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A pesar del creciente interés que ha suscitado el estudio de los procesos de migración internacional desde una perspectiva de género, la mayoría de los estudios solamente describe la migración de hombres y mujeres por separado sin tener... more
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      MigrationGenderTransnational Families
Este artículo pretende contribuir al debate sobre los vínculos entre la movilidad y el desarrollo, explorando el concepto de desarrollo translocal. Basado en trabajo de campo en los municipios de Matiguás y Muy Muy, éste analiza cómo la... more
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    • Encuentro
Human mobility does not occur without social and spatial friction. This is particularly articulated in the context of an increasing securisation of migration whereby states and supra-states tend to frame international migration as a... more
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      Development StudiesMobility/MobilitiesBorder StudiesInternational Migration
Starting from the idea that border externalization – understood as the spatial and institutional stretching of borders – is enmeshed with the highly contextual humanitarian and securitarian dynamics of migrant trajectories, this article... more
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      Central America and MexicoSecuritizationTransit MigrationMigrant Trajectories
Resumen. Este artículo introductorio al dossier temático traza los conocimientos y estudios existentes sobre la actual migración africana subsahariana hacia y por América Latina, y propone una perspectiva del haciendo-lugar para su... more
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Introducción 1 2 Basado en trabajo de campo en la provincia de Darién, y desde la perspectiva de haciendo-lugar del dossier temático (véase Winters, Reiffen, 2019), esta reflexión pretende ofrecer una impresión de la migración de tránsito... more
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      Mobility/MobilitiesBorder StudiesCentral America and MexicoMigration Studies
The categories that define people on the move must be understood as unstable, contingent, and provisional processes. This paper contributes to a growing body of scholarship that explores the lived complexities of migrant categorization... more
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      Brazilian StudiesCentral America and MexicoMigrationMigration Studies
People considered to be ‘in transit’ do not traverse this often-extended transit space in a void. They encounter, dwell in, and engage with particular places along the routes of their journey towards a desired destination. In the... more
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      Human GeographyAnthropologyMigrationMigration Studies
In this article, we draw on the volatile complexity of African migrant trajectories in Central America to broaden the scope of transnational scholarship. These trajectories are characterised by mobilities as well as immobilities, taking... more
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      Space and PlaceTransnational migrationGeographies of DisplacementDiaspora and transnationalism
Based on fieldwork with migrants and border populations in Central America and the story of a young Congolese woman in particular, this article discusses how research participants' use of mobile communication technology provokes a... more
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      Research MethodologyMobility/MobilitiesCentral America and MexicoMigration
Resumen Este artículo introductorio al dossier temático traza los conocimientos y estudios existentes sobre la actual migración africana subsahariana hacia y por América Latina, y propone una perspectiva del haciendo-lugar para su... more
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This review essay discusses three recent cross-border ethnographies that in complementary ways analyse migration, smuggling, and insecurity in Central America and Mexico. The first two ethnographies, by Wendy Vogt and Noelle Brigden,... more
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    • History
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    • Geography
0000-0002-8036-3690. 1 Me gustaría agradecer al equipo del Servicio Jesuita para Migrantes Panamá por su colaboración amable y eficaz. También me gustaría agradecer a los y las participantes de investigación y revisores de esta reflexión.
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This special issue seeks to extend our understanding of the relationships between migration and knowledge and skills. In the current global migration regime, knowledge and skills play an important role in shaping migrants' ability and... more
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      SociologyHuman GeographyDemographyMigration
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    • Sociology
Your careful review and insightful comments have made a real difference to the text of this thesis. Thank you for pushing me to make the most of it.
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This article contributes to migration and livelihood scholarship by reflecting on global and political dimensions of livelihoods and experiences of illegalisation in Central America. Based on multi-sited ethnographic research with... more
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      Latin American StudiesEthnographyMigrationIllegality (Anthropology)
[open access] People who are “on the move,” particularly migrants and the displaced, often inhabit places that are considered temporary, peripheral, and remote. (Un)Settling Place... more
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      GeographyRefugee StudiesSpace and PlaceSocial and Cultural Anthropology