Papers by Bart Van Rompaey

International Journal for Equity in Health, Feb 7, 2023
Background In Morocco, the treatment of type 2 diabetes (T2D) is mainly focused on medication and... more Background In Morocco, the treatment of type 2 diabetes (T2D) is mainly focused on medication and only 2% of patients are coached towards a healthier lifestyle. In Oujda, Eastern Morocco the prevalence of T2D is 10.2%, and the current trend is alarming, especially for women. Therefore, the aim of this study is to explore healthcare professionals (HCP) views on the perceived barriers and benefits of an integrated care approach in primary healthcare centers (PHCCs) to T2D management in Oujda. Methods A qualitative descriptive study using focus groups in 8 PHCCs. This resulted in a sample of 5 doctors and 25 nurses caring for diabetes patients. The transcripts of all conversations were coded to allow for thematic analysis. Results The participants mentioned different barriers to an integrated approach to DM management:: excessive workload; poor reimbursement policy; lack of staff and equipment; interrupted drug supply; poor working environment; limited referral; gap in the knowledge of general practitioners; health beliefs; poverty; advanced age; gender; the use of psychotropic drugs. An integrated approach could be facilitated by simplified electronic records and referrals; uninterrupted free care; staff recruitment; continuous professional development; internships. Benefits: structured care; promotion of care in PHCCs; empowerment of self-management. Conclusion HCP views reflect the urge to strengthen the management of T2D in PHCCs. There is a need for HCP with expertise in physical activity and nutrition to solve the current gap in the multidisciplinary integrated care approach. The specific local context in this Eastern Moroccan region, with limited resources and remote hard-to-reach rural areas, can contribute to patients' reluctance to change their lifestyles, and is a challenge to provide care in an efficient and sustainable manner. More research is needed to see how a patient-centered multidisciplinary approach to T2D management can help motivate patients in Morocco to change to a healthier lifestyle.
The theory of planned behavior used to explain alcohol drinking among young adolescents in Thailand: a qualitative study
Journal of Substance Use
BMC Geriatrics, Dec 1, 2021

On cloud nine? Maternal emotional wellbeing six weeks up to one year postpartum – A cross-sectional study
Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare
Background: Little is known about the full scope of emotional wellbeing of mothers up to one year... more Background: Little is known about the full scope of emotional wellbeing of mothers up to one year postpartum, to adequately support women during transition to motherhood. Reduced emotional wellbeing (REW) affects women's adaption to the changes and challenges in becoming a mother. We aimed to increase the knowledge and understanding of mothers' emotional wellbeing and the influencing factors. Methods: This cross-sectional study includes 385 Flemish mothers up to one year postpartum. Online data were collected with the General Health Questionnaire-12, Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire, Personal Well-Being Index-Adult, The Basic Psychological Needs Scale, Sense of Coherence-13 and Coping Operations Preference Enquiry. Results: A total of 63.9% of the participants reported REW. Mothers with REW more often had (a history of) psychological problems compared to mothers with healthy emotional wellbeing (p = 0.007). Multiple linear regression analysis showed negative associations between emotional wellbeing and satisfaction (p = 0.002; p < 0.001), comprehensibility (p = 0.013) and positive associations between emotional wellbeing and bonding (p < 0.001), manageability (p = 0.033), problem solving (p = 0.030) and avoidance (p = 0,011)-with an explained variance of 55.5%. Limitations: Some limitations of our study are the GHQ-12 cutoff value, the nature and implication of (a history of) psychological problems and the self-selected population. Conclusion: It would be of worth for midwives to discuss with mothers (to be) what to expect. This-to support mothers in making sense of their life as a mother and how various factors might influence their emotional wellbeing. The high prevalence of REW is worrying, but needs to be interpreted with caution.
The theory of planned behavior used to explain alcohol drinking among young adolescents in Thailand: a qualitative study
Journal of Substance Use
Certified Nursing Assistants' Perspectives on Delirium Care
Journal of Gerontological Nursing
The current descriptive qualitative study provides an in-depth understanding of the perspectives ... more The current descriptive qualitative study provides an in-depth understanding of the perspectives of certified nursing assistants (CNAs, N = 7) regarding delirium. Data were collected through interviews with seven CNAs working in a long-term care facility. Five themes emerged: Knowledge About Delirium , Caring for Residents With Delirium , Delirium Education , Psychological Burden , and Quality of Care . CNAs' care of residents with delirium was based on prior experiences and gut feelings, indicating a high need for delirium training. [ Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 49 (2), 43–51.]

