10:18pm 17/10/2003 |
Inside everyone, no matter how much of a dumbass they really are, is a built-in bullshit detector. The average person might not notice this because of the sheer magnitude of bullshit they have to put up with every day (ie, smug co-workers with a bloated sense self-approval, Dr. Laura, that pimply faced raver kid whose name you can't remember, dwarves with bad attitudes that glare at you like Popeye, etc). That's why when you hear phrases like "embrace diversity" at work or school, you think nothing of it and go on with your mind-numbingly boring lives; although deep down part of you is saying "embrace diversity? WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN?"
It sounds like something you'd hear on the nagging bitch channel, Lifetime. I can picture a woman in a white gown with sun flowers in her hair saying this with doves flying around her singing the theme song to "Facts of Life," while a group of five or six kids run around spilling red fruit punch all over the carpet. It doesn't make sense.. it doesn't mean anything.
I went to the web site of some big bank that proudly states "WE EMBRACE DIVERSITY." Following the big obnoxious banner at the top of the page is a statement saying "[we] believe that we must engage a proactive, 'inclusive' process to source people of color and women, as well as Anglo men." People of color? What the hell is people of color, supposed to mean and why are they being singled out? This whole notion of "embracing diversity" is inherently bullshit because it's based on the following assumption: people who look different must think different because of it; otherwise, why the hell embrace anything? Why not just assume that diversity comes from within, regardless of their skin color, sex, age or religion? If people who look different don't necessarily think differently, which they don't, then aren't they essentially discriminating against them by "embracing" them as being "diverse"?
Just the sound of the phrase makes me mad.. "embrace diversity"... SCREW YOU. I'm tired of the bullshit phrases. "You win some, you lose some." No shit? "Never drive faster than your angels can fly." Shitty metaphor on a shitty bumper sticker on a shitty car. It doesn't mean ANYTHING. "I don't drive fast, I just fly low." GO TO HELL. "Save a tree, send an email." How about you save five seconds of my life and leave off the shitty quote from the bottom of your email so the internet isn't congested with your bullshit signature file instead? I've decided that from now on, every time I see the phrase "save a tree, send an email," I'm going to promptly crumple up a clean sheet of paper and throw it away, just out of spite. |
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12:33am 15/10/2003 |
Come with me to the gates of hell. Then we may look upon the barren wasteland of earth and smile upon the misfortune of the pitiful human monkeys. They shall pray and pray for their god to come save them from hellfire but to no avail. When they realize he doesn't care for them, they will have no choice but to obey my Lord Satan. Nice community by the way. |
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07:49am 09/05/2003 |
"It is an inner poison, all the more potent because I enjoy it and don't want it to leave. A drug. But when did anything really want to destroy itself? There is always the resistance of self-preservation." |
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02:13pm 24/04/2003 |
have y'all heard that cool european band APOCALYPTICA? they are awesome. they sound like a cross between x and y. i bought their triple-decker cd last week from z. the artwork is fantabulous. where would i be without noize. now i have to go wash dishes, later we'll play on my X-BOX. |
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02:55pm 17/04/2003 |
It would just be the greatest joke if there were an afterlife. If, after finally escaping this world, we had to suffer through eternity. |
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12:55pm 16/04/2003 |
There's a feeling of complete readiness. A need to die, because it is the Right Thing. The most worthwhile choice. The only choice.
But there's resistance. From the old mind that clings. From the mind that says "you shouldn't want this yet." And it's so convincing that your mind puts death off. Even as your mind knows that it is merely being convinced and compelled by something obsolete. It is a coward, and easily convinced. So it waits, until the time when it will be "completely ready." When that old shell is gone, and has no influence. But what if that never comes? |
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11:47am 16/04/2003 |
Here, the Great Beast is hope - that relentlessly pacifying eudaimon, the deus ex machina of stasis, a serpent slithering around our nerve-branches, whispering: "Try thisss..." Have you ever noticed that animal piss turns grass yellow? The grass is yellow on both sides. We've never had such overwhelming reason to quit life, nor can we hope for more. We are drowning in our absurdity. It's not only what you read in Camus, kids. Flail your arms, learn how to swim, do a dog-paddle or back-stroak. Our mock suicide notes won't do it; you're not in this to purge yourself and go on absurdizing. (Are you?) We must make the choice NOW - quit life or this scene forever. But we languish, for we have no opposable will - our reason is sharp, we see the truth and its proofs, though we are held in check by fear and regret. Regret! Why? A philosopher once noted that to live is to swim in a veritable ocean of pleasure; and he didn't mean that life is cushy, rather that we enjoy life despite ourselves. - Despite ourselves. Despite what we know to be right. Oh, I agree, the freshness of thought is seductive, it inspires one to live and push on in that spirit...And yet, one cannot argue with vitality - though one can argue that, lacking it, one is unfit to live: as a matter of 'choice', as people are fond of saying. Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf that the unfortunate citizen's highest virtue would, in his ideal society, be the wish to not inflict himself on others in any way, if not to die; and is this not honorable? Hitler was a very sensible man! A man to look up to, as one of vision, far-seeing vision, as a revaluator...Let not the ashes and blood of even SIXTY-million Jews stain the greatness of his task. Nothing before, nor after, like what he tried to bring about. We are licking salt blocks, hoping whereby to appease our wounds. And yet, the day beckons... And yet... |
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10:11am 15/04/2003 |
it's the parochial minds that need to go. the people so caught up in their lives that they don't realize their lack of worth. because everyone else already realizes the pointlessness of everything and will take themselves out eventually. and until then, they aren't the same wastes of oxygen. besides, it's not the concept of humanity that disgusts me. it's the form it's in currently. get rid of the crap, and there's something nice underneath. perhaps. so destroy society and all its little bacteria, and try again with something new. |
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06:12pm 28/03/2003 |
"Murdur and rape and torture happen in America, too. We should work on that."
Indeed, there are far too many people alive at the moment. THIS MUST BE REMEDIED. [We can attempt to torture intelligence into them, and then, failing that, destroy them.] |
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06:03pm 07/03/2003 |
There's nothing inherently wrong with killing people. It is considered wrong or immoral in our society because it is seen to have harmful effects, but killing other humans is a part of humanity and should not be repressed. Most people think of killing others as something negative, so when a person is killed there is a negative reaction from the society. However, if it can be seen as something positive and a necessary part of society than it will provide the essential social cleansing without having negative effects on the society. Fuck morality. It's just society's way of causing people to follow a social norm of what is assumed to be best for society. Disposing of humans is healthy. It's a cleansing of an open wound to prevent festering. Society's better off purged of the oblivious idiots and the world is better off with fewer humans. |
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