This community is basically a personal challenge for all its members. By joining with the purpose of posting photos, you are also implying that you are going to at least attempt to take one photo a day. There is no particular theme that photos need to meet and your mode of photography (whether it be a digital camera, a webcam or a polaroid camera) doesn't really matter, this is just a general photography community - with a twist.
The Rules 1. If a photo is larger than 600x600 pixels, then put it behind an LJ-cut (link will open in a new window).
2. Post one photo a day, no more. Catching up on days missed is not necessary, but if you do want to do this, refer to rule #3.
3. If you do want to show off more than one photo, you are allowed to post a link to an entry showing the rest of them elsewhere. This means that there'll only be one photo posted in any entry, as outlined in rule #2. Clarification: The acceptable methods of linking to other images are: * A link to a post in another community or your own journal * Links to individual alternate images * A link to a page with other photos, such as a website or gallery link
4. Don't disallow comments and send people elsewhere to comment. It's not that hard to follow the replies to multiple posts, and being sent elsewhere specifically to comment on something is irritating. Posts with disallowed comments will be deleted by the moderators without warning.
5. Nudity is not allowed, because this isn't a closed membership community and we don't want to make this an exclusively 18+ community.
6. Constructive criticism is allowed when asked for, but don't attack a person or their photo. If you don't like it, then don't comment. Lewd comments about someone's looks, etc, are also not allowed. If a user is reported as being abusive and the moderators agree, then banning will most likely be the outcome.
7. If you've joined up but only intend on watching the community (ie not posting anything of your own), then at least comment on photos. It won't kill you to do it, but it will make the community a livlier place.
8. If you're going to edit a photo with an image editing program, keep it minimal. You can fix lighting, equalise, etc., but don't edit it to the point where it's completely different from the original image. Basically, unless it could be done in a darkroom with film, try not to do it with your photo.
9. Text-only posts are allowed, but please keep them on-topic. If you want to talk about photography techniques, camera types, etc. go for it! But while I'm sure that you're teacher is an asshole, that's something that you'll be wanting to put in your personal journal.
10. Community promotion is allowed, but please contact one of the moderators for permission before you make a promotional post. This will make it easier to keep things on-topic. Promotional posts made without a moderator's OK will be deleted without warning.
11. Enjoy yourself and be creative!
Theme Days:
Every Sunday, the community will have a theme day. Basically, I or one of the other moderators will announce a theme or specific item towards the end of the week (hopefully on Friday), and then you post your photos for that idea on Sunday.
Themes will be totally open to your interpretation of what I give you to work with, whereas 'specific items' will mean exactly that - you will be given an item name, and you take a photo of that! You can be as creative as you want in both instances, though.