Midwifery, 2022
Objective: : In this study we aimed to reveal midwives' distinct perspectives about midwifery sup... more Objective: : In this study we aimed to reveal midwives' distinct perspectives about midwifery support of women in their transition process during the continuum from pregnancy to one-year postpartum. Design: : A Q-methodology study, a mixed quantitative-qualitative approach, was conducted. Participants (P-set) rank-ordered 36 statements (Q-set) about how midwives provide support during the woman's transition to motherhood, followed by interviews to motivate their ranking. To extract the perspectives/factors on support during this transition process, centroid by-person factor analysis and varimax rotation was used. The transcripts of the interviews were interpreted per factor. Setting: : Independent (self-employed) and employed, community and hospital-based practising midwives in Flanders, Belgium. Participants: : 83 practicing midwives participated, selected on: variation in practice setting, years of experience, views on the woman's domestic role in family life, and motherhood status. Findings: : Two distinct perspectives (factors) on supporting women in transition to motherhood emerged. The job-focused midwife acts according to evidence, knowledge and guidelines and adheres to the scope and tasks within the professional profile (Factor 1). The woman-focused midwife acts within a relationship of trust emphasizing the one-on-one connection while supporting transition to motherhood and the woman's needs (Factor 2). Both factors showed an explained total variance of 59% of the Q-set.

European Journal of Public Health, 2019
Background Continuity of care (COC) is essential for high-quality patient care in the perinatal p... more Background Continuity of care (COC) is essential for high-quality patient care in the perinatal period. Insights in the effects of COC models on patient outcomes are important to direct perinatal healthcare organization. To our knowledge, no previous review has listed the effects of COC on the physical and mental health of mother and child in the postnatal period. Methods A search was conducted in four databases (PubMed, Web of Knowledge, CENTRAL and CINAHL), from 2000 to 2018. Studies were included if: participants were healthy mothers or newborns with a gestational age between 37–42 weeks; they covered the perinatal period and aimed to measure breastfeeding or any outcome related to the maternal/newborn physical or mental health. At least one of the three COC types (management, informational and relationship) was identified in the intervention. The methodological quality was assessed. Results Ten articles were included. COC is mostly present in the identified care models. The effe...
The attitude of healthcare providers towards medication self‐management in hospitalized patients diagnosed with schizophrenia or bipolar disorders
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Feb 4, 2023
Nurse Education in Practice, Jul 1, 2018
Eveline Mestdagh wishes to thank all midwifery students of the midwifery department as well Luka ... more Eveline Mestdagh wishes to thank all midwifery students of the midwifery department as well Luka Van Leugenhaege, the midwifery lecturer who thought the student-research team, at the Artesis Plantijn University College for their interesting contribution.
Workload Assessment of Nurses on Emergency
The external experts were consulted about a (preliminary) version of the scientific report. The... more The external experts were consulted about a (preliminary) version of the scientific report. Their comments were discussed during meetings. They did not co-author the scientific report and did not necessarily agree with its content. Subsequently, a (final) version was submitted to the validators. The validation of the report results from a consensus or a voting process between the validators. The validators did not co-author the scientific report and did not necessarily all three agree with its content. Finally, this report has been approved by common assent by the Executive Board.

Journal of Clinical Nursing, Dec 19, 2019
CSP group took less time to schedule interviews (p < 0.001), had fewer email/phone communications... more CSP group took less time to schedule interviews (p < 0.001), had fewer email/phone communications (p<0.001), and more rescheduling events (p¼0.035). There was no difference in withdrawals (p¼0.325) or cancellations (p¼0.577) between CSP and control groups. The CSP group reported increased overall satisfaction (p¼0.024) and access to preferred interview dates (p¼0.019). Overall, 77% of all applicants responded that CSPs should be widely adopted among general surgery residency programs, with no difference between experimental groups (p ¼ 0.090). CONCLUSIONS: Computerized scheduling programs lead to more expedient interview scheduling, decreased workload for program coordinators, and improved general surgery applicant satisfaction. Widespread adoption of CSPs by residency programs could improve interview scheduling processes for programs and applicants.

