University of Antwerp
The interaction of monetary and fiscal policies is a crucial issue in a highly integrated economic area as the European Union. This paper analyzes the design of monetary and fiscal policies in the EMU. To do so, the paper starts with an... more
No theory of structural exchange rate determination has yet been found that performs well in prediction experiments. Only very seldom has the simple random walk model been significantly outperformed. Referring to three, sometimes highly... more
This article examines the role of the interaction between product market and labor market imperfections in determining total factor productivity growth (TFPG). Embedding Dobbelaere and Mairesse's (2009) generalization of approach,... more
We present an algorithm and a corresponding MATLAB numerical toolbox to solve any form of infinite-planning horizon affine linear quadratic open-loop differential games. By rewriting a specific application into the standard framework one... more
In this paper, we analyze coordination of macroeconomic stabilization policies within the EMU by focusing, in a dynamic set-up, on asymmetries, externalities, and the existence of a multi-country context. We study how coalitions among... more
This paper studies the effects of a monetary union enlargement using the techniques and outcomes from an extensive research project on macroeconomic policy coordination in the EMU. Our approach is characterized by two main pillars: (i)... more
In this paper we analyze the interaction of fiscal stabilization policies in the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). The "Excessive Deficits" Procedure of the Maastricht Treaty and its elaborations in the recent "Stability and Growth Pact"... more
This paper conducts a comprehensive study of both intra-office and cross-office patent citations indicated in patents granted to Belgian corporate applicants by the United States and European patent offices during the period between 1996... more
The European Union (EU) countries have started the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) on January 1, 1999. With the EMU, the EU countries replaced their national currencies and national monetary policy autonomy by a common currency, the... more
This paper presents a dynamic model of a competitive R&D and production duopoly subject to knowledge spillovers. Two asymmetric firms operate for a limited period of time and dispose their knowledge capital in the end. Both firms and the... more
This paper studies R&D investment decisions of a firm facing the threat of new technology entry and subject to technical uncertainty. We distinguish four scenarios: inevitable entry, entry deterrence, entry blockade, and non-credible... more
The interaction of monetary and fiscal policies is a crucial issue in a highly integrated economic area as the European Union. We investigate to which extent the EMU, that introduced a common monetary policy and restrictions on fiscal... more
We present a model where firms make competitive decisions about the optimal duration (or time to build) of their R&D projects. Choosing its project's duration, the firm can choose to become a leader or a follower, based on its R&D... more
This paper conducts a comprehensive study of patent citations in patents granted to Belgian corporate applicants by the United States and the European Patent Offices using qualitative response variable analysis. The analysis uncovered... more