University of Antwerp
Cultural Management
Fashion has a varied and explosive history. Our responsibility as educators preparing students and therefore careers for this context places us in a very difficult and complex position. Do we prepare students to be successful or do we... more
* De analyse werd uitgevoerd op basis van de bestaande data uit de CIS-2009. Hieruit werden de NACE-codes (4 digits) onderscheiden met betrekking tot de creatieve industrieën. Een overzicht is te vinden in bijlage. * Een search in Google... more
Under pressure of declines in the cultural sector, many classical music organizations are reacting similarly with a turn towards predictability regarding both organizational model and artistic output. This paper examines the business... more
What is the role of governance in the cultural sector? Is governance simply a tool for measurement or can it prove to be a mechanism for support and dialogue? Evidence gathered from our empirical global study of 2017, indicates that most... more
The doctrine of drives (Triebe), which began to be gestated in the work of Schopenhauer, was later expanded, and to a certain extent, contested, and acquired new and surprising nuances in Nietzsche's work. At last, it admittedly became... more
* De analyse werd uitgevoerd op basis van de bestaande data uit de CIS-2009. Hieruit werden de NACE-codes (4 digits) onderscheiden met betrekking tot de creatieve industrieën. Een overzicht is te vinden in bijlage. * Een search in Google... more
Fashion has a varied and explosive history. Our responsibility as educators preparing students and therefore careers for this context places us in a very difficult and complex position. Do we prepare students to be successful or do we... more
What is the role of governance in the cultural sector? Is governance simply a tool for measurement or can it prove to be a mechanism for support and dialogue? Evidence gathered from our empirical global study of 2017, indicates that most... more
* De analyse werd uitgevoerd op basis van de bestaande data uit de CIS-2009. Hieruit werden de NACE-codes (4 digits) onderscheiden met betrekking tot de creatieve industrieën. Een overzicht is te vinden in bijlage. * Een search in Google... more
* De analyse werd uitgevoerd op basis van de bestaande data uit de CIS-2009. Hieruit werden de NACE-codes (4 digits) onderscheiden met betrekking tot de creatieve industrieën. Een overzicht is te vinden in bijlage. * Een search in Google... more
During the First World War, people from all over the world v\/ere present in Flanders Fields. On the eve of the centenary of the Great War, it is striking that the war is not commemorated as strongly in every country that was involved.... more
During the First World War, people from all over the world v\/ere present in Flanders Fields. On the eve of the centenary of the Great War, it is striking that the war is not commemorated as strongly in every country that was involved.... more
In recent decades "the notion of 'culture' emerged as the fourth pillar of sustainable development" (see e.g. Dallaire & Colbert 2012: 7). Probably even more than other cultural expressions, cultural heritage is considered as a tool for... more