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Status Update

Hey everyone, first of all I want to thank everyone who checked out the Breast Expansion and Weight Gain Bundle that Big Aspirations was a part of. The support has been awesome and I continue to be humbled by this community and its warm reception. I figured that now that it has concluded I would give everyone a devlog on how the next update is going. There has been a lot of work already put into it, multiple new locations have been implemented, with new NPC's and stories to accompany them. 

However the list of things that I want to do for this update is quite large and will still take some time. And as development continues, I find that each new task I take on ends up being a lot more that I expected, just with how much writing and art I feel inclined to do. Most of the time a task that I think won't take to long ends up turning into a multiple day affair because of all the ideas that I have rattling around in my head, it's not  a bad thing, but it does add more development time.

If I were to make a estimate, I would say that I am a little over 50% complete with the update as it stands. I am currently in the middle of working on the last major new location, so once that is done it will be time to work on the main 3 girls again and then writing the ending, which is going to be a big task in and of itself. 

I thank you all for your patience and I am really looking forward to when I can get this out and into your hands. It is going to be by far the largest update to the game, but also the last one to add a ton of new content. So any further updates after this one will take much short development times. 

Also to tide you over have a sneak peak at a few of the new people you can look forward to seeing in 0.7

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why is there sax scenes for stephanie and beth in the files

i absolutely adore the character design

I really liked the game, it’s wonderful, despite the fact that I live in Russia and have some difficulties with translating text in English, I still really liked this game, I’m eager to find out what will happen in the new update 7.0 and when it comes out, I really hope that the author games will notice this comment, I want to say thank you very much for the work done!

It would be absolutely amazing for a secret debug mode to added and can be accessed with a specific key press. It could allow us to access certain endings or take a look at some specific scenes at certain weight stages like how The Tower Of Gluttony does it


Not wrong but make sure mobile players can access it


Dare I say it, you should have a special debug menu to allow people to mess around with the game.

Would be nice to see some Hourglass and Booba based growth in the next update!


You had me at booba.

More seriously- give the update the time it needs! Quality trumps quantity. Glad to hear about development updates!


Take your time. it's gonna be amazing.

I am super exited! I really hope this new update is able to be played in a browser aswell

Will you make more games like this in the future or no because I really love this game and other games like this


do you have a patreon or something



I think everyone here is EXTREMELY exited!!!!! 

I genuinely cannot wait (manner of speaking) and will be waiting in bated breath for the update!

Don’t push yourself hard, make your art and have fun with what you create :)

this was part of a bundle? I wasnt aware

So happy to hear all of this!!! Take you time dev, do your thing~ The more time and care you pour into the game the better this last update will be, especially since you are doing the ending (so sad!) and adding such a large amount of content with the release itself. Totally behind you taking your time and adding whatever additions and polish needs to be added~ 

Wow! I'm so hyped you can't even imagine
Yur game is the best of WG games I've ever seen and I can't imagine what masterpiece it will be in the release version



Wonderful !
I can't wait to see that next update !
Take care of yourself, don't push too much for us :)
Always a pleasure to play your game !

Take care! Also, do you have a Twitter?