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Background: Most research publications on Chronic Care Model (CCM) implementation originate from organizations or countries with a well-structured primary health care system. Information about efforts made in countries with a less... more
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      Information TechnologyPrimary CareAction ResearchPrimary Health Care
Background: During a four-year action research project (2003)(2004)(2005)(2006)(2007), a program targeting all type 2 diabetes patients was implemented in a well-defined geographical region in Belgium. The implementation of the program... more
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      Program EvaluationPrimary CareAction ResearchHealth Care
Background: While bio-medically, menopause could be treated as an illness, from a psychosocial and cultural perspective it could be seen as a "natural" process without requiring medication unless severe symptoms are present.
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      Gender StudiesTurkeyMenopausePostmenopausal Women
d i a b e t e s r e s e a r c h a n d c l i n i c a l p r a c t i c e 7 9 ( 2 0 0 8 ) 3 7 7 -3 8 8
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      Self CareTreatment OutcomeManagement EducationPatient education
An accurate algorithm for screening for chlamydial infections is available in general practice, but GPs experience numerous barriers to sexually transmitted infections (STI) counselling. In this study we assessed if a short educational... more
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      AlgorithmsGeneral PracticeCommunicationRisk assessment
p r i m a r y c a r e d i a b e t e s 1 ( 2 0 0 7 ) 25-33 Adherence Qualitative Meta-ethnography Meta-analysis a b s t r a c t
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      Primary CarePrimary Health CareFocus GroupsHealth Care
Controversy has arisen regarding the effectiveness of neuraminidase inhibitors (NIs), especially against influenza-related complications. A literature search was performed to critically assess the evidence collected by the available... more
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      Treatment OutcomeMultidisciplinaryOseltamivirAntibiotic Prophylaxis
The problem of poor compliance/adherence to prescribed treatments is very complex. Health professionals are rarely being asked how they handle the patient's (poor) therapy compliance/adherence. In this study, we examine explicitly the... more
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      CommunicationHealth BehaviorPrimary Health CareEvidence Based Medicine
Early diagnosis of serious infections in children is difficult in general practice, as incidence is low, patients present themselves at an early stage of the disease and diagnostic tools are limited to signs and symptoms from observation,... more
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      PediatricsGeneral PracticeQualitative ResearchGrounded Theory
Background: Over the past years concerns are rising about the use of Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) in health care. The calls for an increase in the practice of EBM, seem to be obstructed by many barriers preventing the implementation of... more
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      General PracticePrimary Health CareEvidence Based MedicineFocus Groups