University of Antwerp
Centre for Philosophical Psychology
Mandik understands color-consciousness conceptualism to be the view that one deploys in a conscious qualitative state concepts for every color consciously discriminated by that state. Some argue that the experimental evidence that we can... more
According to David Rosenthal’s higher-order thought (“HOT”) theory of consciousness, one is in a conscious mental state if and only if one is aware of oneself as being in that state via a suitable HOT. Several critics have argued that the... more
- by Jacob Berger
In his (2011) paper “There It Is” and his (2014) précis “There It Was,” Benj Hellie develops a sophisticated semantics for perceptual justification according to which perceptions in good cases can be explained by intentional psychology... more
- by Jacob Berger
I discuss here the nature of nonconscious mental states and the ways in which they may differ from their conscious counterparts. I first survey reasons to think that mental states can and often do occur without being conscious. Then,... more
- by Jacob Berger
According to a traditional view, perceptual experiences are composites of distinct (but related) sensory and cognitive components. This dual-component theory has many benefits; in particular, it purports to offer a way forward in the... more
Virtue-based moral cognitivism holds that at least some of the value of some art consists in conveying knowledge about the nature of virtue and vice. We explore here a challenge to this view, which extends the so-called situationist... more
Relationalism holds that perceptual experiences are relations between subjects and perceived objects. But much evidence suggests that perceptual states can be unconscious. We argue here that unconscious perception raises difficulties for... more
The problem of diachronic personal identity is this: what explains why a person P1 at time T1 is numerically identical with a person P2 at a later time T2, even if they are not at those times qualitatively identical? One traditional... more
Representationalism holds that a perceptual experience’s qualitative character is identical with certain of its representational properties. To date, most representationalists endorse atomistic theories of perceptual content, according to... more
According to David Rosenthal's higher-order thought (HOT) theory of consciousness, a mental state is conscious just in case one is aware of being in that state via a suitable HOT. Jesse Mulder (2016) recently objects: though HOT theory... more
I offer here a new hypothesis about the nature of implicit attitudes. Psychologists and philosophers alike often distinguish implicit from explicit attitudes by maintaining that we are aware of the latter, but not aware of the former.... more
- by Jacob Berger
It is often assumed that perceptual experience provides evidence about the external world. But much perception can occur unconsciously, as in cases of masked priming or blindsight. Does unconscious perception provide evidence as well?... more
- by Jacob Berger
While there seems to be much evidence that perceptual states can occur without being conscious, some theorists recently express skepticism about unconscious perception. We explore here two kinds of such skepticism: Megan Peters and Hakwan... more
- by Jacob Berger
David Rosenthal explains conscious mentality in terms of two independent, though complementary, theories-the higher-order thought ("HOT") theory of consciousness and quality-space theory ("QST") about mental qualities. It is natural to... more
- by Jacob Berger
Consciousness is central to our lived experience. It is unsurprising, then, that the topic has captivated many students, neuroscientists, philosophers, and other theorists working in cognitive science. But consciousness may seem... more
I motivate and defend here a previously underdeveloped functionalist account of the metaphysics of color, a view that I call ‘quality-space functionalism’ about color. Although other theorists have proposed varieties of color... more