommendation, and customer service support.

There were verbal signs appeared in an advertising media. It has meanings which may become a mess... more There were verbal signs appeared in an advertising media. It has meanings which may become a message to be conveyed to consumer. Meaning analysis in the research was done with the Roland Barthes approach, which detailing denotative and connotative meaning in the signs. Based on analysis, Magnum Blue which was the name of product is reflection of producer's hope to be the product with big market share. Whilst, tagline " Unlimited Style " was given to enable the reader taking the product in their mind. The tagline itself was one of product positioning which means that its segment coming from any kind of style consumer from around the world. The usage of those words was aimed to enable the reader to recognize and catch what message was conveyed. It complied with meaning teoheretical framework, which consist of referential and ideational meaning. ABSTRAK Dalam sebuah media periklanan, seringkali ditemui tanda-tanda verbal. Tanda verbal tersebut biasanya memiliki makna, yang merupakan pesan yang ingin disampaikan oleh produsen kepada konsumen. Analisis makna dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan Roland Barthes, yakni dengan mengupas makna denotasi dan konotasi yang terkandung dalam tanda verbal. Berdasarkan analisis, diperoleh hasil bahwa " Magnum Blue " merupakan nama produk yang diberikan dengan harapan produk dapat menjadi produk dengan pangsa pasar yang besar dan diperolehnya sensasi kesegaran. Di samping itu, dengan memberikan slogan " Style Tanpa Batas " produsen mengharapkan pembaca dapat memposisikan produk tersebut dalam pikiran. Slogan tersebut mengandung makna tersirat bahwa kelompok konsumen yang dituju merupakan konsumen dengan beraneka gaya yang berasal dari berbagai penjuru dunia. Dengan menggunakan kata-kata dalam iklan baliho, diharapkan pembaca dapat mengenal dan menangkap pesan yang ingin disampaikan oleh pembuat iklan. Pemaknaan tersebut sesuai dengan teori makna, baik makna refernsial maupun ideasional.
Conference Presentations by Fajria Fatmasari
Keywords: necessity, mother language, overseas, test
Papers by Fajria Fatmasari
Keywords: necessity, mother language, overseas, test