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Because of an increasing quality concern for higher education, additional attention is being paid to new educational principles with a more student-and competencecentred vision. Project-based education is one of the learning environments... more
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      AssessmentAssessment in Higher EducationTeaching MethodsEvaluation methods
Research indicates that inciting a deep approach to learning in all students is far from obvious. To gain more insight in the development of students' approaches to learning, the idea of 'study approach profiles', conceptualised as... more
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    • Conference
Today's students belong to an interactive generation and receive information through multiple channels. In addition, veterinary medicine curricula are changing due to trends such as student-centered education and competence-based... more
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      Program EvaluationVeterinary EducationEducational MeasurementMedical and Veterinary Entomology
Today's students belong to an interactive generation and receive information through multiple channels. In addition, veterinary medicine curricula are changing due to trends such as student-centered education and competence-based... more
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    •   14  
      Program EvaluationVeterinary EducationEducational MeasurementMedical and Veterinary Entomology
Because of an increasing quality concern for higher education, additional attention is being paid to new educational principles with a more student-and competencecentred vision. Project-based education is one of the learning environments... more
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      AssessmentAssessment in Higher Education
The present study explores whether students' learning strategies and academic motivation predict persistence and academic success in the first year of higher education. Freshmen students in a professional bachelor program in teacher... more
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Because of an increasing quality concern for higher education, additional attention is being paid to new educational principles with a more student-and competencecentred vision. Project-based education is one of the learning environments... more
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      AssessmentAssessment in Higher EducationTeaching MethodsEvaluation methods
Because of an increasing quality concern for higher education, additional attention is being paid to new educational principles with a more student-and competencecentred vision. Project-based education is one of the learning environments... more
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      AssessmentAssessment in Higher EducationEducational studies
Innovation has moved to the foreground in regional policy in the last decade. Concrete policies were shaped by "best practice models" derived from high-tech areas and well performing regions. These are often applied in a similar way... more
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      EngineeringNursingMonte Carlo SimulationPolicy
Studies on student learning in higher education from a student approaches to a learning tradition have yielded valuable insights, although research remains inconclusive on how to incite a deep approach in students. To broaden our insights... more
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The present study explores whether students' learning strategies and academic motivation predict persistence and academic success in the first year of higher education. Freshmen students in a professional bachelor program in teacher... more
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    • Education
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In order to decrease the growing drop-out and failure rates in first year higher education, institutions in Europe often organize learning skill training sessions, or provide feedback on student learning. In this study we question how... more
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The change in learning strategies during higher education is an important topic of research in the Student Approaches to Learning field. Although the studies on this topic are increasingly longitudinal, analyses have continued to rely... more
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The aim of the present study is to explore changes both in approaches to learning as well as in students' experiences of the teaching-learning environment and how these changes are related to each other during their Bachelor studies by... more
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      Higher Education StudiesEducation Systems
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      Teacher DevelopmentStudent Learning
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    • Curriculum and Pedagogy
This study investigates the motives for teacher attrition of newly qualified teachers who never started a teaching career and those dropping out after a short period. A survey was conducted among teachers with (N = 154) and without (N =... more
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    • Curriculum and Pedagogy
Research indicates that inciting a deep approach to learning in all students is far from obvious. To gain more insight in the development of students' approaches to learning, the idea of 'study approach profiles',... more
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    • Conference