Biophysical Journal which also includes that: preprint posting is only permitted to a private web... more Biophysical Journal which also includes that: preprint posting is only permitted to a private website, arXiv, bioRxiv, chemRxiv or GitHub. Cell Press journals also include: Versions of a manuscript that have altered as a result of the peer-review process may not be deposited 8. The JAMA Network Accept but Submitted manuscript must add meaningful new information above that already in the preprint 9. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Inc. Does not accept clinical research articles that have been shared as preprints.
This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Comm... more This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
A 23-year-old female-treated patient of osteomalacia and secondary hyperparathyroidism with hypop... more A 23-year-old female-treated patient of osteomalacia and secondary hyperparathyroidism with hypophosphatemia presented with a 5-year history of bilateral groin pain and stiffness of both hips and difficulty in walking. Plain radiographs of the pelvis showed bilateral coxa vara deformity. She was managed surgically by a single-stage bilateral subtrochanteric corrective osteotomy with the internal fixation. After the osteotomy healing at 3 months, the patient was pain free and walked comfortably with an increased range of hip motion.
The burning topic of gender inequalities and diversities in Research and Publications has recentl... more The burning topic of gender inequalities and diversities in Research and Publications has recently come into the foray and is discussed widely. It is often argued that in most disciplines of medicine, women are under-represented, publish fewer articles, and receive fewer citations than males. There are two contrasting opinions on the reasons for gender inequality and imbalance. Some attribute it to the ambitions and attitude of women, whereas others claim it to be due to a systemic and cultural bias against women. 1 Volerman et al. 2 reported that disparities in gender representation exist among the researchers throughout the career, including receiving grants and awards. Some social advocates have further suggested that gender and diversity issues are responsible for social injustice and the societal relevance of the research rather than research integrity. Whereas the opposing groups feel that addressing the issues of quality, relevance, and reliability of the research are far more important than the issues related to social justice and societal relevance. It is also crucial that scientific objectivity and trust in the science are maintained, irrespective of 'who' is publishing it. If the research and publications become biased related to gender or other types of diversity, its trust worthiness is undermined.
Background and aims: During the COVID-19 vaccination program in India, the healthcare workers wer... more Background and aims: During the COVID-19 vaccination program in India, the healthcare workers were given the first priority. There are concerns regarding the occurrence of breakthrough infections after vaccination. We aimed to investigate the effictiveness of COVID-19 vaccines in preventing and reducing the severity of post-vaccination infections. Methods: This retrospective test-negative case-control study examined 28342 vaccinated healthcare workers for symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections between January 16 to June 15, 2021. They worked at 43 Apollo Group hospitals in 24 Indian cities. These cohorts received either ChAdOx nCOV-19 (Recombinant) or the whole virion inactivated Vero cell vaccines. Various demographic, vaccination related and clinical parameters were evaluated. Results: Symptomatic symptomatic post-vaccination infections occurred in a small number of vaccinated cohorts (5.07%, p < 0.001), and these were predominantly mild and did not result in hospitalization (p < 0.0001), or death. Both vaccines provided similar protection, with symptomatic infections in 5.11% and 4.58%, following ChAdOx nCOV-19 (Recombinant) and the whole virion inactivated Vero cell vaccines, respectively (p < 0.001). Nursing and Clinical staff and cohorts >50 years contracted more infections (p < 0.001). Two-dose vaccination has significantly lower odds of developing symptomatic infection (0.83, 95%CI e 0.72 to 0.97). Maximum infections occurred during the peak of the second COVID-19 wave from mid-April to May 2021 (p < 0.001). No significant difference existed in the infection between sex, vaccine type, and the number of vaccine doses received (p ! 0.05). Conclusion: Symptomatic infections occurred in a small percentage of healthcare workers after COVID vaccination. Vaccination protected them from not only infection but also severe disease.
