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The strategy of integration known as VMI (Vendor-Managed Inventory) allows the coordination of inventory policies between producers and buyers in supply chains. Based on a new proposed model for the implementation of VMI in a chain of two... more
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      Operations ManagementEvolutionary Game Theory
This paper provides a micro-foundation for dual market structure formation through partitioning processes in marketplaces by developing a computational model of interacting economic agents. We propose an agent-based modeling approach,... more
    • by  and +1
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      Agent Based SimulationAgent-Based Computational Economics
This paper provides a micro-foundation for dual market structure formation through partitioning processes in marketplaces by developing a computational model of interacting economic agents. We propose an agent-based modeling approach,... more
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      Financial managementSystems AnalysisMultidisciplinaryPLoS one
The strategy of integration known as VMI (Vendor-Managed Inventory) allows the coordination of inventory policies between producers and buyers in supply chains. Based on a new proposed model for the implementation of VMI in a chain of two... more
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This paper presents a multi-agent simulation that studies market competition in a multi-stage negotiation with both direct sales and intermediation, in the presence of cost heterogeneity at the agent (i.e., producer) level. Producers sell... more
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      EconomicsEnvironmental SciencesAgricultural Systems
Chapter.II A Data Mining Driven Approach for Web Classification and Filtering Based.on.Multimodal.Content.Analysis.
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    • Business
This paper presents a multi-agent simulation that studies market based competition in a multi-stage negotiation with both direct sales and intermediation, in the presence of cost-related heterogeneity at the agent level. Producers sell... more
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We build an agent-based computational model to study how the changing number of active product variants in a two-dimensional product space affects the performance of different firm types (i.e. large-scale and small-scale enterprises). We... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsComputer ScienceEconomics
This paper demonstrates the application of two efficient cost allocation mechanisms on a simple FIFO network model in order to find congestion-based prices for network access services. It is shown that it is possible to obtain... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingCongestion PricingBusiness Data
The strategy of integration known as VMI (Vendor-Managed Inventory) allows the coordination of inventory policies between producers and buyers in supply chains. Based on a new proposed model for the implementation of VMI in a chain of two... more
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Congestion effects are the negative externalities or social costs that users generate on each other when using a shared network resource. Under a congestion-based pricing scheme, networks with enough slack capacity should reflect a very... more
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      Computer ScienceEconomicsMicroeconomicsResource Allocation
The strategy of integration known as vendor-managed inventory (VMI), which allows the coordination of inventory policies between producers and buyers in supply chains, has long been considered a strategy for inventory cost reduction.... more
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      Computer ScienceEconomicsSupply ChainNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
Reflexive phenomena are usually understood in the social sciences as processes that a ect themselves recursively. This stems from the mutual altering relationship between participants and the social process they belong to: participants... more
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      SociologyComputer ScienceReflexivityDiffusion
Traditionally, firm competition has been studied in contexts where the dimensionality of the product attribute space is given, and firms deploy their strategies constrained by this space. However, firms may exert influence on the local... more
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      Computer ScienceIndustrial OrganizationNew Product DevelopmentMedicine
We built a computational model of political party competition in order to gain insight into the effect of the decrease in the number of relevant political issues (dimensions), and the change of their relative importance, on the number of... more
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      Applied MathematicsComputer ScienceEconomicsPolitics
Economics and engineering are discovering new opportunities for cross-fertilization. This is partly given to the advent of modern artificial intelligence methods. These opportunities have appeared in the past, resulting in marginal... more
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    • Applied Economics
Hundreds of thousands of tons of food are either lost or wasted while millions of people suffer from malnutrition. A plausible initiative are the food banks in which large retail chains and potentially other organizations can donate food.... more
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      BusinessPolitical ScienceMalnutritionDonation
We develop an agent-based computational model in which the urban informal sector acts as a buffer where rural migrants can earn some income while queuing for higher paying modern-sector jobs. In the model, the informal sector emerges as a... more
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      BusinessMathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsUrbanization
The strategy of integration known as VMI (Vendor-Managed Inventory) allows the coordination of inventory policies between producers and buyers in supply chains. Based on a new proposed model for the implementation of VMI in a chain of two... more
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      Computer ScienceEconomicsGame TheorySupply Chain Management