University of Antwerp
Institute of Jewish Studies
This article discusses the polysemy of the word עין in the Isaac narratives (Gen 17–35). The word's given ambivalent nature is exploited on every level. It fits the major themes in the Isaac story as well as the small nuances in... more
Previous research on Gen 3:15b, known as part of God’s curse to the snake, has highlighted the interpretation difficulties with regard to the verb שוף. However, the ambiguity involves more words as well as the grammar of the verse. This... more
Changing times have produced different depictions of biblical characters in the arts. Changing art forms and media have as well. This article addresses the reception of the biblical character Jael (Judges 4–5) in the changed times of... more
Biblical scholars have done a great deal to advance our appreciation of the literary sophistication of biblical texts. Biblical commentaries and a host of other publications now regularly draw our attention to a multitude of textual... more
This article seeks to understand the relation between form and content of biblical passages, focusing especially on the word םימאות, ‘twins’. First, the six attestations of the word occur in pairs in the books of Genesis, Exodus and the... more
Previous research on Gen 3:15b, known as part of God’s curse to the snake, has highlighted the interpretation difficulties with regard to the verb שוף. However, the ambiguity involves more words as well as the grammar of the verse. This... more
Research on cities in the Hebrew Bible shows that urban spaces are often personified. This article argues that in the case of Nahum's Nineveh this personification is part of a conceptual metaphor, in which the city is depicted as a... more
Abstract: The Even Bohan of Qalonymos ben Qalonymos has long been acknowledged as a masterpiece of Hebrew satire and an important source for Jewish life in medieval Aragon, provence, and Italy. The date of its composition, however, has... more
Een nieuwe catalogus van de kostbare handschriftenverzameling van het Museum Plantin-Moretus, waarin het onderzoek van een kleine eeuw zal worden verwerkt, is een desideratum. Als personages van Pirandello zijn aan de Vrijdagmarkt meer... more
Kunt u zich voorstellen dat de minister-president of de koningin persoonlijk in zou grijpen wanneer een vooraanstaand wetenschapper van de Leidse universiteit wegens vergaande bezuinigingen alhier en betere arbeidsomstandigheden elders... more