This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Comm... more This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
Obesity is an important risk factor in development of knee osteoarthritis, and these cases suffer... more Obesity is an important risk factor in development of knee osteoarthritis, and these cases suffer from complications following Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA). The association between obesity and outcomes after TKA is ambiguous. Knowledge is scarce about a de nite relation between the two. This study aims to establish a correlation between obesity and early outcomes of TKA. This prospective cross-sectional study was done in cases undergoing primary knee arthroplasty between September 2019 to August 2020. Obesity was classi ed in all cases, and multiple variables like pain, functional status, Range of Motion, knee deformity, and Patient Response Outcome Measures were recorded. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS Statistical Software version 22.0 and R.3.2.0. The level of statistical signi cance was taken as p < 0.05. We studied 100 knees (37 bilateral and 26 unilateral) in 63 cases. Pain score decreased maximally in the normal and overweight group and minimal in class III obesity (p < 0.001). KSS, FKSS, and PROMs gradually improved in all, except in morbidly obese (p < 0.001). Although the improvement in all variables was minimum in class III obesity compared to other classes of obesity, the margin of difference from the preoperative period was maximum in class III obese participants. All cases, irrespective of class of obesity, experienced a comparable improvement in their knee function and improved quality of life. In addition, the TKA offered substantial bene ts in terms of range of movement of the knee, pain relief, knee stability, walking distance, and stairs climbing.
Innovations in computer technology and implant design have paved the way for the development of s... more Innovations in computer technology and implant design have paved the way for the development of smart instruments and intelligent implants in trauma and orthopaedics to improve patient-related functional outcomes. Sensor technology uses embedded devices that detect physical, chemical and biological signals and provide a way for these signals to be measured and recorded. Sensor technology applications have been introduced in various fields of medicine in the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of diseases. Intelligent 'Smart' implants are devices that can provide diagnostic capabilities along with therapeutic benefits. In trauma and orthopaedics, applications of sensors is increasing because of the advances in microchip technologies for implant devices and research designs. It offers real-time monitoring from the signals transmitted by the embedded sensors and thus provides early management solutions. Smart orthopaedic implants have applications in total knee arthroplasty, hip arthroplasty, spine surgery, fracture healing, early detection of infection and implant loosening. Here we have explored the role of Smart sensor implant technology in total knee arthroplasty. Smart sensor assisted can be used intraoperatively to provide objective assessment of ligament and soft tissue balancing whilst maintaining the sagittal and coronal alignment to achieve desired kinematic targets following total knee arthroplasty. It can also provide post-implantation data to monitor implant performance in natural conditions and patient's clinical recovery during rehabilitation. The use of Smart Sensor implant technology in total knee arthroplasty appears to provide superior patient satisfaction rates and improved functional outcomes.
This concise book on 'Clinical Rheumatology' has described all the important Rheumatology conditi... more This concise book on 'Clinical Rheumatology' has described all the important Rheumatology conditions and their management in adequate detail and lucid manner. It is likely to serve multiple goals by catering to a multitarget audience comprising undergraduate and postgraduate medical students, residents, and clinicians who wanted to gain practical knowledge. In addition, the book caters to orthopaedic surgeons, internists, physiatrists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and rheumatologists. Day-to-day questions are answered in a knowledge format that can be applied straight away. Senior clinicians will find it as a ready reckoner to refresh their knowledge and teach. 'Clinical Rheumatology' book has come out as a reader-friendly, value for time book that I would highly recommend to all orthopaedic surgeons to have the insight and skill to manage rheumatology patients in their clinical practice.
