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      Cultural Heritage Conservation3D visualisation3D printingScience for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage
Lace porcelain is a fragile type of ceramics that used to be in fashion in 19 th century Dresden artworks. Because of its fragile nature, it is known to break easily while manual repair is nearly impossible. Instead, we considered digital... more
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      Cultural HeritageAdditive ManufacturingCeramicsConservation and Restoration
3D technologies, including data acquisition, digital modelling and manufacturing, have been used in the context of cultural heritage (CH) since the 1990 s. A general state of the art is given concerning the adoption of 3D models in CH and... more
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      ArchaeologyCultural Heritage3D printingConservation and Restoration
Vanuit de problematiek verbonden aan de restauratie van fragiel kantporselein, wordt onderzocht hoe 3D-technologie dienst kan doen bij de aanvulling van een casusobject. De lacunes in het casusobject kunnen moeilijk tot onmogelijk manueel... more
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      Heritage Conservation3D printingAdditive ManufacturingConservation and Restoration
Starting with the complex nature of drape lace mounted on porcelain figurines, methods of 3D technology for use in restoration were examined in a pilot study. A porcelain figure group, including a lady wearing a porcelain lace dress with... more
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By providing a virtual workflow, the reconstruction of missing parts of a porcelain figurine is facilitated. A CT scan enabled the virtual reconstruction by repositioning an existing part. Ten materials were selected to find a suitable... more
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      3D printingAdditive ManufacturingPorcelainFigurines
Over the past decade, the use of 3D scanning, virtual reconstruction and digital manufacturing in the preservation of cultural heritage (CH) has gained significant attention, among other for the restorative intervention of loss... more
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      EducationCultural HeritageRestoration3D technology
Emerging technologies offer many advantages for cultural heritage preservation, and as such, 3D technologies can also be considered a new tool in the conservator-restorer’s toolbox. 3D scanning and printing are particularly useful for... more
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      Cultural HeritageHeritage Conservation3D printingAdditive Manufacturing