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    • Rebound effect - Energy efficiency - Macroeconomic modelling - Top-down/bottom-up modelling - Post-2012 policies
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    • Decomposition Anlaysis Energy Use Intensity
The Belgian Science Policy (BELSPO) Forum project aimed to decide what kind of model-based decision support is needed to develop policy making for the transition to a low carbon economy. Starting from decision-support experiences gained... more
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      Energy PolicyEnergy efficiency
Energy benchmarking is a practical management tool to evaluate and improve the energy performance of an industrial firm, possibly revealing considerable potentials for energy savings and for reduction of emissions to the atmosphere and... more
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      Energy efficiencyEnergy BenchmarkingIndustrial Energy Efficiency
We estimate demand curves for electricity efficiency for the years 1991-1997 on a sample of 20 high-income OECD member states, with 1995 as focus year. Limiting the analysis to electricity end-use offers major advantages in data quality... more
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      Energy EconomicsEnergy efficiency
The paper provides details on green certificate systems in Belgium. The Flemish region has established a system and the Walloon region is preparing a slightly different one. The lack of uniformity and consequently of transparency in one... more
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      Renewable EnergyTradable Green Certificates
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      Energy EconomicsEnergy Security
Voluntary approaches play an important role in reducing industrial energy use and CO2-emissions. Benchmarking can provide a starting point for negotiating targets, and are an added value to a monitoring program. Indicators are perfect for... more
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      Data Envelopment AnalysisEnergy Benchmarking
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The petroleum refining sector comprises 5 companies in Flanders with a crude oil distillation capacity of 34.5 million tons, of which 15 at Fina and 12 at Esso. The use of the capacity exceeded the 80% in the beginning of the nineties,... more
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      Air pollutionTradable Permits
The aim of this research was to determine both employment and tax returns induced or generated by the final demand in Flanders (Dutch-speaking northern part of Belgium) for goods and services directly or indirectly related to sport. To do... more
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      Input-Output AnalysisSports economics
The electricity production sector is a major source of emissions, in particular SO2, NOx and CO2. In the first part of the paper we briefly discuss the electricity generation system in Belgium. In the second part we discuss abatement... more
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      Environmental EconomicsAir pollution
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The development of biomass pretreatment approaches that, next to (hemi)cellulose valorization, aim at the conversion of lignin to chemicals is essential for the long-term success of a biorefinery. Herein, we discuss a dithionite-assisted... more
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