India's first wave of SARS-CoV-2 infections in mid-2020 was relatively mild and was controlled by... more India's first wave of SARS-CoV-2 infections in mid-2020 was relatively mild and was controlled by a nationwide lockdown. Since easing of restrictions, India has seen expansion in cases of COVID-19 since March
Journal of Orthopaedics (JOO) is the official journal of P.K. Surendran Memorial Education Founda... more Journal of Orthopaedics (JOO) is the official journal of P.K. Surendran Memorial Education Foundation and Indo-Korean Orthopaedic Foundation. 1 It is published bimonthly by Elsevier as a hybrid journal that supports Open-Access publication. The JOO has a diverse and pan-global editorship. It is indexed in all the crucial and prestigious databases like PubMed, Scopus, Embase, Expanded Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Web of Science (WOS), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Google Scholar, etc. The JOO is one of the topmost and leading Orthopaedic journals published from India 2 and falls in Quartile 2 of the SCOPUS. The current Cite Score of JOO is 2.0, and the H-index is 23. Its published documents on PubMed and Scopus are 1387 m and 1373, respectively (Fig. 1). It has published 72 systematic reviews so far, which is the highest amongst all the Indian Orthopaedic journals. The JOO has seen phenomenal growth since its inception in lesser than a decade. It has achieved abstracting and indexing in almost all the major databases. There has been a healthy trend of continuously rising h-index, and cite score, which is significant (Fig. 2). The published articles in the JOO are receiving a good number of citations that are increasing progressively over the years, in substantial numbers (Fig. 3). The JOO believes in publishing high-quality articles related to Orthopaedics, Traumatology, Spine, and Basic musculoskeletal science. The current acceptance rate of the JOO is 24%. The JOO is truly an International Orthopaedic journal. A high proportion of its authors and readers are from across the globe, especially from Western countries (Fig. 4). The publications of foreign authors in JOO are the highest amongst all the Indian Orthopaedic journals. 2 Its publications are widely read, with full-text usage in 2020 of around 150 thousand. The editorial speed of the JOO is at par with the leading International journals (Fig. 5). Its current time to first decision is 3.6 weeks, for a review it is 4.4 weeks, and for publication is 0.4 weeks. 1 The Editorial Board of the JOO has several ambitious plans for the future. These include a) the launch of a companion journal dedicated to Case Reports, Surgical Techniques, and Current Concept Reviews, b) increasing the frequency of publications from bimonthly to monthly basis, due to increasing demand and its publications and c) regular publications of the special issues focusing on the burning topics, which are relevant to the clinical practice of the Orthopaedic surgeons. So we request you to stay tuned and keep supporting this journal and wish you a Happy New Year.
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in an infodemic about the novel coronavirus SARS-C... more Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in an infodemic about the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 outbreak to build knowledge and develop mitigation strategies. In addition, scientific journals across the world have studied the impact of COVID-19 on trauma and orthopaedics. Methods: A cross-sectional, bibliometric analysis of the literature was undertaken on COVID-19 related articles from three Pubmed and Scopus indexed orthopaedic journals from India, namely, Indian Journal of Orthopaedics(IJO),Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma(JCOT), and Journal of Orthopaedics (JOO), in May 2021. All the article types and study designs were included for this review. The authors, institutions, countries, keywords, and co-authorship mapping were studied. Results: A total of 112 COVID-19 related documents were retrieved. Period of these publications was from 2 nd April 2020 to 31 st May 2021. Vaishya R. (n ¼ 16) was the most cited author, and Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals (n ¼ 16) was the most cited research Institution. India led the list of countries in academic publication output. On keyword mapping, telemedicine was the most prominent Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) search word. Conclusion: The Indian orthopedic journals have addressed the impact of COVID-19 on orthopaedic practice in India and aborad whilst continuing to publish knowledge about basic science and clinical orthopaedic research studies. The JCOT has outperformed and become the most leading orthopaedic journal from India during the pandemic. COVID-19 articles have been fast tracked, open accessed and attracted more citations in reduced duration of time compared to non-COVID-19 papers.
Steroid induced osteonecrosis of the femoral head is commonly seen in clinical practice, but yet ... more Steroid induced osteonecrosis of the femoral head is commonly seen in clinical practice, but yet not fully understood. It is intriguing why only some cases develop and others escape from it. We did an extensive and up to date literature review on it, with the aim to identify its incidence, associated risk factor and pathogenesis. We found that the incidence ranged from 03 to 40%, and was more with associated risk factors. Several risk factors were identified, which included higher dose and prolonged duration of steroid consumption, and underlying disease for which the steroids were given. Pathogenesis of this disease is complex and not yet fully understood. Awareness about this condition and associated risk factors should help the clinicians in identifying the cases who are prone to develop osteonecrosis with the use of steroids.
The unprecedented second wave of SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 pandemic has caught an already weak public h... more The unprecedented second wave of SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 pandemic has caught an already weak public health system unaware in India. The rising number of COVID-19 afflicted patients, shortage of testing strategy, disorganized vaccination drive, lack of oxygen-supported beds, and overwhelmed medical facilities in cities across India has led to a quintessential crisis never experienced before. Physicians, doctors, and other healthcare workers (HCWs) still recovering from the socioeconomic and adverse impact of the first wave, now face a further whirlpool of unfavorable mitigating factors including shortage of personnel, stretched resources, inadequate medical equipment, facilities, and the ever-existent occupational risk of contracting of SARS-CoV-2 viral infection and mortality. Exhibiting exemplary dedication, public health effort, and resilience in the health care management of COVID-19 patients in the first wave, they face an uphill task against the second deadlier wave. We explore the mounting challenges confronting these HCW and strategic solutions that can be undertaken to support them.