Open Journal of Nursing, 2014
To understand how to create a stabile workforce achieving excellent quality of care and patient s... more To understand how to create a stabile workforce achieving excellent quality of care and patient safety, associations between practice environments and nurse and patient outcomes have been widely studied in acute and psychiatric care hospitals. Knowing residential aged care services are challenged to tackle complex patients' needs within certain working conditions, to what extent do nurses perceive their practice environment in geriatric care? In a cross-sectional survey, a sample of 709 registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and nurse aides employed in 25 residential aged care services completed a structured questionnaire composed of various validated instruments measuring nurse practice environment factors, nurse work characteristics, burnout, nurse reported job outcomes, quality and patient adverse events. Associations between variables across residential aged care services were examined using multilevel modelling techniques. Associations were identified between practice environment factors, work characteristics, burnout dimensions, and reported outcome variables across residential aged care services. Multiple multilevel models showed independent variables (nursing management at the unit level, workload, decision latitude, social capital, emotional exhaustion and depersonalization) as important predictors of nurse reported outcome (job satisfaction, turnover intensions), quality of care (at the unit, the last shift, and in the service within the last year) and patient adverse events (patient and family complaints, patient falls, pulmonary and urinary tract infections, and medications errors). Results suggested P. Van Bogaert et al. 344 the importance of nurse practice environment factors, nurse work characteristics and perception of burnout on nurse and patient outcomes across their nurse practice environment. Challenging the complex care of a vulnerable and frail population executives, physicians, nursing leaders as well as nurses in their nurse practice environment shared responsibility to create working conditions achieving excellent quality and patient safety.

Critical Care, 2007
Hydrogen sulfide is produced endogenously by a variety of enzymes involved in cysteine metabolism... more Hydrogen sulfide is produced endogenously by a variety of enzymes involved in cysteine metabolism. Clinical data indicate that endogenous levels of hydrogen sulfide are diminished in various forms of cardiovascular diseases. The aim of the current study was to investigate the effects of hydrogen sulfide supplementation on cardiac function during reperfusion in a clinically relevant experimental model of cardiopulmonary bypass. Twelve anesthetized dogs underwent hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass. After 60 minutes of hypothermic cardiac arrest, reperfusion was started after application of either saline vehicle (control, n = 6), or the sodium sulfide infusion (1 mg/kg/hour, n = 6). Biventricular hemodynamic variables were measured by combined pressure-volume-conductance catheters. Coronary and pulmonary blood flow, vasodilator responses to acetylcholine and sodiumnitroprusside and pulmonary function were also determined. Administration of sodium sulfide led to a significantly better recovery of left and right ventricular systolic function (P < 0.05) after 60 minutes of reperfusion. Coronary blood flow was also significantly higher in the sodium sulfide-treated group (P < 0.05). Sodium sulfide treatment improved coronary blood flow, and preserved the acetylcholine-induced increases in coronary and pulmonary blood (P < 0.05). Myocardial ATP levels were markedly improved in the sulfide-treated group. Thus, supplementation of sulfide improves the recovery of myocardial and endothelial function and energetic status after hypothermic cardiac arrest during cardiopulmonary bypass. These beneficial effects occurred without any detectable adverse hemodynamic or cardiovascular effects of sulfide at the dose used in the current study.

Nurse Education Today, Mar 1, 2018
Objectives: Midwifery students face major challenges in adapting quickly and effectively to diffe... more Objectives: Midwifery students face major challenges in adapting quickly and effectively to different clinical settings. Proactive behavior, triggered by various individual and/or contextual antecedents, could be a significant added value to cope with these challenges. Design: A cross-sectional pilot study was conducted to investigate prognostic factors in proactive behavior in a group of midwifery students. Settings: The setting was a Belgian University College for midwifery education. Participants: All second and third year midwifery students (n = 156). Methods: Students were questioned regarding several prognostic factors: four personal characteristics, seven individual antecedents and three contextual antecedents that might trigger proactive behavior. A proportional odds logistic regression analyses was used to describe the association between prognostic factors and the probability to observe proactive behavior within the group. The strength of the newly developed questionnaire was tested. Results: Of all tested prognostic factors, nationality, role breadth self-efficacy, referring to the self-confidence of a midwifery-student to perform tasks that exceed expectations, and control appraisal, describing the importance attached to one's perceived control, were significantly associated with proactive behavior. The overall strength of the questionnaire was ratified. Two of the original questions were deleted, two re-formulated and for one prognostic factor the answer-options were re-formulated. Conclusions: Findings from this pilot study show that midwifery students who have a high role breadth selfefficacy and low control appraisal are more likely to show proactive behavior. Additionally, Dutch students are more likely to show proactive behavior in relation to Belgian students. The questionnaire's feasibility was examined and adjustments were made for future research in a larger study to confirm these outcomes. This study can be a support in the individual guidance of midwifery students towards proactive behavior in midwifery.

