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Journal created:
on 30 August 2005 (#8163569)
on 7 September 2014
The Appaloosa Horse Club
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
An Appaloosa

This is not the official ApHC.
This is just a community for those who own or just love the horse breed known as the Appaloosa.

The unique color of the Appaloosa is what first attracts many people, but it is the incredible disposition, conformation, and versatility that keeps people loyal to the breed. The Appy excels in upper levels of both the english and western disciplines and makes an excellent pleasure horse or family horse. So if you are an owner of one of these wonderful horses or wish to one day own one, please join this community!

A Few Simple Rules:
1. Please put all pictures behind a lj cut. This helps the people with slower computers
2. Try to keep topics horse related. Anything to do with horses is fine. Appy talk is better. =)
3. No flaming. Lets try to keep this community warm and friendly.

made by bellyache_girl
Appys Are Love
Feel free to use this color bar to show your love of Appaloosas! Just copy the text below and post it in your journal. =)

3-day eventing, 4-h, american quarter horses, andalusians, apha, aphc, appaloosa, appaloosa horse club, appaloosas, appy, appys, aqha, arabian horses, arabians, bareback, bareback riding, barns, barrel racing, bays, bits, black beauty, bloodlines, boots, breakaway roping, breeding horses, breyer, breyer models, bridles, buckskin, buckskins, calf roping, colts, cowboys, cowgirls, cross country riding, cutting, dapple grey, dressage, driving, duns, endurance riding, english riding, equestrian, equine, equines, equitation, equitation over fences, equus, fillies, foals, foundation, fox hunting, friesians, geldings, grey horses, grooming, halter, halter horses, hay, heading, heeling, horse, horse icons, horse movies, horse pictures, horse racing, horse riding, horse shoes, horse showing, horse shows, horse stuff, horse training, horseback riding, horsemanship, horses, hunt seat, hunt seat equitation, hunter hack, hunter under saddle, hunter/jumper, jockey club, jumping, jumping horses, mares, model horses, money, morgan, mustangs, national velvet, olympics, overo, paint horse, paint horses, paints, palomino, palominos, pintos, pleasure driving, pleasure riding, pole bending, polo, ponies, quarter horse, quarter horses, racing, reining, ribbons, riding, riding horses, roans, rodeo, rodeos, roping, rugged lark, saddles, seabiscuit, secretariat, show jumping, showjumping, showmanship, sliding stop, sport horses, sports, spots, stadium jumping, stallions, tack, team penning, team roping, the black stallion, thoroughbred, thoroughbreds, three day eventing, trail, trail riding, trails, training, training horses, trophys, trotting, uset, vaulting, warmbloods, welsh ponies, western, western equitation, western pleasure, western riding, working cow horse, working hunter