Background: Isolated fractures of the greater trochanter are unusual injuries with a wide spectru... more Background: Isolated fractures of the greater trochanter are unusual injuries with a wide spectrum of presentation, investigations and management strategies. Aims: The objective of this study was to evaluate the incidence and treatment protocols used in the management of Isolated Greater Trochanteric Fractures (IGTF). Methods: A systematic literature review of the PubMed and Central Register of Controlled Trials (Cochrane) databases by using the search term 'greater trochanter fracture and hip fracture' was conducted for Randomised Controlled Trials (RCT's), including prospective and retrospective nonexperimental studies. Results: The search yielded 15 studies meeting our inclusion criteria encompassing 166 patients with Isolated Greater Trochanteric Fractures (IGTF). Most of the reports were observational studies due to paucity of coverage on this topic in literature. Computed Tomography (CT) or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) were the common modalities used to diagnose these injuries. Most of the patients were managed with non-operative methods. Conclusion: This systematic review analyses the consensus of treatment of IGTF based on evidence-based practice. When the IGTF is identified, the majority of studies advocate conservative management to surgery for such cases. Furthermore, large cohort studies with clearly documented outcome follow up are required to establish objective treatment guidelines for IGTF.
The years 2020 and 2021 were difficult because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Sadly, it is still going... more The years 2020 and 2021 were difficult because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Sadly, it is still going on across the globe. Although it is primarily a respiratory disease, many other systems and organs are involved, including the neurological system. Many acute and delayed neurological manifestations and complications of COVID-19 are encountered in a large number of cases. Both the central and peripheral nervous system is involved. The severe disease is often associated with stroke, seizures, altered sensorium and ataxia, and more in patients with underlying medical comorbidities. These complications are immune-mediated, including the Guillain-Barré syndrome. COVID-19 and Neurological Problems
Biophysical Journal which also includes that: preprint posting is only permitted to a private web... more Biophysical Journal which also includes that: preprint posting is only permitted to a private website, arXiv, bioRxiv, chemRxiv or GitHub. Cell Press journals also include: Versions of a manuscript that have altered as a result of the peer-review process may not be deposited 8. The JAMA Network Accept but Submitted manuscript must add meaningful new information above that already in the preprint 9. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Inc. Does not accept clinical research articles that have been shared as preprints.
This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Comm... more This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
A 23-year-old female-treated patient of osteomalacia and secondary hyperparathyroidism with hypop... more A 23-year-old female-treated patient of osteomalacia and secondary hyperparathyroidism with hypophosphatemia presented with a 5-year history of bilateral groin pain and stiffness of both hips and difficulty in walking. Plain radiographs of the pelvis showed bilateral coxa vara deformity. She was managed surgically by a single-stage bilateral subtrochanteric corrective osteotomy with the internal fixation. After the osteotomy healing at 3 months, the patient was pain free and walked comfortably with an increased range of hip motion.
The burning topic of gender inequalities and diversities in Research and Publications has recentl... more The burning topic of gender inequalities and diversities in Research and Publications has recently come into the foray and is discussed widely. It is often argued that in most disciplines of medicine, women are under-represented, publish fewer articles, and receive fewer citations than males. There are two contrasting opinions on the reasons for gender inequality and imbalance. Some attribute it to the ambitions and attitude of women, whereas others claim it to be due to a systemic and cultural bias against women. 1 Volerman et al. 2 reported that disparities in gender representation exist among the researchers throughout the career, including receiving grants and awards. Some social advocates have further suggested that gender and diversity issues are responsible for social injustice and the societal relevance of the research rather than research integrity. Whereas the opposing groups feel that addressing the issues of quality, relevance, and reliability of the research are far more important than the issues related to social justice and societal relevance. It is also crucial that scientific objectivity and trust in the science are maintained, irrespective of 'who' is publishing it. If the research and publications become biased related to gender or other types of diversity, its trust worthiness is undermined.
