Papers by Umar F Assegaf
This chapter examines how the Alkhairaat network has developed over the crucial post-war years. T... more This chapter examines how the Alkhairaat network has developed over the crucial post-war years. The discussion will not only elaborate on its organisational form from the period of its inception but will also highlight the critical roles of the founder’s personality in the development of his schools. Throughout this chapter, I will show how Alkhairaat began to engage with modernisation, in term of its organisation and leadership. To that end, it is necessary to reconstruct the historical development of the institution through a variety of sources. I argue in this chapter that the development of Alkhairaat is inseparable from the personal qualities and leadership of Guru Tua.

This thesis examines the general developments of the Shi'a as a newly emerging religious mino... more This thesis examines the general developments of the Shi'a as a newly emerging religious minority in contemporary Indonesia, focusing on key Shi'i institutions across the country, particularly important pesantren and their relations with local and international institutions. During the 1980s, the Shi'a along with other trans-national Islamic groups have taken root in the country, becoming especially active on campuses. This rise of Indonesian Shi'ism was attributable not only to global Islamic revivalism but also, more specifically, to the impact of the 1979 Iranian revolution. I argue that the Shi'i community in Indonesia is not as monolithic as is often assumed. It is divided on the details of doctrine, international orientation, relations with other sections of the Muslim community, and leadership. This study shows there to be serious fissures within the Shi'i community's elite which have spread downwards into the community, creating sharp internal riv...
I want to acknowledge that my second fieldwork was only made possible through the financial suppo... more I want to acknowledge that my second fieldwork was only made possible through the financial support from the Marie Reay prize. Finally, my thesis would have never been completed without the support of my wife, and family in Jakarta. They make this life enjoyable.
The existence of Madhhab Ahl Al-Bayt in the archipelago could be traced back to the first time Is... more The existence of Madhhab Ahl Al-Bayt in the archipelago could be traced back to the first time Islam entering Indonesia.
Drafts by Umar F Assegaf
"Sesungguhnya hidupku dalam Madzhab Syafi'i, maka wasiatku jika aku mati kelak agar kalian senant... more "Sesungguhnya hidupku dalam Madzhab Syafi'i, maka wasiatku jika aku mati kelak agar kalian senantiasa menjadi pengikut Syafi'i" (Indeed, my life is in the Shafi'ite madhhab and then, my will if I died, you must hold fast as a follower of the Shafi'ite). (Guru Tua)
This chapter examines how the Alkhairaat network has developed over the crucial post-war years. T... more This chapter examines how the Alkhairaat network has developed over the crucial post-war years. The discussion will not only elaborate on its organisational form from the period of its inception but will also highlight the critical roles of the founder’s personality in the development of his schools. Throughout this chapter, I will show how Alkhairaat began to engage with modernisation, in term of its organisation and leadership. To that end, it is necessary to reconstruct the historical development of the institution through a variety of sources. I argue in this chapter that the development of Alkhairaat is inseparable from the personal qualities and leadership of Guru Tua.
Thesis Chapters by Umar F Assegaf
Papers by Umar F Assegaf
Drafts by Umar F Assegaf
Thesis Chapters by Umar F Assegaf