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An important aspect of multidimensional wellbeing distributions is the correlation between different dimensions. We propose two indices for measuring multidimensional inequality, derived from two underlying social evaluation functions.... more
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Abstract In this paper we examine whether, and how, welfare economics should incorpo% rate the insights from happiness and satisfaction studies. Our main point is that measuring well% being by reported satisfaction levels can come in... more
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Résumé Cet article examine l'évolution des inégalités du bien-être global entre 1980 et 2010 basée sur trois dimensions: le revenu, la santé et l'éducation. Je compare deux approches différentes pour la mesure des inégalités du bien-être... more
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A Fréchet class collects all multivariate joint distribution functions that have the same marginals. Members of a Fréchet class only differ with respect to the interdependence between their marginals. In this paper, I study orders of... more
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Abstract: In this paper I investigate the problem of defining a multivariate dependence ordering. First, I provide a characterization of the concordance dependence ordering between multivariate random vectors with fixed margins. Central... more
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We consider the evolution of international income inequality over the period 1975-2000. As data we use population-weighted per capita GDPs of 108 countries. We pay special attention to the question of how sensitive conclusions are with... more
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THE much-awaited Human Development Report (HDR) published annually since 1990 by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) was the brainchild of the late Pakistani economist Mahbub-ul-Haq.
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Abstract: There is a widespread consensus that well-being is a multidimensional notion. To quantify multidimensional well-being, information on the relative weights of the different dimensions is essential. There is, however, considerable... more
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In this paper, we use the tools offered by the recent literature on multidimensional inequality measurement to investigate the evolution of the inequality in well-being across different countries during 1975–2000. We focus on three... more
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This paper presents a multidimensional normative framework to evaluate whether the world moved forward between 1980 and 2008. We focus on the robustness of the results when attributing different weights to the different dimensions.... more
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Well-being consists of many dimensions such as income, health and education. A society exhibits greater dependence between its dimensions of well-being when the positions of the individuals in the different dimensions are more aligned or... more
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Abstract: Multidimensional indices are becoming increasingly important instruments to assess the well-being of societies. They move beyond the focus on a single indicator and yet, are easy to present and communicate. A crucial step in the... more
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This paper investigates the evolution of global well-being inequality between 1980 and 2010 based on three dimensions: income, health and education. The inequality of each of these dimensions shows a di¤erent pattern over time. To make an... more
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    • Indexation
We propose to measure inequality of well-being with a multidimensional generalization of the Gini coefficient. We derive two inequality indices from their underlying social evaluation functions. These functions are conceived as a double... more
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    • Working Papers
Given the inadequacy of minimum incomes and growing poverty in most European welfare states, this paper originates from the overarching questions whether and how the EU could counter these trends. The 'Fund for European Aid to the Most... more
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    • Sociology
The European Social Fund (ESF) and the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) are instruments by which the European Union (EU) acts as a 'material supporter' of national welfare states. Originally, these funds served social... more
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    • Pillar