Background and aims: During the COVID-19 vaccination program in India, the healthcare workers wer... more Background and aims: During the COVID-19 vaccination program in India, the healthcare workers were given the first priority. There are concerns regarding the occurrence of breakthrough infections after vaccination. We aimed to investigate the effictiveness of COVID-19 vaccines in preventing and reducing the severity of post-vaccination infections. Methods: This retrospective test-negative case-control study examined 28342 vaccinated healthcare workers for symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections between January 16 to June 15, 2021. They worked at 43 Apollo Group hospitals in 24 Indian cities. These cohorts received either ChAdOx nCOV-19 (Recombinant) or the whole virion inactivated Vero cell vaccines. Various demographic, vaccination related and clinical parameters were evaluated. Results: Symptomatic symptomatic post-vaccination infections occurred in a small number of vaccinated cohorts (5.07%, p < 0.001), and these were predominantly mild and did not result in hospitalization (p < 0.0001), or death. Both vaccines provided similar protection, with symptomatic infections in 5.11% and 4.58%, following ChAdOx nCOV-19 (Recombinant) and the whole virion inactivated Vero cell vaccines, respectively (p < 0.001). Nursing and Clinical staff and cohorts >50 years contracted more infections (p < 0.001). Two-dose vaccination has significantly lower odds of developing symptomatic infection (0.83, 95%CI e 0.72 to 0.97). Maximum infections occurred during the peak of the second COVID-19 wave from mid-April to May 2021 (p < 0.001). No significant difference existed in the infection between sex, vaccine type, and the number of vaccine doses received (p ! 0.05). Conclusion: Symptomatic infections occurred in a small percentage of healthcare workers after COVID vaccination. Vaccination protected them from not only infection but also severe disease.
This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Comm... more This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
Obesity is an important risk factor in development of knee osteoarthritis, and these cases suffer... more Obesity is an important risk factor in development of knee osteoarthritis, and these cases suffer from complications following Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA). The association between obesity and outcomes after TKA is ambiguous. Knowledge is scarce about a de nite relation between the two. This study aims to establish a correlation between obesity and early outcomes of TKA. This prospective cross-sectional study was done in cases undergoing primary knee arthroplasty between September 2019 to August 2020. Obesity was classi ed in all cases, and multiple variables like pain, functional status, Range of Motion, knee deformity, and Patient Response Outcome Measures were recorded. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS Statistical Software version 22.0 and R.3.2.0. The level of statistical signi cance was taken as p < 0.05. We studied 100 knees (37 bilateral and 26 unilateral) in 63 cases. Pain score decreased maximally in the normal and overweight group and minimal in class III obesity (p < 0.001). KSS, FKSS, and PROMs gradually improved in all, except in morbidly obese (p < 0.001). Although the improvement in all variables was minimum in class III obesity compared to other classes of obesity, the margin of difference from the preoperative period was maximum in class III obese participants. All cases, irrespective of class of obesity, experienced a comparable improvement in their knee function and improved quality of life. In addition, the TKA offered substantial bene ts in terms of range of movement of the knee, pain relief, knee stability, walking distance, and stairs climbing.
Innovations in computer technology and implant design have paved the way for the development of s... more Innovations in computer technology and implant design have paved the way for the development of smart instruments and intelligent implants in trauma and orthopaedics to improve patient-related functional outcomes. Sensor technology uses embedded devices that detect physical, chemical and biological signals and provide a way for these signals to be measured and recorded. Sensor technology applications have been introduced in various fields of medicine in the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of diseases. Intelligent 'Smart' implants are devices that can provide diagnostic capabilities along with therapeutic benefits. In trauma and orthopaedics, applications of sensors is increasing because of the advances in microchip technologies for implant devices and research designs. It offers real-time monitoring from the signals transmitted by the embedded sensors and thus provides early management solutions. Smart orthopaedic implants have applications in total knee arthroplasty, hip arthroplasty, spine surgery, fracture healing, early detection of infection and implant loosening. Here we have explored the role of Smart sensor implant technology in total knee arthroplasty. Smart sensor assisted can be used intraoperatively to provide objective assessment of ligament and soft tissue balancing whilst maintaining the sagittal and coronal alignment to achieve desired kinematic targets following total knee arthroplasty. It can also provide post-implantation data to monitor implant performance in natural conditions and patient's clinical recovery during rehabilitation. The use of Smart Sensor implant technology in total knee arthroplasty appears to provide superior patient satisfaction rates and improved functional outcomes.
