The Australian National University
ANU College of Asia and the Pacific
Direct accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) dating of anaerobically preserved plant remains from the Dongan site in New Guinea, combined with assessment of preservation condition, confirms earlier doubts about the antiquity of betelnut... more
Lapita pottery seems to arrive in the Pacific out of the blue, and signal a new social, economic or ideological network. The authors show that widespread interaction, articulated by obsidian tools and stone mortars and pestles decorated... more
In the early 1900s thirteen engraved Conus shell valuables were dug from prehistoric midden mounds in Oro Province. Since the early 1970s nineteen undated surface finds have been found in the northern Massim of Milne Bay Province. When... more
China has embarked on an ambitious and unprecedented programme of energy reform and climate change mitigation. Yet the motivations for this important shift remain unclear. This paper surveys key central government documents and articles... more
The Carpentries, a model for teaching "foundational coding and data science skills to researchers worldwide" (, are slowly gaining traction in research institutions in NZ. The short workshops (usually... more
- by Antje Lubcke
We present here the results from an extensive scintillation study of twenty pulsars in the dispersion measure (DM) range 3 – 35 pc cm−3 carried out using the Ooty Radio Telescope, to investigate the distribution of ionized material in the... more
十六世紀後期,天主教因利瑪竇等傳教士來華而在中國慢慢傳播開來,甚至獲得明朝某些帝王及官員的歡心。過去亦曾有不少著作記述了這些歷史,但專門從法制史的角度審視天主教在華傳播過程中所引發的衝突與教案,則是過往著作所缺乏的。... more
This thesis studies the conceptions and institutions of subjecthood of the early Tang (618-755), a vast empire that extended from the Korean peninsula to present-day Iraq. This empire incorporated in its vast territories many non-Han... more
Health Initiative pays specialists to integrate services for people with cancer, but continues to rely on incentives for general practitioners to integrate services for people with other chronic illnesses. 4 Only medical practitioners can... more
- by Laurann Yen
Reducing inequalities in health and moving away from the competitive market in health care are both important elements of government policy. Health action zones, mentioned in last month's white paper1 but announced beforehand, are one... more
- by Laurann Yen