Papers by Geert Vandeweyer

European Journal of Medical Genetics, 2009
Interstitial deletions of 7q11.23 cause Williams-Beuren syndrome, one of the best characterized m... more Interstitial deletions of 7q11.23 cause Williams-Beuren syndrome, one of the best characterized microdeletion syndromes. The clinical phenotype associated with the reciprocal duplication however is not well defined, though speech delay is often mentioned. We present 14 new 7q11.23 patients with the reciprocal duplication of the Williams-Beuren syndrome critical region, nine familial and five de novo. These were identified by either array-based MLPA or by array-CGH/oligonucleotide analysis in a series of patients with idiopathic mental retardation with an estimated population frequency of 1:13,000-1:20,000. Variable speech delay is a constant finding in our patient group, confirming previous reports. Cognitive abilities range from normal to moderate mental retardation. The association with autism is present in five patients and in one father who also carries the duplication. There is an increased incidence of hypotonia and congenital anomalies: heart defects (PDA), diaphragmatic hernia, cryptorchidism and non-specific brain abnormalities on MRI. Specific dysmorphic features were noted in our patients, including a short philtrum, thin lips and straight eyebrows. Our patient collection demonstrates that the 7q11.23 microduplication not only causes language delay, but is also associated with congenital anomalies and a recognizable face.

Journal of Medical Genetics, 2010
Chromosome 17p13.3 contains extensive repetitive sequences and is a recognised region of genomic ... more Chromosome 17p13.3 contains extensive repetitive sequences and is a recognised region of genomic instability. Haploinsufficiency of PAFAH1B1 (encoding LIS1) causes either isolated lissencephaly sequence or Miller-Dieker syndrome, depending on the size of the deletion. More recently, both microdeletions and microduplications mapping to the Miller-Dieker syndrome telomeric critical region have been identified and associated with distinct but overlapping phenotypes. Genome-wide microarray screening was performed on 7678 patients referred with unexplained learning difficulties and/or autism, with or without other congenital abnormalities. Eight and five unrelated individuals, respectively, were identified with microdeletions and microduplications in 17p13.3. Comparisons with six previously reported microdeletion cases identified a 258 kb critical region, encompassing six genes including CRK (encoding Crk) and YWHAE (encoding 14-3-3epsilon). Clinical features included growth retardation, facial dysmorphism and developmental delay. Notably, one individual with only subtle facial features and an interstitial deletion involving CRK but not YWHAE suggested that a genomic region spanning 109 kb, encompassing two genes (TUSC5 and YWHAE), is responsible for the main facial dysmorphism phenotype. Only the microduplication phenotype included autism. The microduplication minimal region of overlap for the new and previously reported cases spans 72 kb encompassing a single gene, YWHAE. These genomic rearrangements were not associated with low-copy repeats and are probably due to diverse molecular mechanisms. The authors further characterise the 17p13.3 microdeletion and microduplication phenotypic spectrum and describe a smaller critical genomic region allowing identification of candidate genes for the distinctive facial dysmorphism (microdeletions) and autism (microduplications) manifestations.

BMC Bioinformatics, 2011
Background: Microarray technology allows the analysis of genomic aberrations at an ever increasin... more Background: Microarray technology allows the analysis of genomic aberrations at an ever increasing resolution, making functional interpretation of these vast amounts of data the main bottleneck in routine implementation of high resolution array platforms, and emphasising the need for a centralised and easy to use CNV data management and interpretation system. Results: We present CNV-WebStore, an online platform to streamline the processing and downstream interpretation of microarray data in a clinical context, tailored towards but not limited to the Illumina BeadArray platform. Provided analysis tools include CNV analsyis, parent of origin and uniparental disomy detection. Interpretation tools include data visualisation, gene prioritisation, automated PubMed searching, linking data to several genome browsers and annotation of CNVs based on several public databases. Finally a module is provided for uniform reporting of results. Conclusion: CNV-WebStore is able to present copy number data in an intuitive way to both lab technicians and clinicians, making it a useful tool in daily clinical practice.
European Journal of Medical Genetics, 2010
We present a moderately mentally retarded boy with obesity, short stature, hypertrichosis and fac... more We present a moderately mentally retarded boy with obesity, short stature, hypertrichosis and facial dysmorphism due to a deletion of 1.2 Mb on chromosome 19p13.2. The deletion was de novo and familial history was negative for the disorder. Genes in the deleted region possibly related to the clinical symptoms of our patient include NOTCH3 (MIM600276), causative of the vascular neurodegenerative disorder CADASIL and CASP14 (MIM605848), playing a central role in apoptosis in the inner root sheeth of the hair follicle.

Human Genetics, 2009
Over the past few decades, the knowledge on genetic defects causing mental retardation has dramat... more Over the past few decades, the knowledge on genetic defects causing mental retardation has dramatically increased. In this review, we discuss the importance of balanced chromosomal translocations in the identification of genes responsible for mental retardation. We present a database-search guided overview of balanced translocations identified in patients with mental retardation. We divide those in four categories: (1) balanced translocations that helped to identify a causative gene within a contiguous gene syndrome, (2) balanced translocations that led to the identification of a mental retardation gene confirmed by independent methods, (3) balanced translocations disrupting candidate genes that have not been confirmed by independent methods and (4) balanced translocations not reported to disrupt protein coding sequences. It can safely be concluded that balanced translocations have been instrumental in the identification of multiple genes that are involved in mental retardation. In addition, many more candidate genes were identified with a suspected but (as yet?) unconfirmed role in mental retardation. Some balanced translocations do not disrupt a protein coding gene and it can be speculated that in the light of recent findings concerning ncRNA’s and ultra-conserved regions, such findings are worth further investigation as these potentially may lead us to the discovery of novel disease mechanisms.
Papers by Geert Vandeweyer