This concise book on 'Clinical Rheumatology' has described all the important Rheumatology conditi... more This concise book on 'Clinical Rheumatology' has described all the important Rheumatology conditions and their management in adequate detail and lucid manner. It is likely to serve multiple goals by catering to a multitarget audience comprising undergraduate and postgraduate medical students, residents, and clinicians who wanted to gain practical knowledge. In addition, the book caters to orthopaedic surgeons, internists, physiatrists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and rheumatologists. Day-to-day questions are answered in a knowledge format that can be applied straight away. Senior clinicians will find it as a ready reckoner to refresh their knowledge and teach. 'Clinical Rheumatology' book has come out as a reader-friendly, value for time book that I would highly recommend to all orthopaedic surgeons to have the insight and skill to manage rheumatology patients in their clinical practice.
India's first wave of SARS-CoV-2 infections in mid-2020 was relatively mild and was controlled by... more India's first wave of SARS-CoV-2 infections in mid-2020 was relatively mild and was controlled by a nationwide lockdown. Since easing of restrictions, India has seen expansion in cases of COVID-19 since March
Journal of Orthopaedics (JOO) is the official journal of P.K. Surendran Memorial Education Founda... more Journal of Orthopaedics (JOO) is the official journal of P.K. Surendran Memorial Education Foundation and Indo-Korean Orthopaedic Foundation. 1 It is published bimonthly by Elsevier as a hybrid journal that supports Open-Access publication. The JOO has a diverse and pan-global editorship. It is indexed in all the crucial and prestigious databases like PubMed, Scopus, Embase, Expanded Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Web of Science (WOS), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Google Scholar, etc. The JOO is one of the topmost and leading Orthopaedic journals published from India 2 and falls in Quartile 2 of the SCOPUS. The current Cite Score of JOO is 2.0, and the H-index is 23. Its published documents on PubMed and Scopus are 1387 m and 1373, respectively (Fig. 1). It has published 72 systematic reviews so far, which is the highest amongst all the Indian Orthopaedic journals. The JOO has seen phenomenal growth since its inception in lesser than a decade. It has achieved abstracting and indexing in almost all the major databases. There has been a healthy trend of continuously rising h-index, and cite score, which is significant (Fig. 2). The published articles in the JOO are receiving a good number of citations that are increasing progressively over the years, in substantial numbers (Fig. 3). The JOO believes in publishing high-quality articles related to Orthopaedics, Traumatology, Spine, and Basic musculoskeletal science. The current acceptance rate of the JOO is 24%. The JOO is truly an International Orthopaedic journal. A high proportion of its authors and readers are from across the globe, especially from Western countries (Fig. 4). The publications of foreign authors in JOO are the highest amongst all the Indian Orthopaedic journals. 2 Its publications are widely read, with full-text usage in 2020 of around 150 thousand. The editorial speed of the JOO is at par with the leading International journals (Fig. 5). Its current time to first decision is 3.6 weeks, for a review it is 4.4 weeks, and for publication is 0.4 weeks. 1 The Editorial Board of the JOO has several ambitious plans for the future. These include a) the launch of a companion journal dedicated to Case Reports, Surgical Techniques, and Current Concept Reviews, b) increasing the frequency of publications from bimonthly to monthly basis, due to increasing demand and its publications and c) regular publications of the special issues focusing on the burning topics, which are relevant to the clinical practice of the Orthopaedic surgeons. So we request you to stay tuned and keep supporting this journal and wish you a Happy New Year.
