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Background: In recent years, red yeast rice (RYR) supplements have been marketed aggressively as a natural way to lower cholesterol; however, the large majority of commercially available products have not been studied according to current... more
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      Complementary and Alternative MedicineCholesterolPhysiciansHypercholesterolemia
Background: STI surveillance systems are subject to qualitative and quantitative underreporting. General practitioners (GPs), who are key subjects in case reporting, explain their underreporting partly by their observation that taking a... more
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      Primary CareGeneral PracticeAdolescentBelgium
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      Primary CarePrimary Health CareEmergency Medical ServicesQuestionnaires
Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the possible mismatch of obstetrical skills between the training offered in Ecuadorian medical schools and the tasks required for compulsory rural service.
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      ObstetricsPublic HealthHealth Services ResearchEcuador
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      ObstetricsMedical Education
Background: Age is associated with immune dysregulation, which results in an increased infection rate and reduced effectiveness of vaccination. Objective: We assessed whether an intervention with Lactobacillus casei Shirota (LcS) in... more
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Background: In recent years, red yeast rice (RYR) supplements have been marketed aggressively as a natural way to lower cholesterol; however, the large majority of commercially available products have not been studied according to current... more
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      Complementary and Alternative MedicineCholesterolPhysiciansHypercholesterolemia
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The objective of this study is to describe how adult daughters experience caring for a frail older parent at home. In the near future the ageing of the population will have a major impact on the demand for formal and informal long-term... more
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      PsychologyNursingQualitative ResearchMedicine
Introduction: Continuity of care is essential when trying to avoid untimely institutionalization of the frail elderly. Either continuously or occasionally, multiple care providers are involved in the integrated care for a... more
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      NursingMedicineHome CareInvolvement
Background/objective although informal caregivers (ICG) find caring for a relative mainly satisfying, it can be difficult at times and it can lead to a state of subjective burden characterised by -among others- fatigue and stress. The... more
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      PsychologySocial SupportMedicineGeneral medicine
We investigated the COVID-19 vaccination acceptance level in Azuay province, Ecuador through an online survey from 12th to 26th February (before the start of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign in Ecuador). Overall, 1219 respondents... more
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