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      Comparative LiteratureBlack Studies
Cohée: ne se rencontre que dans cette baie des Flamands, au long de la mangrove : la cohée du Lamentin. Le mot vient-il de la langue créole ou de la langue française ? D'accorer, peut-être ? Accorer un navire pour le réparer. (Non loin de... more
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      Intertextuality And PlagiarismRereading and Intertextuality
State of the Union: Commission sets out new ambitious mission to lead on supercomputing Brussels, 18 September 2020 Today, the Commission takes further steps in the Digital Decade agenda to strengthen Europe's digital sovereignty, as... more
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In a legal system that increasingly relies on scientific knowledge, expert witnesses have a critical role in criminal courts. However, experts have often reported feeling unsatisfi ed with their testimony. Also, the attorneys' style of... more
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      Criminal LawLanguages and LinguisticsForensic LinguisticsConversation Analysis
Good Omens is a collaborative novel written by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. Rising interest in the book, amplified by the success of the recent screen adaptation, has aroused curiosity regarding its realization. We use Rolling Delta... more
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      StylometricsTerry PratchettR programming languageNeil Gaiman