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in an infodemic about the novel coronavirus SARS-C... more Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in an infodemic about the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 outbreak to build knowledge and develop mitigation strategies. In addition, scientific journals across the world have studied the impact of COVID-19 on trauma and orthopaedics. Methods: A cross-sectional, bibliometric analysis of the literature was undertaken on COVID-19 related articles from three Pubmed and Scopus indexed orthopaedic journals from India, namely, Indian Journal of Orthopaedics(IJO),Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma(JCOT), and Journal of Orthopaedics (JOO), in May 2021. All the article types and study designs were included for this review. The authors, institutions, countries, keywords, and co-authorship mapping were studied. Results: A total of 112 COVID-19 related documents were retrieved. Period of these publications was from 2 nd April 2020 to 31 st May 2021. Vaishya R. (n ¼ 16) was the most cited author, and Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals (n ¼ 16) was the most cited research Institution. India led the list of countries in academic publication output. On keyword mapping, telemedicine was the most prominent Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) search word. Conclusion: The Indian orthopedic journals have addressed the impact of COVID-19 on orthopaedic practice in India and aborad whilst continuing to publish knowledge about basic science and clinical orthopaedic research studies. The JCOT has outperformed and become the most leading orthopaedic journal from India during the pandemic. COVID-19 articles have been fast tracked, open accessed and attracted more citations in reduced duration of time compared to non-COVID-19 papers.
Steroid induced osteonecrosis of the femoral head is commonly seen in clinical practice, but yet ... more Steroid induced osteonecrosis of the femoral head is commonly seen in clinical practice, but yet not fully understood. It is intriguing why only some cases develop and others escape from it. We did an extensive and up to date literature review on it, with the aim to identify its incidence, associated risk factor and pathogenesis. We found that the incidence ranged from 03 to 40%, and was more with associated risk factors. Several risk factors were identified, which included higher dose and prolonged duration of steroid consumption, and underlying disease for which the steroids were given. Pathogenesis of this disease is complex and not yet fully understood. Awareness about this condition and associated risk factors should help the clinicians in identifying the cases who are prone to develop osteonecrosis with the use of steroids.
The unprecedented second wave of SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 pandemic has caught an already weak public h... more The unprecedented second wave of SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 pandemic has caught an already weak public health system unaware in India. The rising number of COVID-19 afflicted patients, shortage of testing strategy, disorganized vaccination drive, lack of oxygen-supported beds, and overwhelmed medical facilities in cities across India has led to a quintessential crisis never experienced before. Physicians, doctors, and other healthcare workers (HCWs) still recovering from the socioeconomic and adverse impact of the first wave, now face a further whirlpool of unfavorable mitigating factors including shortage of personnel, stretched resources, inadequate medical equipment, facilities, and the ever-existent occupational risk of contracting of SARS-CoV-2 viral infection and mortality. Exhibiting exemplary dedication, public health effort, and resilience in the health care management of COVID-19 patients in the first wave, they face an uphill task against the second deadlier wave. We explore the mounting challenges confronting these HCW and strategic solutions that can be undertaken to support them.
Background: Isolated fractures of the greater trochanter are unusual injuries with a wide spectru... more Background: Isolated fractures of the greater trochanter are unusual injuries with a wide spectrum of presentation, investigations and management strategies. Aims: The objective of this study was to evaluate the incidence and treatment protocols used in the management of Isolated Greater Trochanteric Fractures (IGTF). Methods: A systematic literature review of the PubMed and Central Register of Controlled Trials (Cochrane) databases by using the search term 'greater trochanter fracture and hip fracture' was conducted for Randomised Controlled Trials (RCT's), including prospective and retrospective nonexperimental studies. Results: The search yielded 15 studies meeting our inclusion criteria encompassing 166 patients with Isolated Greater Trochanteric Fractures (IGTF). Most of the reports were observational studies due to paucity of coverage on this topic in literature. Computed Tomography (CT) or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) were the common modalities used to diagnose these injuries. Most of the patients were managed with non-operative methods. Conclusion: This systematic review analyses the consensus of treatment of IGTF based on evidence-based practice. When the IGTF is identified, the majority of studies advocate conservative management to surgery for such cases. Furthermore, large cohort studies with clearly documented outcome follow up are required to establish objective treatment guidelines for IGTF.
The years 2020 and 2021 were difficult because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Sadly, it is still going... more The years 2020 and 2021 were difficult because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Sadly, it is still going on across the globe. Although it is primarily a respiratory disease, many other systems and organs are involved, including the neurological system. Many acute and delayed neurological manifestations and complications of COVID-19 are encountered in a large number of cases. Both the central and peripheral nervous system is involved. The severe disease is often associated with stroke, seizures, altered sensorium and ataxia, and more in patients with underlying medical comorbidities. These complications are immune-mediated, including the Guillain-Barré syndrome. COVID-19 and Neurological Problems
Papers by Raju Vaishya