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      MythologyJudaismMythological theory
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    • Negation
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      Language contactNegation
The paper deals with the verb embracing double negation found in both Chamic and Bahnaric languages and with the question how it developed. We propose both an internal and external explanation. The former relates to what is called a... more
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      MathematicsLanguage contactNegation
Abstract - English The term ‘Jespersen Cycle’ refers to the renewal of negative markers in languages. When a language is involved in a Jespersen Cycle, the original negative marker gets replaced over time by a new negative.... more
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    • Sociology
The paper deals with the verb embracing double negation found in both Chamic and Bahnaric languages and with the question how it developed. We propose both an internal and external explanation. The former relates to what is called a... more
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      MathematicsLinguisticsLanguage contactNegation
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      Comparative LiteratureMusicEnglish Literature
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      English LiteratureEnglish language
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      English LiteratureEnglish language
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      English LiteratureEnglish language
Studies show that measuring the size of learners’ receptive and productive vocabulary has to be an integral part of any needs analysis. However, this kind of study has never been conducted in Azerbaijan. To fill this gap, a quantitative... more
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      Needs AnalysisReceptive VocabularyProductive vocabularyAcademic vocabulary
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    • Vocabulary Knowledge
This article reports on the results of two studies on receptive and productive vocabulary knowledge of first-year English majors in an English-medium degree programme. The aim of the study is to answer these research questions: (1) to... more
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      Vocabulary LearningVocabulary Learning in ESLVocabulary KnowledgeBreadth of Vocabulary Knowledge
h i g h l i g h t s
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      Corpus Linguistics & Language PedagogyVocabulary LearningCorpus-Based Studies
This article reports on the results of two studies on receptive and productive vocabulary knowledge of first-year English majors in an English-medium degree programme. The aim of the study is to answer these research questions: (1) to... more
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      PsychologyMathematics EducationVocabularyLinguistics
h i g h l i g h t s • The study examines eleven subject-specific university textbooks for English majors. • 2000 high-frequency word families are highly representative in the corpus. • Academic words constitute a small coverage of the... more
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      Computer ScienceLinguistics
Studies show that measuring the size of learners' receptive and productive vocabulary has to be an integral part of any needs analysis. However, this kind of study has never been conducted in Azerbaijan. To fill this gap, a quantitative... more
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      Computer ScienceMathematics EducationVocabularyNeeds Analysis
This paper concerns the academic vocabulary needs of undergraduate English majors in a tertiary context in Azerbaijan. Based on the results of the previous studies, it is suggested that developing an appropriate course material to meet... more
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      VocabularyNeeds AnalysisRangeFrequency
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    • Published In 'De Uil Van Minerva