Papers by Anuparna Mukherjee
Rupkatha Journal , Nov 2013
Rupkatha Journal is an international journal recognized by a number of organizations and institut... more Rupkatha Journal is an international journal recognized by a number of organizations and institutions. It is archived permanently by and indexed by EBSCO, Elsevier, MLA International Directory, Ulrichs Web, DOAJ, Google Scholar and other organisations and included in many university libraries

The closely guarded aboriginal cultures across the world are facing grave difficulties in sustain... more The closely guarded aboriginal cultures across the world are facing grave difficulties in sustaining their identity, as well as their land before the cataclysmic advance of globalization in a 'dramatically delocalized world' (Arjun Appadurai). Such cultures are steadily losing their ontological moorings under bipartite forces of oppression instituted by agencies of global-consumer-capitalism and the local governing bodies of the nation-state, which more often than not work in tandem with the transnational forces. In the light of these issues, my paper first locates the works of the Australian poet-activist, Oodgeroo Noonuccal within a broader framework of resistance literature against ' . Finally, the paper interrogates how Oodgeroo attempts to integrate the polarities of global and local in her writings not only by charting a visionary blueprint for a glocal (global + local) society, but also by proposing a more inclusive rhetoric of 'new internationalism' beyond cultural essentialism and through the dilution of binaries as ideological formations of knowledge production generated by the 'West' to define the 'Rest'.
Papers by Anuparna Mukherjee