A contingency perspective on team learning and innovation in nursing
Journal of Advanced Nursing, Apr 16, 2012
timmermans o., van linge r., van petegem p., van rompaey b. &amp; denekens j. (2012) A contin... more timmermans o., van linge r., van petegem p., van rompaey b. &amp; denekens j. (2012) A contingency perspective on team learning and innovation in nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing69(2), 363–373. doi: 10.1111/j.1365‐2648.2012.06014.xAims. To report a correlational study of the relation between team learning activities and implementation‐effectiveness of innovations in nursing teams.Background. Non‐compliance to implementation of innovations is a problem in nursing teams. In the literature, team learning is proposed as a facilitator for change. Still, studies reporting the effects of team learning activities on the implementation of innovations in nursing teams are scarce. To address this gap in the literature, this study explored the influence of team learning on the implementation of two innovations.Design. A cross‐sectional survey.Methods. The survey was conducted in 2008–2009 with a sample of 469 nurses, representing 30 nursing teams from The Netherlands and Belgium. The relationship between variables representing team learning and the use and the knowledge of an incremental (n = 14) or a radical innovation (n = 16) was examined by correlation and multiple regression analyses.Results. Correlation analyses revealed positive relationships between the team learning activities handling production‐oriented information and implementation‐effectiveness of an incremental innovation. In addition, team learning activities about development‐oriented information positively affected the implementation of a radical innovation. Multiple regression yielded models that explain 83% of the variance on the use of an incremental variable, 73% on knowledge of a radical innovation, and 80% on use of a radical innovation.Conclusion. In nursing teams, team learning activities that relate to the production of nursing care affect the implementation of an incremental innovation. The implementation of a radical innovation is effected by team learning activities that relate to the development of the provided nursing care.

Nurse Education Today, 2012
The capability to learn and innovate has been recognized as a key-factor for nursing teams to del... more The capability to learn and innovate has been recognized as a key-factor for nursing teams to deliver high quality performance. Researchers suggest there is a relation between team-learning activities and changes in nursing teams throughout the implementation of novelties. A review of the literature was conducted in regard to the relation between team learning and implementation of innovations in nursing teams and to explore factors that contribute or hinder team learning. The search was limited to studies that were published in English or Dutch between 1998 and 2010. Eight studies were included in the review. The results of this review revealed that research on team learning and innovation in nursing is limited. The included studies showed moderate methodological quality and low levels of evidence. Team learning included processes to gather, process, and store information from different innovations within the nursing team and the prevalence of team-learning activities was contributed or hindered by individual and contextual factors. Further research is needed on the relation between team learning and implementation of innovations in nursing.

BMC Geriatrics, 2021
Background Delirium is a common geriatric syndrome, but only few studies have been done in nursin... more Background Delirium is a common geriatric syndrome, but only few studies have been done in nursing home residents. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate (point) prevalence of and risk factors for delirium in nursing homes in Belgium. Methods A multisite, cross-sectional study was conducted in six nursing homes in Belgium. Residents of six nursing homes were screened for delirium. Exclusion criteria were coma,‘end-of-life’ status and residing in a dementia ward. Delirium was assessed using the Delirium Observation Screening Scale. Results 338 of the 448 eligible residents were included in this study. Of the 338 residents who were evaluated, 14.2 % (95 %CI:3.94–4.81) screened positive for delirium with the Delirium Observation Screening Scale. The mean age was 84.7 years and 67.5 % were female. Taking antipsychotics (p = 0.009), having dementia (p = 0.005), pneumonia (p = 0.047) or Parkinson’s disease (p = 0.03) were more present in residents with delirium. The residents...
Digital adaptability competency for healthcare professionals: a modified explorative e-Delphi study
Nurse Education in Practice
Papers by Bart Van Rompaey